So as 2011 ends & we look in to 2012 (which is not exactly off to a bang.. more on that in a bit), I'm going to copy a topic from a facebook page.. why not! Way to try something new in the new year, me! So the topic was.. what were your highlights and lowlights of the year (original.. right? why couldn't I think of that?) So a year goes by pretty quick & I think we're often quick to say that 'not much has changed'.. Any time I talk with friends that I haven't seen in a while, I always say "there's not much new with me".. but yet, if I really think about it, if I haven't seen that person regularly, there's definitely 'new' things, right? I'd hope so. So I'll try here to dig a little deeper, be a little more accurate, and truly take a moment to appreciate all that has been.. the year 2011 (as I've lived it anyway).
A major highlight of the year is that my son has grown SO much in just a year. Mason's now a VERY big (according to him.. & I guess most folks that see him.. I guess he's tall? w/ nothing to compare him to, I just have to take their word for it), very opinionated, sometimes 'sassy', but always sweet & fun at the core of it all. It's hard to be specific about what, exactly has changed, but he can now occupy himself quite nicely with puzzles, stickers, his little computer game, pretending to play a guitar or a piano (to Zac Brown songs most of the time.. kid's got good taste! His faves are Zac Brown, Ben Folds (yikes that guy can swear!.. never noticed before! lots of diversion, inserting appropriate words loudly over the song, turning down the song.. I guess I could just put wiggles on or something, but that's no fun..), Barenaked Ladies.. Lots of good stuff), lots of time playing with cars. He's very in to helping.. even when it's not so 'helpful'.. but don't tell him that! He has real friends that he cares about & looks forward to seeing.. not just someone to play along side of that mom linked him up with through a mommy group or something.. but honest to goodness 'can AJ come over to play' kind of friends.. very fun to watch.
I'd be remiss to mention a minor 'lowlight' being that I was cut back to 'as needed' (PRN) at the Charis Center, so I haven't been working much in my field of choice.. dietetics.. I'm planning (resolution spoiler??) to get things going again with figuring out where I am with sports nutrition and get in to some individual counseling, which I already do some of, for free for friends.. but it's time to make it official!
But on the plus side of that, the cut back in time spent working has allowed me much more freedom to focus on athletics.. not that I needed much help with that, but the reduction of hrs at the clinic coincided nicely with my decision to take of my 1st full ironman.. so I guess it all worked out!
The ironman was, of coarse, a huge highlight of the year for me, but more than just the physical achievement, what I really think about when I look back on the year is how much love and support I received from my family and friends. Having Matt support me through all the long hours of training, racing, traveling to events.. I can't even begin to explain how big a role he played in getting me to the start line of the race. People ask ALL the time how I find time to train and compete while having a 3 yr old.. there's lots of little things that play in to it, but it really boils down to having an amazing, supportive husband to make it all work. Mason is also a huge support to me.. his little face.. his demand (yes, demand..) for 'a kiss & a hug' when he sees me at races.. I thrive on all that. When things get tough, I can think of him & know he's waiting for me and then all I can think about is figuring out a way to get to him faster. I also had a lot of great friends, training partners, & coaches that kept the long season rolling and I can't thank them enough for being there. I'm sure there will be times that I do long trainings on my own, but boy was it nice to have folks to hang with on those long rides! I also appreciate the support of my parents, siblings, in-laws.. though they often think I'm nuts for the racing and training I do, they always think to ask how things are going and to lend their well-wishes. Having my dad at the ironman was a great feeling, too. I don't think my dad had been at a sporting event of mine since probably freshman.. maybe sophmore yr of college gymnastics, so even though he had NO idea what he was in for with this race (he asked what all the '140.6' stickers were on cars.. I said 'that's the distance of the race we're doing tomorrow'.. he says..'in miles??!!'.. yeah, dad.. gonna be a long one!), he was there for support.. AND to entertain the young'un, which is just as important. My mom really wanted to be there, but she actually had to come babysit the week after for us while we took our 'recovery trip' to Playa Del Carmen (I should do more of those races if they all end like that!), so her duties were needed elsewhere.. But she was there in spirit and, again, we can't thank her enough for hanging with little man while we took off on vaycay.
Which brings me to a couple trips of 2011 that were highlights.. Playa Del Carmen was wonderful. We've been 3x now, but I think this time was the best.. I was fully recovered by the wednesday after the race & I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the pampering we undertook that week. We also got to travel, thanks to Matt's work, to a Club Med in Florida. Those places are really more my style.. lots of activities to do.. usually I have to figure out where to run or cram in to some tiny, out-dated 'gym' when we travel, but these places have all kinds of workouts to do.. they're even encouraged! Too bad, though, that I was still recovering from my knee scope when we went..
Which would bring me to another 'lowlight'.. tearing my meniscus and having to undergo my 4th knee 'surgery' (this one was only a scope.. I don't consider that a real surgery, though it did knock me on my butt a little more than I thought it would!) was not a great thing.. The fact that it happened right before I was about to get to do a marathon.. I was really well trained for this puppy & I was ready to BRING it!.. The rest of the season was fine.. I got to do my race & all was well, but MAN did my running take a hit this year. Hence why I'm trying to run lots and lots to get myself back on track.. I'm sure I'll figure it out!
I guess that reminds me of another highlight.. a new found love for trail running! I think this has always been something I wanted to get in to, but never really got after it. But this fall.. I knew I wanted to keep running, but also knew I needed some time off of splits and tempos and pace madness.. so trail running just seemed to fit the bill! With the help of some new trail running friends, I've really gotten after it and think I'm probably just months away from my 1st 'ultra' race.
Another highlight that came from a lowlight.. again with being cut back from my work as a dietitian, I was able to take on more hours as a coach and have found I really enjoy it! Right now I'm coaching/teaching gymnastics 2x/wk, plus picking up extra private sessions. I'm also looking ahead to coaching the tri team for Team in Training/Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.. I'm really looking forward to that and, again, hope to have discovered a new passion.
I'm also very excited and grateful that I started up with CrossFit this year! I've been going just 2 months now, but I really enjoy it and hope to continue for as long as I can fit it in to whatever else I have going on.
I'm sure there's lots more that I'm not thinking of right now.. I feel like it's been a good year! Some struggles, for sure, but mostly all good things are what comes to mind. I have an amazing family and really great friends and hobbies that I love to do. Career-wise, I could use a bit of a swift kick in the arse to get things moving.. I have all kinds of ideas.. I just need to pick a path and run with it. As for how 2012 has decided to come in?? What the.. Um, 2012, just a thought, but most folks like to make a good 1st impression? start w/ your best foot forward and what-not? Are you sure you don't want to re-think your entrance?... because last time I checked, whipping winds, rapidly dropping temps, menacing clouds, a light pelting of rain right as I was heading out for my 'welcome 2012' run.. not really the way I'd go.. but maybe that's just me.. So my 1st day of the new year, though I had lots of good times with family & friends, was pretty much a wash as far as my workout.. After my failed attempt at an outdoor, sunrise run.. which I suppose I could have stuck it out, but running through 25+mph winds, cold and rain isn't really a good time.. especially when all you really wanted was a nice, leisurely romp through the 'hood. So the decision was made to do a spin and a run on the 'mill after a lovely breakfast w/ my guys.. The spin went pretty well, but my back stuff was acting up by the end of my ride, so my 'rolling hill' run was cut short due to pain while breathing.. really not an ideal way to run! So.. not exactly an awesome start with working out.. But it's no big deal.. I'll get back after it tomorrow. As long as my back behaves.. I should be all good! So a happy new year, 1 and all. Next on deck is the night trail marathon.. so I have to real quick become a night runner! problem, right??
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