GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wow, what a Wednesday!!
So a few weeks back while we were in the hospital with Mason when he got a scary case of croup, Matt's grandmother passed away... So tomorrow, we head to St. Louis for a couple days to spend time with family at her wake and funeral. SO, what this meant for my wednesday??...packing in about 2 days worth of training! We started the fun with a 5am track workout... Which I must mention was made MUCH more enjoyable by the company I had. I didn't think I'd get any takers on a tough, early speedwork run, but I thought I'd at least mention it to the Y tri team coach, Todd, and the team and see what would happen... Well, thanks to Todd and his crew and 1 of the team members, Sarah,...there were 8 of us out there before sun up going round and round (and round and round again..) the middle school track! I felt really good the whole way. It was a 12 x 800's workout, which I figured I'd execute on 5min intervals (run in 4min or under and rest 1 min between sets)... and I'm happy to report that I did each set at about 3:45's and finished my last set in about 3:30! So that was fun. Given that we're going to be gone a few days and I had the long trainings and some work to do, we decided to have Mason go to Miss Debbie's (day care providers house) for the day, which he was plenty happy about!... So I took him over there and then headed off to my next part of today's training... an hr long strength training class. I did fine and it was good. My legs were a bit sore, but all in all, so far so good... So head home for a bit of a rest and lunch, and then off for a 40+ mi bike ride! It was a gorgeous day... I was probably a little slower than my usual pace since I was a little sore and tired, but I made it! So I do plan to do a swim workout and maybe a little bike before we head out tomorrow, but after that, rest for about a day and a half! And as much as funerals aren't ever exactly 'fun', it'll be a nice chance to get together with family and celebrate the long, happy life that Dolores Blunck lived. She will be missed, as all of the family held her in high regard as the matriarch of the family... May she rest in peace as she joins her husband that passed many years before her.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I Was Running
So this week was quite 'run heavy', as I like to call it. It seems that with training 3 sports, you inevitably end up with some weeks where you ride and ride and ride...and other weeks where you get lots of time on the ol' dogs, hitting the pavement for mile after mile...and times when I feel like I spent all week in a pool or a lake?! So this week...was a running week...and my achilles/heel is feeling it! I don't think I've talked about this injury in this blog...mostly because I hadn't really had a problem with it for quite some time now, but I have some achilles tendonitis/plantar fascitis deal going on. I did PT for it a few weeks back and it's been pretty well contained with the use of a brace that I sleep with on my foot to keep it in the 'flexed' position, which helps with the pain and scar tissue and things a LOT. This had all started way back in October when I was training for a marathon... Really the only thing that's going to make it 'better', will be when I eventually let it rest... But now is not that time. Anyway, so I ice and advil it up and hope for the best! This week included an 8mi HOT and MUGGY run on wednesday morning (even at 5am I was SOAKED!), then a fairly long brick of 30 miles ride and 5 miles run on thursday, I did a longer brick on saturday with a 50 mile ride and 6 mile run (plus I was all done with that by 8:30am! I had a birthday date with my little boy... turned the big 2!)... And finally... a 12 mile hilly, HOT run sunday morning. Luckily I had some company for that long run because it. was. tough. But here we are! Another week closer to the big race day. We're really starting to wind down here. I'm feeling good (despite my sore'll be better in a few days, I'm sure... I'll just focus more on the swim and bike this week!). Feeling strong. Feeling PSYCHED about the big day. And, of coarse, reminding myself of the REAL reason that I signed up for this race this season...for our honored heros and all those effected by blood cancers. Our tri team had a bit of a 'roller coaster' deal over the past couple weeks. Our teammate, known as 'Grampie', who is the grandfather of our team's honored hero, Lauryn, and the father of our asst. coach, Dea, successfully finished his race at Elkhart, which was the Olympic distance...but noticed a headache throughout the race and wasn't feeling well... He learned he had a torn thoracic aorta and needed emergency surgery?! But he's doing quite well now, so we're all thankful for that. But his strength and determination continues to inspire us all. So.... here we go to another week!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
First loser?? I think not...
So as the saying goes (I think..), 2nd place is the 1st loser... But I happen to quite like the ol' 2nd place spot! Today I raced a sprint tri distance at Eagle Creek...which was a 500m swim, 10mi bike and 3mi run... I pushed my pace and did my best...and wound up bringing home 2nd in my age group...and a major award! (a lovely glass mug, from which I drank my post workout smoothie when I finally got home hrs later...more on that in a bit) It was a fun race, as usual. I saw a few of my TNT teammates (but it wasn't a team event, so my Steelhead buddies were off training elsewhere) and some other folks that I've met along the way through training and other things. This race was also special and fun because the group that I've been training with at the YMCA was there and most of them (actually...all but me) were racing for the 1st time! So it was fun to enjoy that experience with them and to see them all become official triathletes... I haven't looked at my times/splits yet, but I know I did the best I could... I felt kind of slow in the water.. Not really sure why. But I felt comfortable in my stroke and didn't have any freak-out moments, so I consider it a great success! Then off on the bike...AH, my bike! I made an amazing improvment to my 'machine' this week... I had my bike 'aero-barred' and fitted on thursday... WOW! What a difference! Everyone always talks about how great aero bars are and how it improves your speed, saves your legs, etc, etc... I'm a believer!! I can now coast at speeds that I used to have to push HARD to get I'm very excited about that. So I felt great on the bike, but may have been a little too focused on being down in my arrows, and not focused enough on hydrating... But all in all, a good ride. Then off to the run... There were times I felt great in the run, and times I didn't feel so great.. But I think I did OK. A nice sprint down that hill and in to the finish! But the fun had only just begun... I had talked to coach about what he thought I should do for training after the race, since the sprint distance is so short...and he recommended a 30mi bike and 5mi run (brick) some time either right after, or later in the day... So since I already had all of my things and Eagle Creek (where the race was) is a nice, easy place to get those miles in, I just planned on getting that brick in after the race cleared out. It went surprisingly well. I didn't exactly push my speed on the bike, for the most part, but my legs felt pretty good. Then the run went much better than I had expected! I felt pretty darn good, physically... it was really hot, since it was after 1pm at that point, but other than the heat, I was doing fine! So...that was my day. A race AND a brick! always something fun and new with this triathlon training. Can't wait to see what's next!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Hello! Thought I'd take a moment to do a little updating... I guess I'll pick up from where I left off before... Last weekend after all my hilly bike riding, I packed up the fam and headed for KC for a visit with my parents...and to get in yet another hilly 1/2 marathon! I ran Hospital Hill, which was starting and ending at Crown Center in the downtown area of KC...which was great because while I was on my trek up and down (mostly up...I'm pretty sure it was mostly up) the hills around town in the 90-ish degree heat (it really didn't feel that bad, I promise), Mason got to run (yes, run!) through the fountains! So cute.. I know this because Matt and my parents got video and pics! Where are they, you ask? well...we left our camera at my parents house in KC, so we'll have to wait until we get that back from them...but I DO promise to add the pics and any video that I can figure out how to upload as soon as I can. So anyway, I finished that run in 1:51, which was not a pr, but I was perfectly happy with it because it was a touch faster than my last 1/2 marathon that was similar hill-wise (IU Mini in Bloomington), but this one had the heat and humidity added to it, so it was a success in my eyes. Plus, I'm really focusing right now on learning to 'race smart'. This means being sure not to start too fast, so that I can have a faster 2nd 1/2 of the race, paying attention to how I need to eat and drink before, during and after for best race and recovery...all in efforts to prep for my 'main' race, Steelhead! So that was good. Then I had a week of regular ol' training...and my 1st olympic distance tri was today! (sunday) This was a tough one for several reasons... 1st, the obvious, it was farther than I had raced in a tri before. 2nd was the unforseen obstacles of sleep deprivation, courtesy of an overnight stay at the hospital on friday in the PICU with my poor baby, Mason, who came down with a severe case of croupe that left him gasping for that was definitely tough...our 1st hospital stay with our little guy, seeing Mason that scared and in pain, up all night listening to beeps and making sure his o2 levels are OK... So anyway, he made a speedy recovery and we got to head home mid-day on saturday, which meant no time for me to get any training in, but as long as Mason stayed healthy through the night, it was game on for me and my race! Then...there were tornado warnings and horrible storms late saturday night, but luckily by race time on sunday, it was beautiful skies (and heat!). BUT, with Mason still being a little under the weather and not wanting to put him at risk at all, I had to head to my race all by myself for the 1st time! I know a lot of people do this all the time, but I'm very used to having Matt, and now Mason, too!, at my races, so I missed them. But the show must go after a delayed start due to the race directors needing to go through the coarse to clear off debris left from the storm, I took off for what was supposed to be a 1500m swim...but given that I completed that swim in 15min and I am NOT anywhere NEAR that fast...I'm guessing we were a few meters short there... OH, WELL!! Now for the bike...WOAH!! So, no surprise here... Bloomington is hilly... I knew that. And given that I am all about the hills these days, I actually really enjoyed the tough coarse! But it was certainly tough...and a little longer than I think an Olympic calls for at 30 miles...and it took me about 1:35/1:40-ish to finish... Definitely slower than I had planned, both due to the extra few miles and the extra hills (again, somehow I'm just SURE there were more up's than down's). So now...the RUN!! This one. was. TOUGH! again...for a few reasons. As usual, they were sure to give us a wonderful steep uphill on the way out..then we had a trail run. Now, they told us it would be a 1.1mi trail run, but what they failed to tell us was that this trail was more an adventure type race trail than just running on grass...there were steep, narrow ups and downs, which were muddy and slick from the storms. At some points I was grabbing for trees on the way down to slow me down a little. I actually had to use a log for a bridge! Jumping over logs... it was interesting. But, again, as always...I see the up side of this and enjoyed the shade, the change of pace, and the opportunity to slow my pace and prevent another side-stitch. The rest of the loop (Olympic distance did 2 loops, which meant 2x through those woods!) was just hot and open w/ a few ups and downs...and then the fast downhill in to the big FINISH!! Done. I haven't checked out the 'official' time, but per my little pink, trusty time piece, I was about with my 15min swim, my 1:35-ish bike...what does that put me at, a 50min run? Anyway, like I said, I was trying to race my legs on all those up hills on the bike and on the 1st part of the run so that I could still have some left in the tank to let me pick up speed (and pick off folks!) toward the end...and I did all of that, so another success! I haven't seen the results, but it was a very small field, so I think I got 4th overall for the females and probably got 1st or 2nd in my age group (if they had enough for make an age group!).. But as I always say, I'm out there racing against myself and pushing myself to do the race that I need to do...the placing is just a formality. So that's, that! Another week of training ahead of me heading into what might be my last race before the big one! I'm doing a personal fave race...a sprint tri at Eagle Creek! I've done this race a few times before; it's a well done race, fast and a chance to push myself fast and furious! Hopefully we'll have a good day for it... I'll keep you all posted on how it goes!
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