.. and they work! Today was a lovely Christmas day.. Started off nice & early with watching Mason marvel over how Santa seemed to know just what he would want.. despite his freezing up just a bit at his santa visit & only remembering to ask for the football helmet.. but not the 'bikin' helmet'.. He was very worried about that, but all was well! Santa was also pretty good to yours truly, here.. some new Chiefs gear (just as they are working hard to get themselves out of playoff position, of coarse.. always next year!) &, of coarse, some workout duds. I did get a new trainer from my parents, which is lovely.. little less noisy than my last model.. AND it came with a cycling DVD, which is a little goofy, but actually made for a pretty great workout! they have a video that puts you right in the midst of a real, live race (criterium? I think that's the official term..), which acually did a great job of making me work harder! worked up quite a nice, little sweat. Then, just for some extra christmas cheer.. I did the suggested 'home WOD' (workout of the day) from the good folks at crossfit.. four rounds of about 5min each, so not long, but it was a good one! Then, of coarse.. with the sun burning bright out there & new running shoes burning a hole in... my closet.. I just HAD to get out to run a few. I think I was only out there about 30min or so because we had company coming over later & a dinner to somehow whip together despite forgetting to get really any sort of sides or appetizer type things.. We made it work! So all in all.. a great day of celebrating the baby jesus! (nothing says 'happy birthday, Jesus' quite like burpees in the basement!) So I've been kicking around an idea for the ol' 'new years resolution'.. I never make these things.. mostly b/c there's never really anything that I'm like "I need to start doing this".. don't get me wrong.. there's plenty I COULD start doing.. cleaning more often.. cooking elaborate meals every night.. laundry before it gets so backed up we're left with nothing to wear.. Lots of things.. But I know better than to set myself up for that kind of let-down.. But I was thinking maybe making running every day my plan?? Part of me thinks this will lead to 'junk miles'.. but then another part of me knows I really need work on my run, so what better way to improve than to do at least a little work on it each and every day? I don't know.. we'll see.. That's probably asking a bit much, given all the other activities I like to do & won't be sacrificing.. I guess I have a week to ponder!
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