GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
We introduce..the baby Jesus runs!
Well. I'm sitting here all bored because my little fellas are BOTH oddly sleepy tonight.. I hope Mason's not sick.. I'm probably in more trouble with him than with Miles. Mason is probably going to wake up ready to roll at about..just after I close my eyes? Sounds about right. Anyway. So I guess I'll use this time to update myself on what's going on with training and life on this little electronic diary I have here goes!
We'll start with running. I feel like I'm making some strides there.. I had my longest post-baby run the weekend after a whopping 6 miles. Still holding the 9min mi pace as my 'all day'/go-to pace. Then last weekend was my 3mi test run day and.. I cut 2 minutes from my previous months time! I think it was 24:18? I should re-check my harming, but I remember thinking it was 2min down from last time, so that should be about right. Now my next goal is to make that pace not hurt so bad! I started off feeling good..holding under 8 min mi and feeling good.. But by about a mi and a half, I was desperately watching that Harmon just counting down the tents of a mile and doing my best to hold the pace. So next time, I hope to keep that pace, but have it feel a bit easier.. Sound good? Too much to ask? These days I'm still getting in super short runs before crossfit during the week, but with the warm weather this week, Mason and I have taken advantage of it and got a few evening runs in around the neighborhood to check out the Christmas lights! Hence the 'baby Jesus runs'.. Not sure how or why the name started.. I'm guessing I was trying to explain the nativity scenes, which led to us pointing out the baby Jesus.. Anyway. He loved it and I got some good running in, too.. So win/win! So far this week in running was about a mile warm up before crossfit on Monday, then a 4mi 'baby Jesus' run that night. Today (Wednesday) I got in a progression run of sorts on the treadmill..workin on the ol speed! Got just over 3mi there. And that's the story of my running! I'll pick the 'long run' back up with 6mi again this Sunday and keep slowly adding. I have noticed that overall, I'm feeling like running is getting easier, so that's a move in the right direction.
Swimming..not much to report there.. I still usually get 2 swims in a week (except for this week with the pool closed), but they tend to be short, easy, recovery type swims.. But that works for me. As long as I keep up my form and am ready to build on it when I decide to do another tri, I'm all set!
Biking..same thing..couple spins a week..either in the basement on my trainer or spin class at the Y.. Feeling good!
Crossfit is going well. The friendly gym competition deal was fun.. I did learn a few things.. One main thing, I guess, was that if I ever want to compete..I need to master the art of 'hurry up and wait'. It's hard to warm up, work out, get cold..wait.. I just couldn't capture that magic again..ya know? I did fine and had fun..but I was completely forgetting how to do things..double unders? Toes to bars? Completely lost my rhythm.. Oh, well. Plenty to work on! But already since that day, I've improved on some skills and feel my strength coming back bit by bit.. I'm getting there. Most of all, I'm really enjoying the workouts. I'm currently nursing a sore arse from Monday's workout.. It's good to be back!
The boys are doing great..for the most part. As I mentioned, they've both gone to bed uncharacteristically early tonight, so we'll see how that plays out. Miles is still eating..a lot.. He's currently off the charts on his weight, but what can ya do? Keep on keeping on. Not going to deny a crying, hungry baby his food. Thanksgiving was a fun weekend.. Started off with a great, hopefully new tradition of having friends and their families over for a run, then a kids run, and then waffles!! So..the 'waffle run', of coarse (we're big on naming runs around here)! It was a great time..aside from Mason's melt down when he didn't win the kids fun run.. Sheesh. Kid does not like to lose, no sir.. Working on that one.. Not sure if I'm making any progress, though.. Then it was dinner with Matt's cousins family.. Then my parents and little brother came in for the weekend! Mason was thrilled and now is a big fan of his "awesome uncle Jimmy". Dinner with the family was a success. Not sure what has gotten into me lately, but I've been cooking up a storm lately and have eaten more veggies and produce these past weeks than ever before. I even made my own dried fruit in the oven the other day..and it was such a success, I made more yesterday! I guess I'm embracing the whole 'stay at home mom' gig. I just realized today that my 'stay at home mom' status kinda snuck up on me! I love it..and am so lucky to get to be home..but I just didn't even realize it was happening?.. Is that weird? Anyway. So things are good. Christmas is almost here..and I've gotta find a new spot for this silly elf thing that we got duped in to getting! It doesn't work at all, by the way.. It's supposed to make kids behave, yes? Yeah.. But he does like finding him in the morning..and has quite the eagle eye out for the little guy!
And that's all I have to say about that!
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