GLI comp 1/'14

Saturday, November 2, 2013
2 month Check In, Y'all
Alright! No clue where to start, so I'm just going to dive right in. No time for smooth transitions here..
Let's start with the sad state of my current lack of tri training.. Not much to say about it. I guess the mild taste of moderate success at the last sprint tri was too much to take? My bike keeps looking longingly at me every time I pass it by on my way to hop in my car and head out to crossfit. My swim gear sits 'on deck' in my back seat.. you know.. just in case I should swing by a pool some time and want to swim.. Hasn't happened, but you always want to be prepared. Even my running has taken a nose dive these past couple of weeks. I was training my run pretty well there for a while as we worked up to our half marathon, which took place a couple weeks ago.. But now it's cold. And dark. And folks tend to frown upon pushing a baby in a jogging stroller when it's freezing out.. (I don't make the rules, friends, but I do occasionally try to abide by them) My plan is to start running a couple days a week by myself at night when Matt gets home.. So far? Let's just say I haven't been super successful in that plan. And by 'super successful' I mean 'giant failure'. Let me rewind a bit..
So things were plugging along.. Crossfit every morning, do about 2 or 3 short runs with Miles in the stroller during the week, Crossfit most saturday mornings, then long run on sunday to get ready for the half. The long runs were going great and holding 8-8:30's was feeling easier and easier.. Matt's running was going well, too, and he was claiming the same average paces for his runs, too.. So all was going as planned! Finally it was race day.. like I said.. couple weeks ago.. It went very well. Matt and I ran along, side by side, through the streets of Baltimore all morning (dreams do come true, folks.. yes, they do..). Matt seemed to be feeling just as good as I was feeling, so I just kept on pushing the pace Juuuuuust a bit. Up until we reached mile 10, which was the longest training run we had done, all was well. After mile 10? Well, we'll just say Matt wasn't quite feeling that 'adrenaline rush' that ol Hal Higdon promised him and he was a little peeved.. His/our goal was to come in under 2 hours, and that was clearly going to happen. I had, I guess, secretly planned to come in closer to an hour fifty.. or under.. And with the first 10mi going so well, I was trying to push Matt along those last 3 miles and get us to finish strong! Matt..was happy to just finish at that point, which is totally understandable, as this was his FIRST half marathon! So.. long story short.. We made it. 1:55-ish. I'm proud of Matt for making this goal for himself and making it happen. I'm even more excited that he really enjoyed it (maybe not those last 3 miles, but he's willing to move on from I think we should, too) and is planning more half marathons in the future.. which is really what it's all about. So. That was that! After the race we had brief thoughts of hopping right back on the half mary train and doing the Monumental half here in Indy. But right around the time that we needed to make that decision, I was picked up by the struggle bus over at crossfit.. Just felt super tired, low energy, and weak.. Not a good combo when you're trying to pick up heavy things. I figured my body was trying to tell me to chill out and pick something to focus on for a bit. We are also starting a heavier cycle at crossfit and building up toward the 'open', so it's kind of time to work on my goals there and run (or tri train?) when it works, but cut out the extra things if they are wearing me down. So here we are. Successful couple sprint tri's this summer. Success on the fall half mary with my husband. Now ready to focus on making improvements in Crossfit.
How's crossfit been going, you ask? How thoughtful of you! It's been great (aside from those few days.. it was 3.. 3 days. But who's counting..). Right before I picked up the sunday run mileage, I participated in a competition as a part of a 2 person team. I was paired up with a gal from another gym. My coach coaches her and thought we might make a good team.. so he set us up. I was nervous because she is quite a bit stronger than I am, but I guess that's what you want in a partner, yes? So that was the 'Fall Brawl' held at our gym back in.. August? No. September? Yes. That's right. So we had that competition and it was great. Lots of fun. Great workouts. We did well and wound up in second place.. First loser, you say? That's not very nice.. We gave it our best and I was happy with how it all went. Since then we kept on keepin on. Just finished up a 16wk cycle, so we had another 're-test' week. Started off with a 'plop', since that was one of those three days I mentioned before that we shall not mention again. Don't worry.. I figured out what was likely my problem (the extra long running, my lack of appetite and subsequent lack of eating, my missed nap times.. yes, nap time.. when I had some extra trainings and seminars to attend, the fact that everyone has bad days some times and I just need to get over it, already..), had a better rest of the week and then re-tried my monday's testing that sunday and improved. So no huge PR's this time.. Current maxes are: Clean and Jerk: 160#, Snatch: 130#, squat: 210#, Front squat: (a still wimpy) 175#. I reckon that's all I have to say about that. I did my 'Level 1 CrossFit Trainer' course, so am fit to train others. Hopefully I can pick up some hours at the gym, but we have to work it out with when I'm available. We're going to try a mid-day, bring Miles approach.. I'm not saying it's a fool-proof plan, but it's the best I have right now, so wish us luck!
Speaking of Miles (how's that for transitions).. He's a walking, dancing, goofball of a boy these days. He started walking about a week or 2 after he turned one. After 13mo of super-crap sleeping and a whole heap of shenanigans that we employed to put him to sleep.. we finally stepped up and 'super-nannied' him and he's doing SO GREAT now! What's 'super-nannied' mean? If you have kids, you've probably watched the show.. And if you watch the show and pay attention to how she advises sucker parents like us on how to teach their kids to self soothe and go to bed like they should.. you know what I'm talking about. We should have done it a long time ago and everyone is better for it.. So that's been a good thing. Mason is still learning so much in school. I'm always amazed at how well he can read, write.. all those things you know they are going to learn in kindergarten, but it is so cool to see it happen.. and so quickly! He's doing 'Ninja Gym' now, which is at a gymnastics place, but more geared toward boys and obstacle coarse type things.. He loves it. He also enjoys doing CrossFit Kids. I know what you're thinking.. She's making her son work out! Not true.. I promise I don't make him go.. He only goes when he wants. Anyway. I think we're all caught up?
Good Talk.
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