GLI comp 1/'14

Saturday, August 4, 2012
A 'dirt bike', trailer pulling backwards Brick..
Thats how my weekend started! I went out early to get as much of a run in as I could. Running has gone fine this week, but I've also cut back even more on the distances and frequency, so that's probably why I feel better. I'm using that brace, keeping it short and slow, and always always have cold water to try to keep from over heating..seems to be working, so I won't bag running altogether just yet.. I think this week I've done 2 20-ish min runs and then a little longer today, so not a whole lot. But anyway, so I took off with a plan to do a little running mixed with a little crossfit style action.. which has been another way I have mixed up my runs to make things more tolerable..maybe I'll explain what I mean by that.. I guess since my tolerance for distance is down, it helps to mix my runs with some strength work, either part way through the run, or spread throughout, vs just heading out for any sort of 'long' run.. So the plan for today was to run about a mile to loosen up, then start 5 rounds of 50 air squats followed by about 4-5 min of running until I got to the next decent spot for me to squat. It went pretty well, I think.. I felt good and then as I was heading home, I got the idea to kind of 'warm down' on my bike for a bit. But as I was getting suited up for the bike, my little guy 'caught me' and then wanted to join me.. I don't know if it's because I've been heading out slightly later in the mornings or what, but Mason has gotten up a couple times now this week and wanted to 'go where ever you go' I've had to figure out a way to include him. Earlier this week that meant I was out there pushing the running stroller while we went for an early run.. Today it meant I switched up my plan to ride my tri bike, and instead, hooked up the trailer to my mt 'dirt' bike and we went for a spin. It worked out fine and Mason loves that darn trailer (his 'special chair' as he calls it), so it was a win /win, I guess!
Other workouts his week.. Monday I did some elliptical and then a push-up and squat workout at the was 21/15/9 pushups with double the amount for the squats each round.. Tuesday was a jog to the park to do some tabata exercises (20 seconds of work with 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds). I did Burpees, step ups and squats, but for the squats, my 'rest' was holding the squat for those 10 seconds.. Wednesday..another workout at the Y..did sets of 20.. I think I did 'knees to whatever' (supposed to get your knees up to your elbows while you hang on a bar, but with this belly..they get to where ever they can get), step ups, overhead squats (with just 55# because I didn't want to scare anyone too bad) and pull-ups.. I feel like I'm forgetting something, but can't remember.. Anyway, I'm boring myself with this recap, so I'll stop it there.. My point was to help me remember what workouts I did to not repeat the same things over and over and also to share some ideas of workout options.. But. Turns out that's pretty dull. So other than lots of time in the gym..freaking old school thinking folks out with my crazy pull-upping, squatting ways, I've been trying to get out into the pool as much as possible before it closes, so that's been good. I was out there 4 days this week, just doing my thing!
It's been a challenging week with my young'un. He seems determined to wear me down and establish his power over me.. I may be pregnant and tired, but I will not give up. I realize that these struggles are fairly normal and I just need to suck it up, but man is it frustrating. But I know it's worth it in the long run for me to stick with my guns and not let him turn into a complete mess if he just got everything he wants.. So I'll keep fighting the good fight and hopefully we'll figure it out..some day.
I'm looking forward to volunteering and then cheering on my friends at 'tri Indy' tomorrow. I guess I better get some good sleep tonight because I have an early morning of body marking to look forward to! Should be fun. I really wanted to volunteer at more races this year, but the heat and my feeling sick all the time kind of put a damper on that. Hopefully tomorrow works out and I feel well enough to stick around for a bit. Speaking of feeling ill, after another rough weekend of spitting up and not being able to eat much or do much, I decided to actually try something to see if I could make it a little better.. So I'm off dairy/lactose for far with no success, but we'll see how it goes. I hooked myself up with some soy and coconut milks and yogurts..we'll give it the old college try! I don't feel like I eat many acidic foods, so I dont think that's the problem.. and I can't think of anything else to eliminate, but I don't want to go the next 5 weeks on pretzels and crackers alone, so I have to figure out what foods can work for me. Anyway. That's all I've got for now. Good talk!
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