GLI comp 1/'14

Friday, July 27, 2012
When to say 'when'
Knowing when to call it 'enough' isn't exactly a strong point of mine, but if I really take some time to weigh the options and listen to my gut.. I can eventually figure it out. I always say that you know something is the right decision for you when you can feel good about it and don't feel like you have to justify or explain yourself.
This week has continued to be a bit of a slap in the old pregnant face as I officially have started to 'feel' more pregnant.. I even catch myself doing a bit of a waddle, if I'm not being careful! A waddle is fine and all, but I don't want to find myself in another back issue situation, so I quickly pull it together, straighten up the back and use whatever core I still have in there to try to walk a bit more normal. So here's a few new things that have popped up for me to enjoy this past week..
Low belly pain. I think I mentioned this before, but wow..those muscles are sick and tired of being sick and tired, I guess! I mentioned it to the doc today..he didn't seem concerned, as usual, and basically attributed it to the baby's head being 'wedged down in there pretty good' (lovely..). So as usual, the take home message there is to suck it up for the remainder of this beautiful thing called pregnancy..and if something is causing more pain..cut it out. So I've used my brace for running this week and I'm doing pretty well, for the most part.. No killer pain like the day I came home from we'll call it a win? For now, anyway..
The speed is completely gone from my biking.. Again, something I suppose I knew would happen, but I officially am off the group ride circuit and am only able to cruise through my hood, solo, in the early hours of the day.. Though I still get those ligament pains that have pretty much been around since fairly early this pregnancy, I still enjoy riding for now, so that's what I'll do! I rode two times for 30 min at a time this idea how far or fast..just out to enjoy my bike.
Speaking of my bike, it is now quite a challenge to get on the thing! I kind of have to stand back and get a big kick going to clear the frame and not catch my cleat on it.. Quite amusing, I'm sure, which is part of the reason that I will be riding alone and in the early morning hours.. Not to mention how awesome an 8mo pregnant gal looks in spandex! That's gotta be a real treat for anyone that catches me out there..
Very heat sensitive! Seems that even running in the early hours of the day this week, the heat and humidity has really been getting to me, slows me down even more, and has left me a bit woozy after running.. That isn't normal for me, so with a break in the heat and humidity this weekend, I'm going to give running another try before I bail..but if this keeps up, I guess it'll be time to trade my runs for the elliptical. I'd be bummed to not be able to just head out and enjoy the sunrise and lovely mornings, but I can't ignore the woozy, pass-outy feeling that has come after my 2 short, slow runs of this week. Strange how I had such a good week of running last week..but as I mentioned, things are constantly changing and I just have to try to keep up!
Swimming actually, finally feels really good?! After months of wondering what the heck is wrong with me and this baby and why swimming seemed to cause such pain.. I must have slowed down enough to finally get to enjoy the time in the I have that going for me! I've been in the pool 3x this week and plan to get back out there tomorrow.
Welcome insomnia! Been waiting for that side effect to kick in.. It's not every night, but it's definitely become more regular for me to wake up at 2 or 3 and need to watch some tv or browse a little interweb before I can fall back asleep.. Maybe that's part of why my body isn't liking my am runs? Hmm..
Temporary farewell to crossfit. Back to the whole 'knowing when to say when' idea.. I know I could continue crossfit for another month..but is it really what I need to be doing right now? Though I still feel pretty good in the workouts and I always enjoy them, It had started to fall into the 'needing to justify myself' category. When I'm having sore belly muscles, feeling woozy from exerting myself in the heat, and often having to rush to get to the workout before taking Mason to where he needs to be because I don't want to wait too long and have it be too warm.. It was starting to feel like something I was forcing vs something that fit and made sense in our day. So as much as it pains me and as much as I'll be counting the days til I can go back, I called it 'enough' with crossfitting for now..until after I'm healed from having my baby boy. But. I did have a good week of crossfit workouts this week and even felt pretty good! So I feel like I'm leaving on a good note.. My last workout was a 21-15-9 of pull-ups (I can still rock a body weight pull-up! Though much slower than my butterflies..but it's nice to still do my beloved pull-ups), step-ups (in place of box jumps..way too much belly pain with those!) and pistols (1 legged squats.. Woah..had to use a step to sit to and I almost couldn't get back up!). Then, to cap it off, I did double unders (jump rope) and side crunches.. Good way to part ways.. For now.. I plan to continue crossfit-style workouts at the Y or at home..or even at the playground..for as long as I can. I do want to keep up my strength and I just love the style of workouts that they provide, but I can go my own pace and choose things that work well for me. So that's that! I already can't wait to get back to it as soon as I can. Mason has already told me that he will "hold his baby brother gently so he won't walk away" while I work sounds like a plan!
I guess that's it for now. I won't mention my exact plan for my workout tomorrow because that would pretty much be setting myself up for things to go wrong.. But I'm feeling pretty good today. I have 6 weeks left of pregnancy and though I'm 'feeling it' more and more these days, I really do love it all and can't complain about a thing! Except maybe the being sick for 40 weeks..other than that, though, it's been a dream!
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