GLI comp 1/'14

GLI comp 1/'14

Saturday, October 29, 2011


I titled this one 'ramblings' as fair warning.. I usually have some sort of idea of what I'm about to write about when I start writing.. but this time.. not so much. So consider yourself warned.. SO. I guess I'd 1st like to mention that along w/ starting back up w/ Masters swimming, I've also gotten back on the soccer field the past few weeks! I really enjoy it.. I do know it's a risk, given my crappy knees, but it's just too fun to pass up! Feels good to be back out there. I would also like to mention that I am SUPER sore today (saturday am) from my 1st killer crossfit workout yesterday. I had a lovely friday.. started with my usual swim (where I was complimented on..wait for it.. breast stroke??!! Oh, boy.. the fun I'm gonna have this winter.. Between learning fly, continuing to improve free...and now working on breast stroke to maybe compete in a meet?? Good stuff.. So where was I..) friday started w/ my swim, then off to my fave zumba class (another compliment there, too...someone said I look like I'm a dancer?! nice.. I do have fun there, though) and complete the friday trifecta, I head down to Jo Co Crossfit in Franklin, IN for my 1st official workout.. The workout du'jour (or WOD to those in the know..) was to pick 1 of 3 workouts & do as many rounds as you can (or AMRAP.. as many reps as possible) in the given time frame.. Well, me being me.. I decided I should 1st learn what all the moves were from the different workouts, so did some skill learning stuff.. Then.. couldn't decide between workouts, so chose to start with what was behind door #3, which was a circuit of 'thrusters' (squat down low, then 'thrust' the bar over head.. I think I had 95#'s?), then chin-ups.. Let me just pause a moment to say that in just this past week, Crossfit has helped show me that I can actually do things that I thought I could not do.. on tuesday I did handstand pushups for the 1st time in at least 10 yrs.. didn't think I could do those anymore.. turns out I could do 30! Then yesterday w/ the chin-ups.. I didn't think I could do those, either, & wound up completing 30.. So sometimes you just have to try things.. even when you think you 'can't'.. So anyway, the circuit was to start with 3 thrusters, 3 chin-ups.. next round would be 6/6, then 9/9, etc.. I made it through 4 rounds in the 7 minutes..which is how I got to 30 chin-ups. As exhausted as I was from all of that fun.. I still thought it would be a good idea to take on a 2nd workout. Never to discourage folks from working hard & pushing limits, the trainer/owner, Mike, agreed.. So my next workout was to do 30 double jump ropes (double unders, as they call it).. So.. when I 1st walked in, I saw a fella, a very strong looking gal, and a strong looking pregnant gal.. all whipping through these 'double unders' like it was no big deal, so of coarse I thought I would be able to do the same.. Uuuuummmm.. Not quite.. YIKES! turns out I can't jump rope?? Ugh.. so frustrating.. I struggled through my 30 'double unders' & went off to do 15 clean & jerks (think I just had 75# on this one).. I only made it through 1 full round of that, 30 more 'double unders' & maybe only a couple more clean & jerks in the 10 minute circuit. SHEESH!! I knew my 2nd workout wasn't going to be great.. but I thought I'd do a smidge better than THAT. Oh, well.. nowhere to go but up from that one! So now I sit here, super sore & contemplating what workouts to do today.. Looks like it'll either be a trail run or a bike ride (road) & then maybe a group crossfit workout w/ some tri pals, if things work out for me as far as time.. So should be a good one! I'm also planning on a 3hr trail run w/ a friend tomorrow down in Brown Co State Park.. so that should be good, too! Another great weekend ahead of me.. for now, though, I rest until the fun begins..hanging around the house w/ the fam, which ain't so bad, either!

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