GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
So much, yet so..not much..
That's how I feel about these past few weeks.. I do so much and am pretty busy.. But yet, if I were to try to explain what I've been doing, there's not much to say. Hence why I haven't bothered writing lately. That and every time I think about sitting down to write a bit, I get called away for baby duty or realize what time it is and that dinner hasn't been made, etc.. So anyway. Things are good here! I had a few more set backs with my healing and thinking I should heal faster than I was.. Seemed like every time I'd feel good and try to advance my activity..BOOM..reminded that I need to slow down. But. At around 5 wks post partum (is it weird that I want to call it 'post-op' vs 'post-partum'? I just feel like its not so much the 'having a baby' slowing me down right now, but more the 'having my belly cut open'. Either way, at about 5 weeks after the c-section) I started to turn a corner as far as how I was feeling. The week before I was starting to question whether I'd ever heal and get back to my activities, but then all the sudden, I was able to walk and get around much better and things were looking up. I know.. So dramatic.. Now. Here we are at almost 7 weeks and in 1 week I should get the 'all clear' from my doc! Miles has grown so much already. He's sailed through the newborn clothes and diapers..actually I'd call the size 1 diapers about done, too, and we're on to 3mo clothes. He's still a pretty sleepy little fella, but we've had our first glimmers of a smile and he's getting more alert time every day. Just for my own 'baby charting' purposes, I'll note that as of now, Miles goes to bed (for the last time of the day..if that makes sense) at about 8 after one last marathon feeding session.. He goes about 4 hrs before his next feeding, then is usually up again about 2-3 hrs later, then again in the early hours of the morning..back to bed and wakes up for the day around 8am. I'm sure this will continue to adjust as he gets more awake time in the day and we set more of a schedule..but that's where we are for now! Mason is doing great. He still seems to love his big brother status..if anything, I have to shoo the guy away some times to quit giving kisses and hugs and let me put Miles to sleep! He's been going through a bit of a 'scared' phase.. He seems to be scared of lots of things and has slept on the floor in our room a bit too much recently. Hopefully he'll pull through this soon. I can't seem to say the right thing to fix it, though, either. I try to teach him about what to do IF there was an emergency, which leads to multiple thing I know, he's crying about the 'bad guys' and I'm helping him set up his 'floor bed' in our room.. Eh. We'll figure it out..some day.. Speaking of being freaked out about 'bad guys', Matt has been super busy with his new role at work..all the extra responsibility, new employees, procedures to learn, and travel to the further away locations has meant some long hours and my anxiety of a break in has been elevated a bit. And no, I haven't mentioned this to Mason, but maybe he still picks up on it.. But anyway, I worry all the time about what I would do and how to keep the boys and I safe, so we got an alarm system put in this week! I'm very excited about it. Hopefully it'll give me some peace of mind..maybe Mason will feel safer, too. So.. I guess that's about all that is going on around here. I do have a 'plan' for the upcoming season and what I want to focus on as far as racing and exercise..but it's a pretty loose plan and could totally change based on how things continue to evolve wih our routine here.. But I want to focus on running and crossfit these next few months. The reason..other than the fact that I like those activities, but I feel like I can be pretty time-efficient with those things. A crossfit workout is an hour at the most and I plan to get there first thing (6am) and be quick about my business there to get home to let Matt head off to work and to get going on my day with the boys. Running can be just a quick jog on the treadmill downstairs, or just head out the door for a bit, and I'm all set. I'd like to plan on an early spring half and then at least one fall marathon, but I haven't committed to anything just yet.. But that's the plan! I still want to swim and bike for cross training and recovery..and maintenance.. But the focus will be on running and crossfitting. We'll see how that goes! I will admit that I have started to do small amounts of activity around here.. I even had my first sweaty workout clothes to wash yesterday! It was just a treadmill walk..with incline..and then a short, light crossfit type workout.. MAN do I feel weak! I get super sore from just about any activity, so I'm trying to take it slow..ease back in to it.. I should probably stretch more.. We'll work on that. Mostly I'm trying to get back in the habit of waking up to work out, but it feels good to move a bit more and start trying to build some strength back. I think that's all I have to say about that. We had our 6 yr anniversary on Sunday and our neighbors came to hang with the boys, so we got to enjoy a lovely dinner out. I had my 10 yr reunion at Ball State homecoming last weekend and had fun catching up with old friends for a bit. Matt's birthday is today, so I'm trying to make a nice dinner and Mason and I are going to decorate a cake (hopefully). So..good times at the Blunck house! Again..not much going on, but things are pretty great around here. And..with that.. My littlest guy needs me!
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