GLI comp 1/'14

Saturday, February 18, 2012
A few PR's despite PG
I have no idea if 'pg' is an official abbreviation for pregnancy, but I've seen it before.. never really liked it, but thought it worked for this title.. Anyway.. So over the past week, in a sea of cautious efforts, I have been able to put a few good trainings in for good results. I will say, though, that I find these significant not because I pushed myself and was stupid about minding my limits, but instead, I was able to achieve the progress while minding my current limitations.. making sure I don't get too out of breath, etc. So the fact that I was still able to perform well while being cautious I think shows real progress in some areas. These came with last weekend's 'mile marker set' with the TEAM. It was freezing out.. as in 1 degree (pretty sure that's weatherman sarcasm).. so we didn't have a great showing. But dedicated coach that I am, I was out there running with the few, the proud that also made it out. The plan was to warm up a bit, run a mile (out and back on the monon, which is super flat and has great distance markers every 1/2 mile, so perfect spot to execute this plan) for time to 'mark' your abilities at this point in time, then cool down. I was definitely going to run because it was WAY too cold for standing around, but I figured if there were folks going faster than me, I'd just turn back early so I could catch their time.. the set wasn't for me, after all.. BUT. In the warm up, I realized I could probably at least keep with the faster of the group, so thought I might be able to eek out the whole mile.. so that's what I did! I pushed, but not super hard. I was able to talk while there were people still with me.. and encourage folks on the 'back' part, so I know I was in control of how hard I was running. My time was 7:21, which is not earth shattering, by any stretch.. I'm pretty sure it's not actually a PR.. but I thought it was a solid showing given how tired and worn out I've been lately. I marked it down because this mile was done at 9 weeks.. can't wait to see how maybe 20 week me matches up! Then, on wednesday this week, I've finally been at crossfit long enough to start getting a repeated workout that I can compare to my time from a few months ago.. we did 'Filthy Fifty' again, which we had also done (my 1st time) on November 30th (it's all chronicled on the website.. I don't have anywhere near that kind of memory.. I was doing well to even remember I had done it before!). Now, as usual, I enjoy these longer, 'chipper' type workouts that usually include lots of different movements and mostly body wt stuff.. so I was happy to be able to do this workout again. I had to stop more than usual to catch my breath (which has become the norm for me these days), but I felt strong through the workout, though had no idea how my time was comparing to the previous workout.. I came in at 25:41 (I actually DO remember that one.. not bad! my memory, that is..) and after looking back at last time, I managed just under a 3 minute PR! Again..not because I pushed myself beyond what I should have or made myself sick trying, but just because my overall fitness has improved enough in the last few months. Lastly, we did broken 200's for time in the pool on wednesday (2 solid efforts in 1 day?? doc might frown on that.. if he knew about it.. Haven't seen him yet, but judging from last pregnancy, he was very understanding about continuing activities that you did prior to pregnancy, but to listen to your body, etc.. He's a pretty cool doc.. very willing to adapt to the more 'modern' thinkings on things.. ie: he'd let me try for VBAC, though he's not too confident that it would be worth it, given the history of what happened last time.. but he'd be willing to try! Which is pretty rare, 'case you didn't know..). This is where you try to go 'fast' and rest 10 seconds at the wall every 50, then get your time at the end, minus the rest time.. and there you have an idea of what an 'all out'..probably faster than I could really maintain for a 200, but I think the point is to see what it could be if you swam your 50 pace for all 200 meters.. Anyway.. it's a swimmer thing.. I just smile and nod and do the work.. SO. I was only able to stick around for 2 of the 4 broken 200's, but my times were 2:30 and 2:25... and if I remember correctly, last time I did this workout I came in closer to or just over 3 minutes.. so that's some improvement for swimming! Especially given that I couldn't push 'til I saw stars, which is how I would normally swim such a set.. So I felt pretty good about that. The rest has been pretty normal. I did get my 3 swims in this week. I'm only at 2 bike's so far this week, but think maybe I'll do one later today? We'll see.. I'm at 16 running miles so far this week and will do at least 4 more today.. So guess who has 2 thumbs and has figured out how to get a rest day this week??....THIS GIRL!! I'm pretty proud of that and find it telling that I'm actually excited about a rest day. I haven't had a full day off of workouts in a while and lately, I've felt it. Usually it's no big deal and I feel just fine.. I only do rest days if I'm training for something and, therefore, trying to have peak efforts in there, which going non-stop doesn't exactly allow for.. But with as worn down as I've been lately.. I think a rest day is in order. So I'll definitely stick to it.. I'm looking forward to a day of down time and hopefully will feel a little more ready to attack again next week? Attack within reason, of coarse.. For now.. It's off to get ready for my 'rolling hill fartlek' with the TEAM! Aren't runners cool with their fancy terms.. that make every non-runner go 'a what now??'
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