GLI comp 1/'14

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Altitude: 1, Pregnant Me: definitely less than 1
Last week was a shorter week for me, work and work-out wise.. We left for our trip out to visit the folks at the cabin in CO early, early on thursday morning, so I cut back on my other workout stuff.. I did 2 spins, 2 swims, 14 running miles and I guess 5 crossfit workouts, but 2 of those were the same workout.. 7 minutes worth of burpees! You see.. the Crossfit Games has officially started. After initially feeling that my being pregnant would keep me out of all the fun, after a few weeks of working out and still being able to do most workouts without too much scaling, I talked with "the boss", which is what my son calls the owner/main trainer at the crossfit gym that I go to.. so I talked with him and he thought that, though it was up to me, I'd still be able to contribute to the team through the games, even if I gave my 'pregnancy effort', which really isn't too far off my usual stuff.. with some extra rests here and there and a few things scaled back on the weights.. But he felt that most of the games workouts would be more body weight things, which I'm able to do, and that I could get through them just fine.. SO. When the 1st workout was announced late wednesday night.. as 7 minutes of as many burpees as you can do.. I thought.. let's see how this goes! So I woke up early (I had to be up early for the flight anyway, so it wasn't too much of a stretch..) and gave it a shot.. 1st attempt was 89 burpees.. I really thought that was a pretty solid effort with only a couple 'breath catching' breaks, so I wasn't sure I could do much better than that. BUT. Of coarse, I thought maybe I had a few more in me.. So the deadline to finish the workout and enter the games was sunday night.. We got back home (I was NOT going to be able to do this at altitude.. more on that in a moment) sunday afternoon and I set after it again.. this time I pushed a little harder and got to 102! I was happy because I had kind of set 100 in my mind as the goal I wanted to reach. So I quickly signed up for the games and entered my score.. Due to a technical glitch (human error), we messed up the sign up and I may not be able to add to my team?! which was the whole darn point anyway.. I'll be majorly bummed if that's the case, but I'm hoping the good folks at crossfit can help me out with this.. Anyway, so that's the story of how I wound up signed up for the crossfit games open, or whatever, while just about 12 weeks pregnant! I promise to still be careful and mindful of the growing life inside of me and not to get carried away with the competition.. But, hey.. If I can squeak out a few good efforts and help the team out, I'm all for it.. lets hope I keep getting lucky with workouts that are well suited for a gal like me! As for the rest of my workouts.. nothing too exciting. The weather has been amazing lately.. little windy, but definitely easy to get out and get running when you get to head out in shorts (OK.. skirt..) in February in the midwest! Ain't nothin wrong with that. So though I've noticed my pace drifting downwards.. and my effort is far surpassing the output.. I'm hoping that as the 12 week mark nears, I'll start to feel a little more normal again and maybe some of that breathlessness will go away?? maybe?? a gal can hope?? either way.. if I have to slow it down, that's fine.. whatever I gotta do to keep on keeping on for as long as I can. As far as how things went in the mountains? Honestly. About how I expected. Given that I've felt pretty nauseaus around here lately. And that I usually experience at least a little altitude sickness when I go out there.. I could kind of see how this was going to go.. But it was a little tougher than I predicted. I was able to get out for 1 day of skiing.. leisurely skiing.. only had to take 1 extra break, but we got a slow start to the day, took a long lunch and left just before the lifts closed.. But we took it pretty easy. Mostly I felt OK out there. I think the fresh air was nice. But every time we drove, especially heading up the switchbacks to the cabin.. man did I feel awful. Usually sent me straight to bed, where I'd try to sleep off the nausea and get myself under control.. Sometimes that worked, but by the last day, saturday.. I was definitely not recovering well. SO. Lesson learned.. maybe wait 'til after 12 weeks before heading to altitude if you're not used to it? Pretty sure this is my last go at the whole pregnancy thing.. But just a mental note, should it ever come up again.. Anyway. So here we go into another week. So far so good, though my legs are super sore from yesterday's squat-heavy workout.. and spin and a windy run.. Today I had a decent swim, though I felt a bit 'off'.. not from the pregnancy or anything, I was just swimming funky.. Coach Kris helped me out and let me know I was arching up to breathe while I swam, which was making me funky in there (she used better terms). Not sure why the heck I was swimming like that, but I could tell something was off.. 1 little fix after talking with Kris and I was doing much better.. too bad that was in the last 300 of my swim! Better remember that tip for next time.. suck in my stomach/abs and tilt the pelvis a bit to keep your back straight.. maybe I was trying to get an early start on the baby belly or something?? Sheesh.. literally always something to work on in the pool.. that can only mean 1 thing.. I need to swim more often! Oh, boy..
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