GLI comp 1/'14

Sunday, May 6, 2012
Baby BOY has a 30 mi limit.. and SUPER MOON!!
I'll start with the exciting news of the week, which is that I FINALLY got to SEE what was going on inside of my belly.. after 20+ wks of this sort of abstract knowing that there's a baby in my belly, but still never seeing it.. It was SO great to finally see the little one and to see that all was well and growing properly and all of that. AND, since I'm too impatient to wait the whole 40wks to find out whether it's a boy or a girl in there (I really don't know how people do it.. the whole waiting 'til delivery to find out? I wish we could find out immediately, but I guess the 1/2 way point is good enough).. the main excitement of the appointment was to see.. it's a BOY!! Even though I always shy away from saying that I 'know' or 'feel' what it is before finding out (fear of being wrong.. feels like it would be the 1st sign of being a bad mom.. even though I know that makes no's where my mind goes with all of that), I will say that I would have been shocked if they had said it was a girl.. when they said it was a boy, it just felt more like a confirmation than a revelation (if that makes sense..). But can we talk for a minute? Are we in the trust tree? I was kind of nervous for this US/gender revelation..not because I thought there was something wrong, but because.. I guess that 'gut feeling'.. I kinda knew that it was going to show that it was a boy.. and though I'm 100% great with that and might even slightly prefer that (just due to mild fear of the unknown.. and I know nothing of raising a girl), I felt like so many people were hoping for a girl. It's like if you have a boy and you're pregnant again, people just assume that you want a girl.. Now, I have nothing against girls.. heck, I have 30+yrs experience AS a girl.. But I'm not sure I was meant to be a 'girl mom' (again.. if that makes any sense). And sometimes things just happen the way they are supposed to happen.. ya know? So I felt like I was going to let people down after it was official that I was carrying baby boy #2.. Hopefully that's just something I was subconsciously putting on myself, for some reason, and not an actual thing that was happening.. But anyway, that's how I felt. BUT. We are super excited to more guessing or wondering.. we are officially 'game on' with a baby brother for Mason.. Who, by the way, I'm not sure if I mentioned on here, but Mason had been hoping for a girl and had been just certain that it was a girl.. so when the U/S tech said it was a boy and we explained it to him, he did have a minute of 'I thought it was a girl', but then quickly added that he was 'still happy' and he's looking forward to being 'friends' with him, which, of coarse, sounds fantastic to me! I kind of can't wait to see them grow up together. I think it'll be pretty great! So that's that.. baby BOY Blunck #2 is on the way!
And speaking of said baby Boy.. he has issued a 30mi cutoff for riding these days. It's like clock work.. I'll be riding along just fine (aside from last weeks meltdown on the early hill.. I did pull it together and felt pretty good right up 'til the end, which looking back.. was at about the 30mi mark).. then BAM.. pukey. stomach cramps. just OVER it all.. So I read ya loud and clear, little guy.. 30mi limit it is.. We had a nice hilly ride today and I handled the hills just fine, felt great.. until mi 30.. I'm OK with 30. Let's see how much longer that keeps up.. If I can keep going 30mi until 30wks? That would be pretty decent, I think.. We'll see.. So just 2 rides this week for about 55 total miles.. Nothing spectacular, except that after winter joined us last weekend, summer decided to barge right in this week, so heat might start to be an issue.. we'll see..
Heat has definitely decided for me that if I don't run by sunrise.. it ain't happening.. Any running I do after about 7am is just an exercise in futility (I don't know if that's proper word usage or phrasing, but I feel like I say it a lot.. in my head.. so I've never had anyone confirm the truthiness of it (I KNOW that's a word.. no need to look it up.. right G Dub?).. so just go with it), but that's fine with me. I prefer early running anyway and now that the heat seems to have settled in a bit, it's all good with me! In fact, I've even had some company for those early pre-dawn runs these past few days.. Mom of the Yr Award Committee.. get ready to send another one this way, because guess who has had her 3yr old in the stroller before 6am?? Yup. But I promise it was only at his request!! You see.. I was getting up to go for a run one morning and Mason had snuggled in between us an hr or so earlier, as he sometimes does.. He woke up a bit when I was getting ready and he declared that he wanted to run with me "with the moon and the stars". I told him it was too dark and dangerous and he couldn't come..blah, blah..important mom stuff.. He was very upset. I told him I would come back for him just before the sun comes up/moon goes down.. perfect compromise.. Except the sun came up sooner than I had expected and the moon and stars were long gone by the time I returned for him. Complete devastation. So I promised him we would try again tomorrow. So like any good, promise keeping mom would, I woke my son up at about 5:40 to go get in the stroller and go for a run.. BLAST! Cloudy!! Moon and stars were nowhere to be seen. I think we claimed a couple of airplanes as stars, but all in all, it was a bust. "We'll try again on saturday".. wake up early, look outside.. FOG!! Double Blast!! I explained to him that it was too foggy and the stars and moon were hidden again, so we would just try again tomorrow.. Turned out, saturday was a super sick day for me, so despite my plans to run/swim/crossfit.. I wound up taking a rest day.. which turned in to me eating crackers in the fetal position most of the day (isn't pregnancy just an absolute miracle?..this one's been tough). So anyway, word on the street was that a SUPER MOON was on the dance card for saturday night/sunday morning.. Perfect! 'Twas super indeed.. if by 'super' you mean 'very bright'. I didn't notice much else different about it.. but we 'got that moon' (had become our phrase over this past week.. we finally got it!), saw some stars, then even saw the sun peek up and the 'super moon' kinda turned pink. Success! I'll stop waking my son up at 5:30 for runs now.. unless he asks again! So I got my 20mi of running in for the week.. Mostly pretty good miles.. though a lot of them were spent looking for the moon.. And the 1 run I tried to do mid-am was pretty brutal.. AND I was attacked by butterflies.. Message received, beautiful insects.. early am it is.
Swimming.. kind of a bust this week. Just did 1 swim on tuesday. Had intentions of swimming on friday and saturday, but between being tired and with my shoulder soreness (from those bench presses/pull-ups last week).. I just wasn't motivated to go. Oh, well.. I'll get back at it this week. My shoulder feels pretty decent. I've been rolling it on the lacrosse ball (learned that one from crossfit, if you've never done it.. try it.. hurts so good! Kinda like foam rolling, but more concentrated) and icing and things like that. Just trying to prevent any real injuries, ya know. Smart, yes?
Crossfit this week.. pretty good, I think. Can't think of anything too exciting that jumps out at me from this weeks workouts, but it was good. I might have 'over done' on friday because I did a crossfit run workout as a part of my am run (800m 'fast', 400m backwards, 800m 'fast', 400m backwards.. took me about 14min.. 8min/mi forward and 12min/mi backwards.. burns the legs pretty good on those backwards sections).. then went to do the workout and it was kind of 2 workouts in 1.. not too bad.. But then I went back again later because they were doing a fundraiser to raise $ to help out the family of a gal that goes to our gym and had a pretty bad car accident a few wks ago.. she's still in a coma, from what I last heard.. I guess stable, but the biggest issue seems to be the bleeding going on in her brain. She is a single mom of a 9yr old boy, whose father passed away in Afghanistan (?..not 100% sure of the location, but I believe he was in the military and over doing some part of the war efforts), so he really, really needs his mom to get better.. So the good folks of JoCo CrossFit did the only thing we could think to do, which was raise $ through workouts and baked goods to help with medical costs and whatever else the family needs.. I think the event went pretty well. I made cookies and cake balls to sell.. and figured I might as well do the workout, since I was down there and all.. The 'adult' workout (they had a kids workout, too.. Mason did 4 whole minutes of it (out of 8) and it was pretty hilarious to watch.. he always wants to do the workouts with me, so this was his dream come true! He kept talking about how he was tired from his workout later that night and on through the next day) was called 'Randy', which was chosen because it was Angee's (gal in the accident) 1st workout that she did 'as prescribed'..(meaning.. using the set wts, movements, etc..) It's 75 snatches at 55#, which is a light wt for me, but my darn 'grippers' (forearms) definitely get sore after about 20 or 30 of those.. But anyway, it took me 5:50 something.. But after all of that, the 'pukies' started, couldn't really eat that night, stomach was hurting a bit.. So hard to know what's going to put me over the edge, you know? I mean.. if you look at those workouts.. a 4mi run with some short sprint/backward stuff, about 20min maybe for the am crossfit stuff and then under 6min workout in the evening? Doesn't sound too bad.. But if I had to guess, I'd say maybe it was too much for right now.. kicked off my lovely saturday of fetal position.. Ooops! Oh, well.. what can ya do. At least I was able to gather together those facts and opt not to do the workouts on saturday.. progress, right? You're welcome, little guy.. I'm trying to pick up what you're throwing down in there..
I think that's all I have to say about that!
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