GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
WHOMPed upside my head
Sometimes the universe literally has to smack you in the face just to get it's point across.. Last night my team had a soccer game at 9:40pm.. I've been super tired lately, so was already not exactly jazzed to head out for this late game, but thought to myself.. "self, you're not going to get to play much longer for a while, and you made a commitment to the team, so saddle up and get out there". So after that inspiring self-talk, I made it to the game.. not a minute in to play, I got the daylights knocked right out of me. I had been marking/defending this fella.. we were a fair distance away from the goal and he really didn't have a shot, so I was hanging back a bit trying to force him 1 way of the other.. well, before I knew what was going on, he decided to square up and take a shot.. RIGHT at my FACE?! What the... Rattled my brain, for sure.. blood dripping from my nose and lip, dizzy and unable to see so well, I stumbled around and got myself off the field. SHEESH! Seriously.. I just did NOT need that. It would have been slightly funny, but for the blood spurting from my face.. There were also tears streaming from my eyes.. tears I don't even remember summoning, they just came on their own. The kind of tears your body just spits out because it doesn't know what else to do with itself.. So I was a mess. I took off for the powder room, amidst well-meaning, but ill-advised inquiries of "are you OK?"... uh... I'm sorry, but do I look OK?? didn't think so.. Anyway, I cleaned myself up and got back out there.. blood stained shirt and all.. and the rest of the game was fine. We actually came out with a win AND I had an assist to another gal on the team, which was nice. But here's the thing.. I know that stuff happens in soccer.. balls can fly around and hit folks unintentionally.. But when you know a person is a few feet directly in front of you.. and you aim right at them? I'm going to go ahead and give you responsibility for the inevitable reaction that happens there. I'm sure he didn't 'mean' to.. he doesn't strike me as an evil fella.. I think that, though he's a good player, he's an aging player and suffers from some of the same side effects as any of us aging soccer players.. I call it a 'mind/foot disconnect'.. where you 'see' yourself making the ball do 1 thing, but what happens is entirely different. I'm sure he thought he was somehow going to magically curve the ball around my head and into the goal and be some kind of hero.. But no, sir.. ya hit my face. Hard. And though I'll smile and nod and say it's all good.. I still think you're kind of a tool for doing that.. So I guess that's all I have to say about that! Yesterday was a pretty good day with a swim, a crossfit and the soccer game, which I count for 4 miles, since it's at least 40 minutes of interval running.. Today, wednesday, was another good one. I started with a crossfit workout that, as a fellow crossfitter noted, was kinda made for endurance folks like me.. it was a mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 squats, then another mile run. I actually enjoyed this quite a bit and felt pretty good. I feel like I was able to put in a pretty good effort (finished in just over 35 minutes), despite being pregnant and all.. I think the only thing that lacked slightly was I probably would have pushed harder in the run, but that might have only taken a minute or 3 off the time, so I'll take it! After tuesdays workout, which was more wt based.. I gave a good showing, but I knew I could have done heavier wt AND more reps, had I not been having to monitor my 'exertion' and keep my HR/breathing under control.. So even though it was still a good workout, it left me feeling like I hadn't given it my 'all'.. even though I know this isn't the time for max efforts.. it's still hard to know there was more to give, but just not at this time. Anyway.. So after the crossfit workout, it was too nice out (still 50 something and it's FEBruary, folks.. that's crazy. Officially crazy) not to get back out there to enjoy it, so I went for another 4mi run. And that was it for the day.. and now my quad's are a-burnin! So let's see.. brings me to 13 miles of running so far this week? Feeling good.. even though I'm pretty much sticking to steady, easy efforts on the run.. might get boring when I get sent back to the 'mill.. We'll see! So now the question is.. do I sign up for one more session of soccer??? I think it would be OK for a couple weeks, but after the belly starts showing, I just think it's mean to the other teams to put me out there.. No one wants to be the one marking the pregnant lady.. or maybe they'll just keep chucking balls at my face til I go home? Not cool, man... Not cool..
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