I titled this one 'ramblings' as fair warning.. I usually have some sort of idea of what I'm about to write about when I start writing.. but this time.. not so much. So consider yourself warned.. SO. I guess I'd 1st like to mention that along w/ starting back up w/ Masters swimming, I've also gotten back on the soccer field the past few weeks! I really enjoy it.. I do know it's a risk, given my crappy knees, but it's just too fun to pass up! Feels good to be back out there. I would also like to mention that I am SUPER sore today (saturday am) from my 1st killer crossfit workout yesterday. I had a lovely friday.. started with my usual swim (where I was complimented on..wait for it.. breast stroke??!! Oh, boy.. the fun I'm gonna have this winter.. Between learning fly, continuing to improve free...and now working on breast stroke to maybe compete in a meet?? Good stuff.. So where was I..) friday started w/ my swim, then off to my fave zumba class (another compliment there, too...someone said I look like I'm a dancer?! nice.. I do have fun there, though) and then..to complete the friday trifecta, I head down to Jo Co Crossfit in Franklin, IN for my 1st official workout.. The workout du'jour (or WOD to those in the know..) was to pick 1 of 3 workouts & do as many rounds as you can (or AMRAP.. as many reps as possible) in the given time frame.. Well, me being me.. I decided I should 1st learn what all the moves were from the different workouts, so did some skill learning stuff.. Then.. couldn't decide between workouts, so chose to start with what was behind door #3, which was a circuit of 'thrusters' (squat down low, then 'thrust' the bar over head.. I think I had 95#'s?), then chin-ups.. Let me just pause a moment to say that in just this past week, Crossfit has helped show me that I can actually do things that I thought I could not do.. on tuesday I did handstand pushups for the 1st time in at least 10 yrs.. didn't think I could do those anymore.. turns out I could do 30! Then yesterday w/ the chin-ups.. I didn't think I could do those, either, & wound up completing 30.. So sometimes you just have to try things.. even when you think you 'can't'.. So anyway, the circuit was to start with 3 thrusters, 3 chin-ups.. next round would be 6/6, then 9/9, etc.. I made it through 4 rounds in the 7 minutes..which is how I got to 30 chin-ups. As exhausted as I was from all of that fun.. I still thought it would be a good idea to take on a 2nd workout. Never to discourage folks from working hard & pushing limits, the trainer/owner, Mike, agreed.. So my next workout was to do 30 double jump ropes (double unders, as they call it).. So.. when I 1st walked in, I saw a fella, a very strong looking gal, and a strong looking pregnant gal.. all whipping through these 'double unders' like it was no big deal, so of coarse I thought I would be able to do the same.. Uuuuummmm.. Not quite.. YIKES! turns out I can't jump rope?? Ugh.. so frustrating.. I struggled through my 30 'double unders' & went off to do 15 clean & jerks (think I just had 75# on this one).. I only made it through 1 full round of that, 30 more 'double unders' & maybe only a couple more clean & jerks in the 10 minute circuit. SHEESH!! I knew my 2nd workout wasn't going to be great.. but I thought I'd do a smidge better than THAT. Oh, well.. nowhere to go but up from that one! So now I sit here, super sore & contemplating what workouts to do today.. Looks like it'll either be a trail run or a bike ride (road) & then maybe a group crossfit workout w/ some tri pals, if things work out for me as far as time.. So should be a good one! I'm also planning on a 3hr trail run w/ a friend tomorrow down in Brown Co State Park.. so that should be good, too! Another great weekend ahead of me.. for now, though, I rest until the fun begins..hanging around the house w/ the fam, which ain't so bad, either!
GLI comp 1/'14

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
marathon weekend completed
So I did it.. sore legs and all.. after the trail 1/2 on saturday, I hit the 42k Back on My Feet Relay with my friends sunday morning.. and it felt pretty good! I actually enjoyed the concept of running a 1/2 marathon this way quite a bit.. I was on a 2 person team w/ my speedy friend, Ashley, so we each did a 1/2 marathon, but the coarse was set up as 2.2mi loops, which we alternate back & forth until we were all done.. So, basically, we would run for about 17min, rest that same amount..repeat! I started off pretty strong (for me.. all relative) and kept fairly consistent throughout, though definitely felt it in the ol legs & slowed down a bit on the last couple loops.. but all in all, it was a good day! I really like the interval training & I think the 6 x 2.2mi intervals was a perfect way to train for a half marathon (which I'm not really training for.. just saying it's a good way to train for one.. or maybe I will run the 1/2 here in a couple weeks.. we'll see.. anyway)..push the pace a bit, rest, repeat.. Good stuff! As an extra bonus.. our team won the female 2 person team division! of coarse.. I have no idea how many teams we were against..but lets not worry ourselves w/ silly details like that. Hooray for Team 'It's Scrumpdiddilyuptious'! (or something like that) Our team was there with another team of our friends..they dressed as Oompa Loompas (& won the contest prize!!) & Ashley & I were Violet & Veruca.. unfortunately, true to my usual assumption that everyone else would see what I see when I make a costume (I spend a lot of time on Halloween explaining what I am.. my time as 'Miss Cleo' comes to mind.. or when I dressed as 'the long lost member of Run DMC'..it all makes great sense in my head.. and I'm always super surprised that no one else gets it.. Oh, well! Happy Halloween!!), no one really knew I was dressed up.. I guess they just thought I was super cute in my red skirt & shirt w/ a black shirt strategically placed to look like a belt & my knee high white socks.. I'm Veruca Salt, obviously??!! Ahh.. oh, well.. So alas.. we did not win any costume awards.. but I guess we have the other major award to fall back on for the day. So. compression socks on for the rest of the day & Advil to help dull the pain (in my legs.. WHEW are they sore! knees hurt a touch, too.. only down-ish side of today's relay is it's all concrete.. which isn't the best surface for runnin).. Hope I wake up ready to get back at it tomorrow! Another good week in the books..
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I didn't fall down!!
I wanted to write a quick (well..quick-ish) race report, while the thoughts are still fresh in my mind (well..fresh-ish). I ran the Knobstone Mini Marathon this morning, which is a trail run down in Morgan-Monroe Forest Park, & it was great! I had a blast.. and I'm happy to report that I didn't fall down! Which is funny (to me) for a couple reasons.. 1st, I honestly have fallen at least once on every single trail outing thus far.. so this is a big one! I'm actually a little bummed b/c I usually feel that a good trail fall indicates a good run.. maybe I ran this one too cautiously?! Oh, well.. But I also find this funny b/c Mason has added "don't fall down" to his list of things he says to Matt on his way out the door for work.. "Bye, Bye...Have a good day.. Don't fall down"(??) Now, if you don't know what Matt does for work.. you might think.. "maybe he's in the circus & walks the tight rope".. in which case, "don't fall down" would just be good, sound advice.. But, no. He rents cars.. I'd have to think his fall risk is pretty minimal, which is why it cracks me up when Mason is so genuine when he asks him when he gets home "did you fall down today"?.. and when he says no, he says "great job!".. very interesting little fella.. Anyway, so I was excited to be able to come home to proudly tell my little guy that his mama did NOT fall down today! He was thrilled. So anyway.. I hit this race solo.. I figured there wouldn't be much for the fam to do while I traipsed through the woods.. Got there & it was a pretty chilly morning, but the low-key, small field of runners huddled around the camp-fire chatting about..well.. what most runners chat about.. shoes (are those vibrams??).. trail running (you're running the Tecumseh marathon, too?? 1st time?? Oh, good luck.. it's hard)..etc.. aren't we an exciting crew? it was a pleasant break from the bustle of big road races and tri's. But time came for the run to start & we were off. Things were going very well.. the trail had a pretty good balance of ups & downs.. some tough 'ups', which the trail regulars informed me I was to walk up.. Now, let me pause for a moment to discuss this.. I've heard it over & over again.. "the 1st rule of trail running is to walk up the hills".. yeah, yeah, yeah.. I know.. I suppose I can see walking up 'some' of the hills.. or the really tough ones.. or the ones you just need to walk on b/c you're too tired to run, but why must we walk when we still feel fine?? I know.. to 'save your legs'..for what?? the rest of the race? I don't know.. again, I understand the rationale & can see doing that for ultra runs, or even the marathon I'm going to be doing in a few weeks..and this 1/2 was, I think, the farthest I had run on a trail thus far, so I suppose some good old fashioned hill walking could have been in order.. But that's still a tough concept for this trail newby.. to walk when you're feeling fine.. BUT. I must add that I did wear myself out at one point, which the fella that had encouraged me to walk up an early hill chalked up to my being tired from running up hills.. But I'm not so sure.. Maybe it was partly from that, but I think the bigger issue was the fact that I hit a major 'struggle bus' portion when I wasn't able to take my Gu when I needed it.. You see.. I swear I read somewhere that there was going to be water every 2mi on this coarse.. but clearly I had that mixed up w/ some other race, b/c they were not that close here.. My plan was to take my 1st Gu about 40/45min in to the run & then continue about every 40-ish min throughout.. but that was when I thought the water stations were going to be pretty regular, so I opted not to carry my own water (doh!). So anyway.. the 1st water station felt a little early for a Gu..probably closer to 30 min in or so? I know.. even if it HAD been every 2mi, I still would have fallen behind.. ah..hindsight.. Anyway, so I just took water & figured I'd get the Gu at the next stop.. Well.. like clock work.. an hr in to the run w/ no water station in sight, I was running on empty.. It's quite a feeling to be able to literally feel the energy drain out of you.. I couldn't take the Gu w/o water b/c that's just asking for stomach issues.. so I plodded along for about 15min or so to the next water. After I was energized, things were fine & I was really able to pick it up for the last 4 miles, which felt good. SO. I was hoping to come in closer to 2 hrs, but had to settle for a 2:21(ish) finish.. I think if I had gotten my nutrition when I needed it & not had to struggle for those 15 min.. I could have been a touch faster.. but for my 1st trail mini.. I'll take it! I should also add that even before I started the run, my legs were very sore.. probably from doing squats & box jumps at crossfit the day before.. Ooops! So my legs are thoroughly feeling it right now.. and I have another 1/2 to run tomorrow! Ah... It'll be fun, though.. it's the relay race w/ some friends, so I'm looking forward to it! I'll keep ya posted on how that one goes.. but for now.. I'll sit here in my campfire scented shirt & think fondly of my trot through the woods.. I'm really liking these trail runs!
Friday, October 21, 2011
I've gone & done it now..
So things are pretty much the same.. still lots of classes & a good mix of fun, while still keeping up with swim/bike/run, of coarse.. though w/ all the cold & rain this week, the bike has taken a bit of a back seat.. Oh, well! I'll make up for it next wk, I hope! Last week/weekend, we took a trip to Baltimore for a visit with Matt's family & also to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.. AND Matt's 35th birthday.. so it was a great visit! I got in all my classes & swimming, etc done early in the week & just planned to run a bit while I was in town.. I got a slightly rainy run in on friday morning.. which was a little bit of a benchmark, of sorts, b/c the last time I had done this particular run, I had considered it my 'long' run.. this time it was just an "I'll be right back" run, so I guess it shows how far I've come as far as running & my perception of what a 'long' workout is.. kinda cool, I guess. I also got to hit the trails a bit with some friends.. my friend, Kim, who is a fellow triathlete, & her husband, Ben, who is a marathon runner extraordinair.. I think he might be crazier than I am.. at least with the running.. he actually thought about doing 3 full marathons this month, but then reconsidered & just ran the half in Baltimore, but will still do the other 2 full marathons. I really wish I was this kind of runner.. not sure if I'll ever get there, though, with all the other sports/cross trainings that I do.. But I do envy those that can whip out marathons like it ain't no thing.. I guess I'm kind of like that w/ half-IM's, though.. so it all depends on what you focus on, I suppose.. but anyway. So I met up w/ them for a trail run & it was great! Nice, easy recovery run for Ben & a good chance for us to catch up. As a bonus, they came back to my in-laws house after the run to meet Mason.. we walked in on him perfoming 'Colder Weather' (Zac Brown) on the microphone!! Nice.. guess that's my boy! Very cute & very funny.. So anyway, that was that week! This week.. very rainy & cold.. only did 1 run so far this week (a treadmill interval run of sorts.. about 5mi).. BUT I have quite the run-filled-fun planned for myself this weekend! I was supposed to give a Nutrition talk for the TNT run team, which I LOVE doing.. but of all things.. I lost my voice this week?!! I feel fine.. it's just a cold.. but I can't give a presentation like this.. I did take a whole day off of working out yesterday to try to heal up a bit, but I'm back at it today & feeling good (just still no voice.. UGH!).. BUT.. w/ my sat am now opened up, I get to do a half marathon trail run instead! I'm actually excited about it.. I've signed myself up for a few trail runs and am excited to spend the next couple months hitting the trails a bit, which I find to be a 'fun' way to run.. & since I'm still kind of in 'Ironman' mode, as far as I'm so used to going for hrs and hrs.. I signed up for my 1st trail marathon!!?? Yikes! The way I see it.. I have the endurance to go 26+ miles.. but I just didn't feel like I had it in me to hit speedwork really hard & work on going for time in a road marathon. So the trail marathon, where I'll be focused on not falling & not so much on my pace or splits.. it seems like a good fit! I guess we'll find out.. So then after the trail half on saturday, I'm doing a 2 person marathon relay on sunday morning...dressed as Veruca Salt with my Violet teammate, Ashley! Should be fun.. We have some other friends meeting us there & they'll be dressed as Oompa Loompas..definitely should be another fun way to get the miles in! It's done as alternating 2.2mi loops.. so we'll do a full marathon, each doing 1/2 the distance.. anyway, so should be a good weekend! I also wanted to add that I'm back at the Masters Swimming, which is, hands down, the best way to work on your swim.. or is it??.. I got the greatest compliment EVER today & it totally made my day.. Now, I have friends that tell me I have a great freestyle stroke, which is super nice.. but I always think "they're my friends.. they're just being nice.. " But today, the coach on deck said that a swimmer (who is a life-long regular Masters attending swimmer) from the next lane over recognized me & said my free looked much improved from the last time he saw me, which was in the spring before I swam outside at the Y all summer.. "WHA??!!".. huge compliment for me.. as an 'adult learning triathlete swimmer'.. to get a compliment from a 'real' swimmer that doesn't even know me? I feel pretty good about that.. So sounds like all my hours in the pool this summer have paid off. I guess I do take pride when people compliment my swim b/c I do work really hard at it.. It's not something that comes easy for me.. Like when people say "you're a good cyclist".. it's nice, but if I'm honest, I don't work super hard at it.. I just get on my bike and go.. I think my strength helps me w/ that, but it's not like I work on the technique for it.. But with swimming, I've worked my tail off.. taking tips from the Masters coaches and other swimmers I come across & just spending more time in the water. So anyway, that was certainly a high point of the day (and not even 7am!). Then I got to let loose & have fun at zumba.. and THEN.. I had my 1st day of Crossfit!! Very excited about that one.. They ran me through the technique of the moves & then showed me how their workouts go.. gave me the moves to go through in the circuit.. I guess the point is to go as fast as you can.. I think my 'circuit' took me about 6:30 minutes?? he said he'd make it harder next time.. bring it on!! I can definitely see that this kind of workout is right up my alley.. can't wait for the next one! So.. now to rest a bit (& hope my voice comes back some time soon) & get ready for some running this weekend!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Ah, Nature.. (said in the tone of Will Farrell doing his Goulet impression, of coarse..) So this was a good week.. another good week, I should say. Started with my usual mix of gym fun.. Monday was an early swim w/ my now usual off season mix-bag of stroke/pull/kick/free.. good times! Then I went to a slightly lack-luster 'interval training' class.. Since I'm doing classes right now, I thought I'd try a bunch of different classes/teachers/times to see what fits best.. Well, the earlier strength class wasn't a great fit for me. the workout wasn't too bad.. I just didn't feel super excited about it.. So it's back to 'strength & endurance' on mondays & wednesdays.. at least until Mason is done w/ his gymnastics classes & then maybe I can switch back & forth w/ the am & pm classes.. both same basic class, but w/ different teachers & different approaches.. Anyway, where was I.. So that was monday. Tuesday was a good one.. I ran my mile repeats.. got 3x1 mi in this time at about 7:47 pace w/ about a mi warm-up & warm-down..felt good! Then I hit the gym for my TRX class.. (good core/strength class), & then I went out to the Natatorium downtown to meet w/ my friend, Mark, who is a life-long swimmer & offered to help me get the basics down on that butterfly that I'm determined to learn! So we worked on that a bit.. shorter workout, but it still left me pretty winded w/ the fly work & apoxic free 25's (really hard for me! I had to breathe 2x/lap when Mark was going no breath).. Fun! Then off to teach gymnastics later that evening & I stuck around for some zumba..just for kicks! Pretty tired after that day.. perhaps a bit more than I needed, but it was fun.. & spread out.. & I ate & had rest.. so it's all good. Wed was strength & endurance (the good one.. left my legs pretty shaky!) in the am, then a bike ride w/ Lara that afternoon.. did about 30mi, I think.. good ride! Thurs was a 'hill run'... on my treadmill.. I know.. kinda lame, but I didn't feel like heading out to run a hill in the dark by myself.. So I did that early in the am, then did turbo kick later that morning.. I think that was it for thurs! Other than teaching gymnastics, but that isn't a 'workout'. Friday was another good one.. I did a spin class in the morning. 1st spin in a long time! Man.. as much as I ride, it's still a good workout! Dripping sweat, for sure. Then I hit the pool.. more 'mix bag', but probably mostly free/pull, since I had to share a lane & fly isn't really conducive for friendly sharing. THEN.. because I love it so much, I hit zumba class, too, that morning! It was lots of fun.. after that it was time for a rest. Again, probably a bit more than I needed for the day, but I made sure to hydrate & fuel between things. I'm thinking I'll slow down with everything at some point this fall/winter, but right now, I'm just figuring out how things will fit in to my schedule & what will 'make the cut' for regular workouts & what I can skip.. anyway, then the REAL fun begins with the weekend! I actually had a relatively light weekend, as far as quantity goes, but it was definitely quality, as I sure am SORE from it!! I ran a trail 15k (closer to 10mi, but who's counting!) on sat am & had a BLAST! It was so fun! It had been too long since I'd run trails & I'm definitely looking forward to more trail running (& biking..more on that in a moment) this fall and winter. It was run as 3 loops & each one had a pretty flat side & then a tougher side with more hills/climbs.. it was hard, but so fun! 10mi really did fly by (not that I was going that fast.. you just don't notice the distance so much when you're busy watching where your next step will be.. & yes.. I fell.. I always fall at least once on a trail run! It wasn't bad, though..popped right back up & was laughing & back on my way in no time). I ran w/ my buddy, Jeff, & we finished right around 1:27.. not bad..for us.. but not fast. My triathlon pals, Joe, Shawn & Dru were also there for the fun! So that was it for saturday. Down side of the super, great fun I had at the run was that I had to miss Mason's soccer game. Boo. Every other game this session had been at 11am, so when I signed up to run, I assumed it would be the same.. I'd do the run, scoot out & make it to his game.. But this wk his game was at 9:30, so I was out of luck.. Sounds like I missed a good one, though (sarcasm, in case you can't 'hear' it through the screen).. Matt said that 1 kid on the other team had the ball pretty much the whole game.. said he scored probably 20 goals.. I mean, good for him (?) I guess.. but couldn't someone had encouraged passing?? sharing?? sportsmanship?? Those are all good lessons to teach, too.. just a thought.. But as usual, the kids have no idea that they're being unceremoniously beaten like that & just keep on a-running around.. So it's all good, I guess. THEN, sat evening was date night for Matt & I!!..and guess what he/we decided to do for our date?? well, shop for a new mt bike for me, of coarse! Isn't my hubby just the best (the answer you're looking for is yes... yes he is). I had been talking about wanting a mt bike so I could try trail riding for...a bit now, & we decided that could be my anniversary/birthday/christmas gift this year.. Patience not being a stong suit of mine PLUS I didn't want to miss out on fall trail riding.. So we went..and shopped.. and bought me a new bike! So cool.. To balance our date night out, Matt got to pick where we went to eat & he overloaded us into a beefy coma at Famous Dave's.. so we both win! So then sunday I couldn't wait to try it out..lucky for me, my friends Joe & Sam were planning to ride a trail out at Ft Ben.. so I got to ride! Wow... I'm in love.. it's so fun! yes, I fell.. yes, I was terrified for at least most of the 1st loop & probably a good portion of the 2nd loop.. yes, I 'hugged' the same tree on both times around the trail.. But WOW! It's so fun! You have to think the whole time, so talk about getting a chance to get away from all other thoughts & just 'be' in the moment! & with beautiful fall all around us? fantastic. Again.. I'm so excited to do more trail stuff this fall & winter. I still love my road stuff, but it sure is a nice change of pace to try something new.. So I think that covers this week of fun! I had an extra bonus on friday evening when we had some friends over for some dinner, treats & chatting. I believe the purpose was to discuss the costume situation for the relay we're doing in a couple weeks, but mostly we were just hanging out & eating... so that was fun. So, again.. I'd say it was a good week!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Return of the 5am workouts!
I made it 3 whole weeks with no super early workouts.. sleeping in aaalll the way to 6:30-ish most mornings, which is quite the break from my usual 4:20-ish wake-up.. It was a nice change of pace, but let's face it.. I'm a morning workout gal.. As much as I tried, evening workouts just don't really suit me. SO. Back to the early am's I go.. Last week's wrap up.. Let's see... For running, I did about 5mi on monday night (not my best run, as it was an evening run..) with some 1 mi repeats, keeping them just under 8 min miles, which I was doing in effort to get ready for the 5mi 'race' (it really was a fun run, so no need to 'train' for it.. I mostly just wanted to know what I was even capable of so I'd know what to shoot for/expect) I did on saturday.. evening! You see.. everyone was trying to make me an afternoon run/workout gal.. It's just not my fave. Back to my week of trying to get back in the swing of running.. So thurs was my next run & I did a track workout on the treadmill, so got about another 5mi in doing 400's & 200's.. again at an 8min/mi pace..steady.. not super fast.. Then sat was the fun run & I did just as I'd trained for.. 8min/mi avg on the dot! So I was pretty pleased w/ that.. AND it was a 'fun run', indeed. It was at a local winery, so got to enjoy some wine, live music & just hanging out on a nice fall afternoon.. Good stuff! But I wanted to run again on sunday.. after much 'back & forth' w/ my workout plan for the day, I wound up meeting a friend for an 8mi run around a park, which was pretty good.. but signified the end of my time as an afternoon run gal.. the tummy just doesn't do super well w/ it & I don't like how it cuts in to the whole day like that.. We still had an OK run & it was a nice time.. fantastic day for it.. And we still had some nice, quality sunday family fun.. a brunch with friends (probably didn't help my tummy during that pm run), hit the apple orchard after the run, then went to dinner.. So all in all, a good week in running (about 23 mi this week, I guess? Not bad for not really training for anything right now..) and family fun. As for the other stuff for the week.. I did 2 strength/endurance classes (mon & wed), which are great classess.. good mix of plyo's & strength.. I did 2 zumba classes (tues & fri), which I LOVE.. so much fun.. I did a turbo kick class on thurs, the TRX class on tues.. I guess that's about it! Oh.. and I rode my bike trainer on wed & fri.. OH.. and I swam on tues & thurs.. and sat (just a little).. & then even did an aquarobics class on sat!! SO..if that's not 'well rounded' enough for ya.. I'm not sure what is.. I guess I didn't get any yoga in, which I would have liked to do.. But it was a good week! So with my return to the 5am world, I started by playing around w/ IM in the pool.. I'm working on my fly, which is a goal I have for this fall/winter.. to learn that darn stroke & actually feel like I'm moving while doing it! I've at least gotten over my fear of just doing it ('fear' might be the wrong word.. more like.. I didn't want to look like a fool), so now I'll just keep workin at it 'til it feels right! Or 'til I run out of time & need to get back to more normal/freestyle workouts.. But for now, I continue my play time. I hope to be able to get outside on the bike this week.. last week was a mix of cold, rain, wind & just 'life' happening & getting in the way of a ride (! just kidding.. life doesn't 'get in the way'...it's LIFE!..but you know what I mean..), so we'll see how this week goes. I have a 15k trail race on sat am.. that should be interesting! I haven't been on trails since last late winter/early spring, so this should be good! But..you know.. how hard can it be.. It's just running w/ a little more interesting obstacles to it, right? Will keep ya posted on that one!
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