GLI comp 1/'14

GLI comp 1/'14

Friday, October 29, 2010

So here's October. I initially played around with the idea of taking on a January marathon, but after deciding to go for a FULL Ironman ('s not an IM brand race, but still the same distance. So..same race, but cheaper & easier to get in to) next season (??!! Yikes!)...I thought maybe a little 'rest' would be good. Which, to idea of rest just means that I don't really have a 'set' plan or obligations to anything... But a part of this rest included starting p90x with Matt!! If you don't know what p90x is, it's a pretty intense strength program that you do at home with the DVD's. We're 2 weeks in now & it's going well! I'm still doing some sort of cardio... swimming, spin, run...every day along with the strength workouts, just not as long as I normally would. So far I'm enjoying it & feel stronger already! All a part of my plan to be 'leaner & meaner' to take on the IM (distance)! Now rewind a few weeks...I did the 'Hilly Hundred' back in the start of October.. This was a lot of fun...but if I'm being honest..I was a bit disappointed in the ride.. I thought it would be tougher! But there were some good hills & good times with some good it was...GOOD! It's the last weekend of October now.. We're heading to Baltimore to enjoy a visit with the in-laws and some fun at the Halloween party! I'm super sore at the moment..probably from a combo platter of swim, yoga, legs/back workout & a tough spin to sprint workout this morning (not all of that was today...I guess that was just yesterday & today, though..). But I'll rest up tomorrow, hopefully run on sunday.. I'm doing a 15k run up in Chicago the next weekend..probably at least 1 other run in Stay Tuned!

Long Awaited (I'm sure) Update

SO! Wow...So much to tell! So through September as I trained for Age Group Nationals (AGN), I kept taking care of my "achilles injury" (in quotes for a reason...I'll explain later), so it was kinda tough. I felt great about my swim & bike, of coarse, but I knew my run was going to take a bit of a hit when all I was doing was elliptical stuff...not quite the same. But I soldiered on & did what I could. No races all through Sept until race day on the 25th (or something like that), BUT, I had plenty of traveling to do! We went to CO the 1st weekend to see my friend, Jamie Irwin, whom I did gymnastics at Ball State with AND rode my bike across Iowa with her and her family...and this was back before I really rode a bike!... so we went to see her get married. It was great fun & I'm so glad it worked out for us to go. Extra to see my parents, who were so kind to meet us out there at their cabin to hang w/ Mason while we did the wedding stuff! So then, next up was the 'big wedding/vacation/tri' weekend.. We went to KC for my little bro's wedding on the 18th, then head out to NC for a weeks vacation on the beach with some friends & our little was SO fun! Mason was awesome on the beach & he LOVED the water & "chasing the birdies". Just before we took off for that trip, I got a 2nd opinion from an orthopedic doc who specializes in foot/ankle sports medicine..guess what...he says my achilles is FINE! Now, after the MRI has confirmed it, turns out there's a tiny little extra bone way in my ankle joint (I was born w/ it & I guess something knocked it loose), which pushes on my nerves/bone any time I push up on my toes (ie: sprint, which is why it started hurting when I switched from the long, endurance focus to the shorter, sprint stuff) & causes pain. Magic words & all I needed to hear was "it's not doing any further damage to just hurts". So. New plan...I can RUN! So I got a couple training runs in before the big race..that's the best I can do at this point. But. I really did view this AGN race as a 'bonus' & not my 'A' race, by any means. However...I was in the vast minority in this view, which I realized once I got to the race. These folks were serious! BUT. It was a very cool race.. Well run, I think. It was warm, but good weather & a nice town.. It was Tuscaloosa, AL, which is 'Bama land.. It was cool to see another college town..I don't have many to compare to, other than Ball State, but it was nice. So I'll cut to the chase...race day... I got up nice & early. Matt & Mason had to drop us off at the race because we didn't have another car down there.. Ashley & I set up our gear. I talked to a few gals nearby, I said, most had a pretty serious 'game face' on, so I let them be. We went down to the start area & waited for our wave. The water was too warm for wetsuits, so I was on my own on this one! Through the swim.. I was feeling good! Felt like a long way, but I thought I was going along really well.. Out of the water, I see Matt & Mason (aka Team Blunck!) & swing by to give Mason a lil' kiss (he's had a record of crying when he sees me & I have to keep moving & not stop to hang out w/ him, so I thought a little smooch would help keep him happy this time, since I wasn't worried about time.. It worked! Little man was VERY pleased with the extra attention)..truck on over to my bike... "what the....where IS everyone??!!" MAjor buzz kill when pretty much ALL the people on your bike rack (which means they're in MY age group!) are already gone. I'm not the fastest swimmer out there & I know that...usually my goal is to just get a rhythm & keep it moving, but MAN! I've never had that happen before. So I was pretty down as I took off on my bike. Took a few "just race your race. Don't worry about anyone else" motivating speeches to myself, but I finally pulled it together & wound up w/ an over 20mph avg..which, with those hills was quite a feat! So feeling a little better...still VERY aware that I would NOT be winning any awards here, but feeling OK with that & ready to take on the run. So towards the end-ish of the bike, I passed Ashley & told her that I would plan to run with her.. I kept thinking she'd be right behind me, but when she hadn't caught me by about mile 3, I thought I saw her/heard her call to me from behind I just waited for her! Turns out, she wasn't feeling so hot & was happy to see me.. Which made me happy because it gave me extra motivation to help keep HER motivated...which made me not focus so much on my own pain! It was hot & it was hilly... but we kept a' movin & eventually journeyed to the finish! So even with the bummer out of the water, the hills on the bike, the heat & hills & a minor pause on the run...I still improved my overall time in the Olympic distance! Again...I was no where NEAR the front of the pack here...but it was a fun race & I think I did pretty well. I think my times were: 34-ish min for 1500m swim, 1:13-ish for a ~25mi hilly bike, & 54-ish min for a hot, hilly 10k for a grand total of 2:45, which was about 3 min faster than Chicago? So not bad... Plenty of room for improvement, but all in all, I had fun & did what I went to AL to do.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An Honor just to be Nominated??

So after another week of lots of riding and swimming and NO running (thanks, doc), I was ready to head out to Chicago for what was to be my 9th (if you count the practice tri's) and final tri of this season. My week of training was nothing too exciting. Sunday after the race I rode a fairly easy 45mi ride. Monday was a spin on my trainer in the am and then my strength/endurance class (I've started going to the evening class which doesn't include all of the plyo's that the am class has...given my tender achilles situation); tuesday swim; wed OFF (tapering, ya know..); thurs swim and then bike in the evening; friday OFF. Saturday I started the day early with volunteering at the 'Go Girl' Eagle Creek race..which is the same race that I did the week before and in June, but this one is limited only to the ladies...kind of a cool atmosphere w/ LOTS of nervous 1st timers! I got to do body marking, which was fun to talk to the racers and wish them luck. Then I directed on the bike on/off point (ladies can be very literal! "dismount here" doesn't have to mean RIGHT there in front of me?! goodness..) and then to the run finish...good times! Then a short 'leg loosening' ride around the park, load up in the car and head up to Chicago! The Chicago race is the 'Worlds Largest Triathlon', so over 9,000 people, I think? I always get stressed out over traffic and things, but I do love this race. Even though I had to get up and be there to set up my transition area at 4:15am (!!) and then my wave of the race didn't start until 9:40am (!!) was still a good race. Luckily my friend, Ginger, from TNT, was in the race and started just after me, so she had a hotel room in the host hotel just up the street and after we set up our gear, we headed back that way for a nap! It's very strange to be waking up from a nap and heading to start your race...and pass lots of others already with their finishers medals and enjoying the post-party stuff... But off we went. I had another amazing swim in my new pal, Lake Michigan. It was chilly (73 feels a lot cooler than it sounds), but felt SO good after standing there dripping sweat in our wetsuits in over 90 degree heat.. Which brings me to the HEAT. Yikes! Last years race was super cold, and the race the day before in Indy was I was kinda thinking it might at least be chilly to start the race? Not so much. Super hot, sunny and humid. That's what I had going on.. So I had my great swim, 35-ish minutes, I think? It was a long swim..Olympic distance is 1500m, which is just shy of a mile, so not much shorter than it felt like it was taking a while, but I felt like I had a great rhythm going on and was passing folks..good stuff! Added bonus, the swim is point to point (kinda...there's a little 'out and back' for the olympic distance) all along the shore, so I actually could see Matt and Mason (in stroller) walking right along beside me for almost the whole way! Very cool (this time... Last yr as I flailed around just hoping to finish the darn thing, didn't so much love that people were right there watching me so closely.. But this yr, as I Michael Phelpsed my way through the water..I was delighted to see my 'team'!). So anyway. Out of the water for the looooooong barefoot run transition... Now off on my bike! This coarse is FLAT..all along Lake Shore Drive, so the only 'hills' (which do kinda start feeling like hills after a bit..) are the on ramp and over-passes.. So I cruised along. I hit a bit of head-wind a few times on the 'back' part of the loop, which we do 2x, but all in all, it was great! I averaged 21.2mph! WooHoo! So back to my gear, shoes on and head out to run. Oh, the run. My achilles was fine, believe it or not... But man, I was SLOW! You see, as I mentioned before, it was super HOT. By this time, it's around noon... There is NO shade on the entire coarse... so it. was. HOT. Even though I SO wish I had been able to run faster, I know there was nothing I could have done differently. I gave it my all... I didn't have to walk at all, which was good.. I actually passed a lot of people and still wound up placing 14th out of 250 in my age group, so that just shows that everyone was feeling it... So it was a tough finish. I came in at 2hrs 48-ish minutes, which is interesting because I was 8 minutes off of my estimated time... and 8min slower in the run than I anticipated... So I know where that time went! Anyway, it was fun and I am happy with how it went... Especially since that 14/250 finish put me in the top 6% of my age group, and qualified me for Age Group National Championships!!! So...still not quite done, yet, with this season. Again, after much debate, we decided to make the trip down to Tuscaloosa, AL for the big race on sat, 9/25. I's in the midst of vacations and I 'should' be no longer running on my achilles...but it's kinda like qualifying for Boston...if you qualify, you just DO it. Even if it won't necessarily be my 'best''ll still be a great experience.. Plus, my friend, Ashley (who was the one that told me about nationals...I never even knew it existed! Let alone that it was something I could qualify for..), from TNT, will be joining me! So...I'll keep ya posted!

not quite done yet...

So post Steelhead.. I decided I would make a quick switch from the long, endurance training that I was doing for the 1/2IM and change to short, fast speedwork and interval training to get ready for my sprint race (500m swim, 10mi bike, 3mi run) at Eagle Creek on 8/21. This is the same race I did in June..they do 3 races in a series in the summer and it's a nice way to track improvements through the season. SO. I took on the speed work head on.. fartlek (speed play) run, pace loops on the bike, FAST intervals (3mi bike in a pace line going about 25mph, then transition to a 1mi run, which I approach as 1mi this 4x through), speed work in the pool, bike hill repeats, run hill repeats, mini sprint tri repeats (200m swim, 3mi bike, 1mi run..FAST! go again)...oh, my! I did work a long saturday training in there, which was fun.. I met up with my Y Tri coach, Todd, for a 45mi ride in the wee early hrs of the morning (5am...which seems earlier now, since it's not getting light out until about 7a these days), then did a speed work swim for about an hr, then met up with the group to bike hill repeats for about another hr or so... Good stuff! By this time, I had already started to realize the damage I was doing to my already ailing achilles (hurting since last Oct in my last long training run before the marathon). I did truck on over to the walk-in clinic at orthoindy..mostly just to make sure it wasn't fractured..which it wasn't! I thought that was a good thing, but the doc was still so grim.. He said the pain in my heel was indicating that I have degenerative (chronic) achilles tendonosis (used to be called tendonitis, but they now don't consider it inflamatory? or something... thank you, google search!) and that if I don't rest it, I'm risking rupture.. Well, I certainly don't want that! But...I still have these races... Doc recommends 4mo with NO running! So after much debate, I decided I would lay off the running in training & I'd just do my best (& hope for the best!) in the races. So race #1 (AMA..against medical advise) comes... Eagle Creek. I felt good. Even though my time didn't reflect much improvement in the swim, I felt great and DID manage to shave a few precious seconds from that time. Then off to ride and I was De. ter. mined to finally average over more of this 19.something... I did it! I pushed hard and averaged around 20.3mph (ish? I don't memorize these can check if you want exact details..)...finally! Then off to try the ol' achilles out on the run... I felt good! Not great, but good! I think I averaged somewhere in the 7:40min/mi range. And then...wait for it... finally, mu 1st place (age group) finish! I came in at 1:06:something, which was about 3min faster than my June race. 3min doesn't sound like much...but in a sprint race where you go ALL OUT and every little second counts, a 3min improvement ain't bad! I'll take it for sure. Extra fun for this race was that Tom & Sue (Matt's parents...aka 'grandma and grandpa Blunck') were in town and got to come along for the festivities! Thanks so much to them and my usual 'team Blunck' crew, Matt & Mason, for coming out to cheer me on. I didn't see much of ya (I was looking, but just going too darn fast, I guess!..yeah, right..), but I knew you were there and it always gives me that extra boost to know my support crew is out there. So, Yay! Sprint Tri down... Now on to the next...

Friday, August 6, 2010

NOW what??!!

WOW!! After many months and many, MANY trainings...Steelhead is officially in the books! I guess I'll get right to it... Taper weeks went much as everyone thought tapering (cutting back on training) would be tough for me.. I think I nailed it! I was able to do short, but efficient efforts to keep myself moving and strong, but also fresh and ready to go on race day.. So race weekend arrived. Matt, Mason and I (aka: Team Blunck!) loaded up the car and took off on the 3hr journey to Benton Harbor, MI. We got there around 11a and met up with the team, had a quick lunch and then I took off with the crew to hit registration and then head down to rack our bikes and take a quick dip in the lake. Registration...I won't bore you with that, but woah. Definitely the one low point of the event..the line was crazy & about the last thing I wanted to do...but we made it. Got our goods, kept a happy face and good attitude...and took off for the race site! The transition area was big and we had little personalized spots designated for our bikes, which was a delightful touch, I thought (it's the little things that really matter, ya know??). There wasn't much 'set up' to do..just put the ol bike in it's spot..the rest will be done tomorrow before the race. So off to put on the wetsuit and check out Lake Michigan. Ah...Lake Michigan.. The last time she and I tangoed, I must say...1 point for the lake and a big 'ol goose egg for moi (at Chicago tri last was cold and my 1st time in the wetsuit...I made it through, but it wasn't pretty!). But not this time, my friend.. The lake was a balmy 76-ish degrees (wetsuit legal...that's all we need to know!), but it was quite nice! Fairly clear, for a lake...we could see the sandy bottom..I think this is going to be OK! So then back to the hotel, get ready for our pasta dinner (which I don't normally eat pasta the night before the race.. but I didn't think it'd really be a big deal to have it..and it wasn't. It was fine) as a team where we high fived and congratulated each other on our fundraising and training and all that good stuff. Most importantly, we were reminded of our cause when our assistant coach, Dea, got up with her elder daughter, who is 11, and gave a speech about Lauryn's fight with Cancer. A lot of it I have heard before through training with Dea, but it is ALWAYS emotional to hear it. (lots of tears in that room!) I think I've said it before, but something about being a mom and thinking about how hard it would be to see your child sick or to have to think about the unthinkable...gets me every time. So anyway, motivation firmly in place...we head back to the hotel for a short meeting (and gag gifts.. I was honored with the 'tatoo' for the season...a lovely 'Born to Rock' or something like that.. I tried to wear it, but I think my sunscreen ruined it.. Oh, well..thought that counts) and then to set out our gear, try to get some sleep and prepare for our EARLY morning!
We met with the group at 4am (yes....4am! I actually woke up before my alarm at about 3-ish) and then took off for the race. We arrived in the pitch dark (obviously)...but I was a little surprised to find really NO lighting in the area?? I managed to squint my way through setting my gear up...juuuuust in feel the 1st rain drops. So I grabbed my trash bags and covered what I could cover (most importantly my shoes! soaked shoes and socks are a big bummer!) and took off for some cover with my team. Finally, just as the rain was letting up a bit, it was time to make the trek down to the swim start.. a 1.2mi walk in the sand. I totally knew about this walk and didn't feel as though it was anything to be bent out of shape about...and it was fine.. But it definitely took longer than I thought it would. But it was actually a nice time to chat with some buds (Joe and Shawn... Ashley was marching off ahead with her 'game face' already firmly in place!) and take in a bit of the scenery. I got to the start probably 10 or 15min before time to take off, so got situated in my wetsuit and got my pre-race dip in...lined up with the rest of the 30-34yr old a few quick song & dances in! (ask Ashley...I think I even broke her 'game face' for a bit when I broke out my moves!). Not til we were finally called in and standing by the water waiting for the start call did I finally don my game face. I was ready..plotted my route and placement in the water (not sure why I's always immediately irrelevant and just turns in to 'just keep swimming, look where you're going')...and we're off! Let me just say (as I cut this dramatic story down a bit), the swim. was. amazing!! Best swim EVER (so far)! The current was delightful. The temp was perfect. Course was marked with perfectly spaced bouey's (that looked like sail boats!..actually..they were just triangles, but looked like sail boats to me!). I was actually passing people!! not usually something I experience in this leg of the race... So by the time I exited the water (about 35min later), I was elated!! I was all smiles. And then I started my looooong 'bay-watch-eat-your-heart-out' trot up the beach til I FINALLY reached solid ground!
1st Transition (T1 to those 'in the know') was fine.. nothing special.. As usual, I was chatting to the gals around me.. Mostly about how great the swim was, have a good day..that kind of stuff. I think my T1 time was around 3:30. Not fast, but not too slow.. Nothing I would change, really.
Now off on the bike. Here we go! I feel like the bike is really the 'meat' of this tri sandwich.. We're out there for the longest time & I think it has the most opportunity for things to go awry... So here we go... Well. I felt great!! I was cruising along on my purple piece of high tech equipment (I love my bike...but I have a feeling it gets a little jealous of those around it while it hangs out in transition.. Chin up, Buddy! We do just fine out there, you and me... We pass those fancy schmancy tri bikes with NO problem!) feeling like I could go LEAST 56 miles (isn't that lucky??). Honestly, I thought the coarse was really easy. It actually felt like there were more down hills than up, though I know that's not actually the case.. But any hill that was out there was a long, gradual thing...never a sharp "we're going up THAT??!" kind of thing. No head wind that I had heard all about... All in all, delightful! The rain that had worried us all before the race and then sparked up a tiny bit in the swim was long gone now. I had a bit of cloud cover for most of the ride, so it was great! My goal time for the bike was 3hrs and I came in just under that..somewhere around 2:55 or something?? So pretty good! If there was any place that I was going to be tentative during the race, it was the bike.. I wanted to make sure I had some good legs left in me for the run, so I never felt really winded or like my legs were burning during the ride...and that's how I planned it! So good for Steelhead and I!!
T2, again..nothing special. In and out in around 3:30....and we're off for the run!
My plan for the run was to start the 1st few miles at around a 10min mile pace.. Well, the 1st mile included the main uphill of the race...and I still came in closer to an 8:30 mile?! But..I felt good, so didn't sweat it. The next few miles were around that pace as well (estimated...I wasn't wearing my Garmin, but just used my trusty ol' Pink Polar watch that I just use to keep my total race splits or anything special like that. I try not to get caught up in all that mess) & I was still feeling I quit worrying about pace and quit looking at the watch...and just did some good old fashioned running! The volunteers at the aid stations were awesome & definitely helped us through. After that 1st hill and mile-ish out, we start in on our 2 loops out through a neighborhood and then through the whirlpool campus. The campus, I thought, was delightful! There was part of the run on a trail through some woods, which offered some nice shade.. There was 1 more hill, which we met up with 2 times in the loops, that we got to take on. Lots of folks were walking...but I just charged on (don't get me wrong...I'm sure it was closer to a shuffle...but I wasn't gonna walk it!). Loop #2 still felt pretty good! I actually like having the 13 miles broken up into the out/back and the 2 loops...helped to mentally check through the miles and be ready for the next thing ahead. I chatted with a friendly Canadian for a bit...and then another gal as we entered our final mile of the race.. I couldn't believe it was almost over! Couldn't believe what I had taken on...and what had seemed like such a crazy idea way back in was almost over!! And I was still feeling good. That's crazy! Now...don't misunderstand...I was tired and my legs were a little sore... But all things considered...I was feeling GOOD! So I trucked on for what seemed like a long time...everyone saying I was "almost there" and it's "just around the corner"...finally...I round said corner and there it is...the big finish!! I still can't believe it. It felt so great. I was scanning the crowd looking for my team Blunck. I saw lots of TNT supporters and friends that had come up to watch..I smiled and high fived... Big finish... where's my guys??!! Well. I guess this is my fault. I had said for months, basically since I started training for this thing.. My goal finish time was 6hrs. Could I do it? I'd be OK with just over 6hrs...but maybe I'll be just under 6hrs.. So this is what Matt was planning on.. So when I cross the line at 5:35...he was with Mason on the swings??!! OH, NO!! No big deal...they came right up and it was great to see them. Matt was amazing keeping Mason entertained through that whole race... Mason was loving the beach and the water and the playground...he was loving all the action! He was excited to see his Mommy..and I was thrilled to see them...
Wow. Like I said... I STILL (even as I write this almost a week later) cannot believe it's over.. But it is! And it was a great success...from start to finish. From joining TNT, to the fundraising and having a great cause to inspire the friends I've made...and to the amazing feeling of meeting and surpassing all of those goals that I set for myself. I would also like to say thank you SO MUCH to everyone for your support. I could NOT have done it without you. A HUGE thanks to my husband...thanks to my parents, aunts and uncles, in-laws, friends...your words of support gave me such a boost! I will cherish those notes forever.
So now what?? Well... I keep trucking along, of coarse. I have a sprint tri in 2 weeks here in town. Then the next weekend I head up to Chicago for an olympic distance race. Then...well...that's still up for debate.. But whatever it is that I do, I'll be doing it with my 'team Blunck' by my side!!! For those still craving more info about my racing and training and family stuff...I'll continue on with my fear not!! Thanks for listening... Oh, and I'll post some pics... our computer is working super slow right now & I just don't have the patience.. But I'll get 'em up soon!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

the Taper begins!

So...this week was the start to our tapering to get us rested and ready for the big race day. This week our taper just meant a little less volume, but still keeping the same intensity going... Next week will be more cutting back on volume and more 'slow and easy' type workouts.. and then the next week will be mostly resting and travel up to event weekend! So this past week...nothing too exciting to report, really. I did get back to my usual monday 'strength and endurance' class this week.. Which I'll do again next week, but definitely will skip it the week of the race. This week we had another gal teaching... Our usual gal is tough and ALWAYS gives a good workout, but this gal was rough, too! I was sore for a few days, but I always love that! Monday, tues and fri I got my swims in. Wednesday I had an early 6mi run (soaked again from the humid mornings) and then we had a long 45mi ride scheduled, so a few from TNT came down to ride the south side that evening for that one. It's been really HOT still, so it was warm..but I felt good for that ride. Thursday was just a shorter spin with my friend, Melissa, whom I met through TNT, but she also goes to the Y with me and trains with that group...her 1/2 IM is this good luck to her! Saturday we met up with the group (our crew for group trainings is dwindling, for sure! It's been a long season, but I still really enjoy getting together with the team and coaches for a good workout) for a 40mi ride and a 3mi run. I don't think I took it as 'seriously' as I maybe should have... It's tough to really gear up for a relatively shorter workout after something as tough as the practice last weekend. I felt great on the ride, but I don't think I ate or drank enough because I REALLY felt the heat on the run. BUT, we managed an 8min/mi pace, despite the, as always, another good day! Tomorrow I'm planning on getting in my 8mi run (not sure of location yet..hilly or flat? with people or alone? decisions, decisions..) and then meeting up with some folks for a swim in the lake! Again...we're still getting some good miles in, but taking it a bit easier.
On the 'honored heros' front... Lauryn got her chemo port taken out last week! Her mom, who's also our asst. coach, Dea, brought it (sterilized, of coarse) to swim practice for us to was quite heavy, actually, and crazy to think it was in that little 6yr old's chest for so long. Luke, our other tri team hero who's also 6 yrs old, has also finished his last round of chemo and should be getting his port out soon, too! So things are looking good there. Their families are very relieved to be done with treatments, but also nervous about possibilities....but they can only be positive! And they are... They really are. It's amazing to see the strength of these moms and kids and families... I can't even imagine what they've been through and for them to come through it all with smiles and determination is really something to see. I'd also like to thank all of my supporters, family and friends again for helping me to surpass my fundraising goals and for staying tuned to all of my trainings and racing. I really appreciate you ALL and could not have done this without you. It's not quite over yet, but I'm feeling a little like this 1st chapter with Team in Training is coming to a close and it has been truly amazing. If anyone out there is contemplating joining TNT for a race...please let me know if you have any questions or anything I can help you with. I HIGHLY recommend joining in the fun for yourself because it is SO rewarding. There are all kinds of events they are involved in, so there's something for everyone! And they really can take all levels of athletes through the steps and get them to where they need to be for their event... So please...if you have any desire at all, you should check it out and give it a try! (or 'tri'...ha ha) I promise you won't regret it. SO. I'll continue to update as we near event day... Thanks, again, for your support and for checking in!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

week in review...and finally some pics!

Hello!'s been another great week of training. I guess a quick re-cap of the 'highlights'...After our journey to St. Louis, I went on a leisurely bike ride with a few friends from the Y group on sat evening. Then sunday I did a 'run focused' brick, so did a quick 20-ish miles on the bike followed by a HOT, humid (only way I know how to do it these days, I guess..), hilly 9mi run... overall, I felt OK for that...and very thankful for that sprinkler re-fill for my water bottle about 1/2 way through the run! Then...on monday, which was a holiday for most (4th of July observed?? I'll take it..), I met up w/ some TNT buds, Shawn, Ashley and Joe, (who have kinda been my partners in training this season and have been great support through these past months) for a looooong 80 mile bike ride (route and support courtesy of CIBA...Central Indiana Bike Association... a great crew that hosts longer rides every weekend and training rides around the city during the week)! Definitely the farthest I'd ridden in 1 stretch, but overall...I think it went well. My shoulders were sore (new aero bars...still getting used to it) and my legs felt it the next day...but it was good! Tuesday was just a swim, wednesday a long, early 9mi run and then an evening 25mi ride with my Y buddy, Todd, thursday just a long, early swim...friday OFF to prepare for....our Practice Tri saturday bright at early! This was our chance to really prepare and practice our nutrition, hydration, set up, what we'll wear, etc for the big day... We met out at a teammates parents lake house (which, incidentally, was in the city?!) early, and set out for about a 1mi swim, 50mi ride, and 9mi run. All in all, it took me about 4hrs and 50min, which my goal was to be 'around or under' met that. I did cross the big finish 1st, but it wasn't set up to be a 'race', really...the ride we had to stop at usual stop lights and signs, etc...not to mention that several of us took wrong turns at some places or got off route a bit (everyone was present and accounted for at the end...and most of our mis-steps were quickly corrected and we were escorted back on track by our 'sag wagon''s tough to follow neon green road markings that have been rubbed off by rain!). I ran most of the way with my usual partner, Ashley.. I just happened to have a stonger desire to finish once we pulled toward the end, and ended up coming in a touch in front of her... But, again, all in all...a good day! I feel really good, after that practice, about how race day will go and what I need to do to keep myself feeling good and trucking along for what I'm estimating will take me about 6hrs to finish. A long day, for sure, and I'll be tired at the end, but really...after yesterday, I'm understanding that if you pace it right and keep hydration and nutrition under control, it's not so bad! (no...really!) I think it's all in just training the 'machine'..putting in the hours and the work to get stronger and, most importantly, to build that endurance...and you're set! Anyway...the past few posts I've made mention to pictures and then didn't deliver (due to our apparant determination to lose our camera? finally got it back from where we left it in KC only to leave it in St. Louis! quick before we lose it again) here goes some pics:

Here's my special boy sporting his major award after his 1st 'fun run'! They had a kids run during the Terre Haute tri that I did in May and they let Mason run it! It was hilarious...last one to finish after a few distractions, but he did it!

Don't I look fast?? Me at the 'big finish' at Terre Haute...3rd place!

Ah...doesn't he look refreshed?? Mason got to run through the fountains at Crown Center in KC while I ran the Hospital Hill 1/2 Marathon...which one of us do you think was having more fun??

Well, it might be a close one, but I think Mason wins this one for having more fun in his run... I enjoy my runs, but the freedom of running like a 2yr old?? I don't think anything beats that

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wow, what a Wednesday!!

So a few weeks back while we were in the hospital with Mason when he got a scary case of croup, Matt's grandmother passed away... So tomorrow, we head to St. Louis for a couple days to spend time with family at her wake and funeral. SO, what this meant for my wednesday??...packing in about 2 days worth of training! We started the fun with a 5am track workout... Which I must mention was made MUCH more enjoyable by the company I had. I didn't think I'd get any takers on a tough, early speedwork run, but I thought I'd at least mention it to the Y tri team coach, Todd, and the team and see what would happen... Well, thanks to Todd and his crew and 1 of the team members, Sarah,...there were 8 of us out there before sun up going round and round (and round and round again..) the middle school track! I felt really good the whole way. It was a 12 x 800's workout, which I figured I'd execute on 5min intervals (run in 4min or under and rest 1 min between sets)... and I'm happy to report that I did each set at about 3:45's and finished my last set in about 3:30! So that was fun. Given that we're going to be gone a few days and I had the long trainings and some work to do, we decided to have Mason go to Miss Debbie's (day care providers house) for the day, which he was plenty happy about!... So I took him over there and then headed off to my next part of today's training... an hr long strength training class. I did fine and it was good. My legs were a bit sore, but all in all, so far so good... So head home for a bit of a rest and lunch, and then off for a 40+ mi bike ride! It was a gorgeous day... I was probably a little slower than my usual pace since I was a little sore and tired, but I made it! So I do plan to do a swim workout and maybe a little bike before we head out tomorrow, but after that, rest for about a day and a half! And as much as funerals aren't ever exactly 'fun', it'll be a nice chance to get together with family and celebrate the long, happy life that Dolores Blunck lived. She will be missed, as all of the family held her in high regard as the matriarch of the family... May she rest in peace as she joins her husband that passed many years before her.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Was Running

So this week was quite 'run heavy', as I like to call it. It seems that with training 3 sports, you inevitably end up with some weeks where you ride and ride and ride...and other weeks where you get lots of time on the ol' dogs, hitting the pavement for mile after mile...and times when I feel like I spent all week in a pool or a lake?! So this week...was a running week...and my achilles/heel is feeling it! I don't think I've talked about this injury in this blog...mostly because I hadn't really had a problem with it for quite some time now, but I have some achilles tendonitis/plantar fascitis deal going on. I did PT for it a few weeks back and it's been pretty well contained with the use of a brace that I sleep with on my foot to keep it in the 'flexed' position, which helps with the pain and scar tissue and things a LOT. This had all started way back in October when I was training for a marathon... Really the only thing that's going to make it 'better', will be when I eventually let it rest... But now is not that time. Anyway, so I ice and advil it up and hope for the best! This week included an 8mi HOT and MUGGY run on wednesday morning (even at 5am I was SOAKED!), then a fairly long brick of 30 miles ride and 5 miles run on thursday, I did a longer brick on saturday with a 50 mile ride and 6 mile run (plus I was all done with that by 8:30am! I had a birthday date with my little boy... turned the big 2!)... And finally... a 12 mile hilly, HOT run sunday morning. Luckily I had some company for that long run because it. was. tough. But here we are! Another week closer to the big race day. We're really starting to wind down here. I'm feeling good (despite my sore'll be better in a few days, I'm sure... I'll just focus more on the swim and bike this week!). Feeling strong. Feeling PSYCHED about the big day. And, of coarse, reminding myself of the REAL reason that I signed up for this race this season...for our honored heros and all those effected by blood cancers. Our tri team had a bit of a 'roller coaster' deal over the past couple weeks. Our teammate, known as 'Grampie', who is the grandfather of our team's honored hero, Lauryn, and the father of our asst. coach, Dea, successfully finished his race at Elkhart, which was the Olympic distance...but noticed a headache throughout the race and wasn't feeling well... He learned he had a torn thoracic aorta and needed emergency surgery?! But he's doing quite well now, so we're all thankful for that. But his strength and determination continues to inspire us all. So.... here we go to another week!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

First loser?? I think not...

So as the saying goes (I think..), 2nd place is the 1st loser... But I happen to quite like the ol' 2nd place spot! Today I raced a sprint tri distance at Eagle Creek...which was a 500m swim, 10mi bike and 3mi run... I pushed my pace and did my best...and wound up bringing home 2nd in my age group...and a major award! (a lovely glass mug, from which I drank my post workout smoothie when I finally got home hrs later...more on that in a bit) It was a fun race, as usual. I saw a few of my TNT teammates (but it wasn't a team event, so my Steelhead buddies were off training elsewhere) and some other folks that I've met along the way through training and other things. This race was also special and fun because the group that I've been training with at the YMCA was there and most of them (actually...all but me) were racing for the 1st time! So it was fun to enjoy that experience with them and to see them all become official triathletes... I haven't looked at my times/splits yet, but I know I did the best I could... I felt kind of slow in the water.. Not really sure why. But I felt comfortable in my stroke and didn't have any freak-out moments, so I consider it a great success! Then off on the bike...AH, my bike! I made an amazing improvment to my 'machine' this week... I had my bike 'aero-barred' and fitted on thursday... WOW! What a difference! Everyone always talks about how great aero bars are and how it improves your speed, saves your legs, etc, etc... I'm a believer!! I can now coast at speeds that I used to have to push HARD to get I'm very excited about that. So I felt great on the bike, but may have been a little too focused on being down in my arrows, and not focused enough on hydrating... But all in all, a good ride. Then off to the run... There were times I felt great in the run, and times I didn't feel so great.. But I think I did OK. A nice sprint down that hill and in to the finish! But the fun had only just begun... I had talked to coach about what he thought I should do for training after the race, since the sprint distance is so short...and he recommended a 30mi bike and 5mi run (brick) some time either right after, or later in the day... So since I already had all of my things and Eagle Creek (where the race was) is a nice, easy place to get those miles in, I just planned on getting that brick in after the race cleared out. It went surprisingly well. I didn't exactly push my speed on the bike, for the most part, but my legs felt pretty good. Then the run went much better than I had expected! I felt pretty darn good, physically... it was really hot, since it was after 1pm at that point, but other than the heat, I was doing fine! So...that was my day. A race AND a brick! always something fun and new with this triathlon training. Can't wait to see what's next!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Hello! Thought I'd take a moment to do a little updating... I guess I'll pick up from where I left off before... Last weekend after all my hilly bike riding, I packed up the fam and headed for KC for a visit with my parents...and to get in yet another hilly 1/2 marathon! I ran Hospital Hill, which was starting and ending at Crown Center in the downtown area of KC...which was great because while I was on my trek up and down (mostly up...I'm pretty sure it was mostly up) the hills around town in the 90-ish degree heat (it really didn't feel that bad, I promise), Mason got to run (yes, run!) through the fountains! So cute.. I know this because Matt and my parents got video and pics! Where are they, you ask? well...we left our camera at my parents house in KC, so we'll have to wait until we get that back from them...but I DO promise to add the pics and any video that I can figure out how to upload as soon as I can. So anyway, I finished that run in 1:51, which was not a pr, but I was perfectly happy with it because it was a touch faster than my last 1/2 marathon that was similar hill-wise (IU Mini in Bloomington), but this one had the heat and humidity added to it, so it was a success in my eyes. Plus, I'm really focusing right now on learning to 'race smart'. This means being sure not to start too fast, so that I can have a faster 2nd 1/2 of the race, paying attention to how I need to eat and drink before, during and after for best race and recovery...all in efforts to prep for my 'main' race, Steelhead! So that was good. Then I had a week of regular ol' training...and my 1st olympic distance tri was today! (sunday) This was a tough one for several reasons... 1st, the obvious, it was farther than I had raced in a tri before. 2nd was the unforseen obstacles of sleep deprivation, courtesy of an overnight stay at the hospital on friday in the PICU with my poor baby, Mason, who came down with a severe case of croupe that left him gasping for that was definitely tough...our 1st hospital stay with our little guy, seeing Mason that scared and in pain, up all night listening to beeps and making sure his o2 levels are OK... So anyway, he made a speedy recovery and we got to head home mid-day on saturday, which meant no time for me to get any training in, but as long as Mason stayed healthy through the night, it was game on for me and my race! Then...there were tornado warnings and horrible storms late saturday night, but luckily by race time on sunday, it was beautiful skies (and heat!). BUT, with Mason still being a little under the weather and not wanting to put him at risk at all, I had to head to my race all by myself for the 1st time! I know a lot of people do this all the time, but I'm very used to having Matt, and now Mason, too!, at my races, so I missed them. But the show must go after a delayed start due to the race directors needing to go through the coarse to clear off debris left from the storm, I took off for what was supposed to be a 1500m swim...but given that I completed that swim in 15min and I am NOT anywhere NEAR that fast...I'm guessing we were a few meters short there... OH, WELL!! Now for the bike...WOAH!! So, no surprise here... Bloomington is hilly... I knew that. And given that I am all about the hills these days, I actually really enjoyed the tough coarse! But it was certainly tough...and a little longer than I think an Olympic calls for at 30 miles...and it took me about 1:35/1:40-ish to finish... Definitely slower than I had planned, both due to the extra few miles and the extra hills (again, somehow I'm just SURE there were more up's than down's). So now...the RUN!! This one. was. TOUGH! again...for a few reasons. As usual, they were sure to give us a wonderful steep uphill on the way out..then we had a trail run. Now, they told us it would be a 1.1mi trail run, but what they failed to tell us was that this trail was more an adventure type race trail than just running on grass...there were steep, narrow ups and downs, which were muddy and slick from the storms. At some points I was grabbing for trees on the way down to slow me down a little. I actually had to use a log for a bridge! Jumping over logs... it was interesting. But, again, as always...I see the up side of this and enjoyed the shade, the change of pace, and the opportunity to slow my pace and prevent another side-stitch. The rest of the loop (Olympic distance did 2 loops, which meant 2x through those woods!) was just hot and open w/ a few ups and downs...and then the fast downhill in to the big FINISH!! Done. I haven't checked out the 'official' time, but per my little pink, trusty time piece, I was about with my 15min swim, my 1:35-ish bike...what does that put me at, a 50min run? Anyway, like I said, I was trying to race my legs on all those up hills on the bike and on the 1st part of the run so that I could still have some left in the tank to let me pick up speed (and pick off folks!) toward the end...and I did all of that, so another success! I haven't seen the results, but it was a very small field, so I think I got 4th overall for the females and probably got 1st or 2nd in my age group (if they had enough for make an age group!).. But as I always say, I'm out there racing against myself and pushing myself to do the race that I need to do...the placing is just a formality. So that's, that! Another week of training ahead of me heading into what might be my last race before the big one! I'm doing a personal fave race...a sprint tri at Eagle Creek! I've done this race a few times before; it's a well done race, fast and a chance to push myself fast and furious! Hopefully we'll have a good day for it... I'll keep you all posted on how it goes!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Time for another update! So the month of May has been an eventful one, as far as racing and training goes.. As I mentioned last time, our 'open water swim mondays' have begun and I cannot describe how greatly this has helped me improve my confidence for race day swimming. The 1st time out in my wetsuit was a stark reminder of how my last (which was also the 1st time ever in a wetsuit!) attempt at swimming in a wetsuit went... It was at Chicago tri last summer... and it didn't go well. That race went OK, but I had a bit of a 'freak out' during that swim... So anyway, the more we've gotten out in the lakes to swim and break in our wetsuits, the more I feel like I'm actually swimming and cruising comfortably along...and I've already seen the benefits of this at races. Last weekend I tested my endurance and recovery by doing 2 triathlons in 2 days... it went well! I started off with the race in Terre Haute... it was a 'spri-lympic' distance (betweeen sprint and olympic), so 800m swim, 25mi bike and 5mi run... my longest race to date! I felt pretty darn good, aside from the side-stitch I got on the run (probably a product of pushing hard on the bike, eating on the bike (1st time for this in a race), and then starting my run off too and learn! But I did manage a 3rd place (age group) finish that day. Then the next day was our TNT practice tri for those of the team doing the Elkhart race on 6/ it was another 'spri-lympic' with just under a mile swim, 16 HILLY mile ride, and then about a 4.5mi hilly run. I felt great for this race and managed to pull out a big 'W'!! I came in at 1:53 (ish)...which all that really meant was that I was able to push myself in races back to back, felt great, and gained more insight on racing smart, eating/drinking right, transitions, and much more! Training has been going well, too... Our longest group training was a couple weeks ago with a 30mi ride, then a 10K w/ 8 hill repeats in the middle of that...and then another 5K! All in all...took about 3 1/2 hrs... but it was a good one! This past weekend was pretty 'ride' focused with a 50 mile ride (after a 6mi run and 1hr swim) on saturday and then a HILLY!!! (yikes) 60 mile ride on sunday. I'm pretty sure this is the most riding I've done before, so my legs are pretty tired, but again...all in all... I feel pretty good! In other news... Mason got to run his 1st race last weekend, too! They had a 'fun run' during the triathlon in Terre Haute, so Mason got to join in. We have video...and I'll try to figure out how to add that here because it is SO cute... He ran, then would stop, then run and squeal, then stop, notice the 'water'(lake), run, stop to point out a 'doggie', back to running as everyone cheered him across the finish. Pretty cool for such a little guy! So...still having fun with the races... 2 more months to go til the big day!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The training and racing continues!

I wanted to update with a few of the highlights of the last few weeks of training. Things are going pretty well... there's ups and downs, for sure...but I feel good about where things are right now. 1st...I guess a word of warning for those out there that might be doing some training &/or bike riding of their own... LOOK OUT FOR DEER!!! I was out for a solo ride about a week or so ago and I was heading back for home after a nice ride, and I see 3 deer off in a corn field to my right. 'Huh', I wonder to myself...'what will they do'? I was a bit afraid that they might charge at me (not sure why they would do that.. but ya never know!)... But they seem to get a little spooked and start prancing along beside me...and then they DART out in front of me to cross the street?! So 2 of them were far enough ahead to make it safely across without any issues... but there were 3 of them..and that 3rd was not looking too promising.. So I slow, he slows (I'm assuming it was a 'he')...I scream (just a meek 'ah'! type scream..nothing too dramatic)..and he darts off behind me.. WHEW!! Pretty scary moment, seeing as how that deer would have made a significant dent on lil ol me and my bike. So that was that. We've had a couple of rainy weekends here lately, which means rainy saturday bike/run trainings with the team.. Which is actually a good thing because we have to get used to the idea of racing in whatever weather that day has to offer us. But this, too, is new territory for me (just like bundling up all winter to run!). I've found I really like it! We had a rainy 28 mi ride and 6.5 mi run (which..for those keeping track is HALF of what race distance will be) one day; then the next saturday was an hr ride followed by a hilly 9mi run. Believe it or not, I felt pretty good during both of those, but I DO realize that I need to start taking my nutrition and hydration during training times a little more seriously. I always plan well for races (and notice the time improvements for sure!), but as trainings get more intense and lengthy, I need to start fueling myself appropriately. So I will. Live and learn. This weekend was another race weekend. We had the Mini Marathon here in Indianapolis and a lot of us on the tri team were either running the race or there to cheer the rest on. I ran (under the alias of 'Andy Comer' due to some last minute issues w/ our race entries) and pushed hard to get my PR (personal record) of 1:45:05! I felt really good through the race and only felt 'pushed' during the last 1 or 2 miles where I was picking up pace to get to that finish line. I also must add that this was the 1st race that I had done 'officially' for Team in Training (TNT) and was wearing the famed purple jersey and all...and it was great! The support out there was really, truly amazing. Everyone talks about it...I had heard about it from TNT alum, but this was the 1st I had actually experienced it and it was fun! There were 2 gatoraid stops along the coarse that were manned by TNT folks, so that was a wave of 'Go Team' and some individual shout outs (from those who knew I was Sara, and not, as my bib proclaimed, 'Andy'!). But not only that, there were other runners and spectators along the way that would make it a point to say 'go team' or 'go TNT', 'go TNT, you're awesome'...very nice to hear as you're pushing along those 13.1 miles! So that was a good eye-opener to what this organization is all about. And today, Mother's Day (Happy Mother's Day, Mom and all moms out there!!), was full of training, as usual. I met a couple teammates early for a bike/run brick workout on 'Fishback hill'...good times! Then, after a delicious brunch with my family, I met up with some teammates again to do a 30 mi bike ride! So...that's it! This week should be a normal week of training. We start our open water swim trainings tomorrow, which should be an adventure! So I hope the weather holds up for some more great trainings!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Race Weekend! was another successful weekend of racing. Mason and 1 ran a small 5k that was run by a church near our house in effort to raise money for kidney transplant/donors...which is always a good cause.. So we ran that race....and both won our age groups! Ha ha... I was the 1st female to cross the 'big finish' with only 1 guy and 1 kid (yes, kid...he passed me at about the 1/2 way and stuck right in front of me the rest of the way.. I just didn't have the heart to get competetive with a 13 yr old...especially at a church event!) in front of me. And Mason was right with me in his stroller with no one his age in sight! So that was a nice saturday morning.. My coach had recommended we do a short 'brick' that day, so I did a little bike ride prior to the run.. So that was a nice little warm up day to our 1st tri of the season, which was the next day (sunday). Most of our tri team went to do the Carmel Sprint Triathlon this morning... It was BRISK!! To say the least.. The swim was indoors in an amazing high school pool.. Then it was a chilly jog to get on our bikes, just a 10 mi bike and then off for the 5k run! I did well... I actually wound up getting 2nd (or 3rd.. .not said 2nd on the results at the race, but on-line says 3rd... either way, I'm OK w/ it) in my age group. As it turns out, if I'm ever going to really be up there in the ranks.. I'm going to have to start caring about those darn transitions! I always view them as "oh, what's a few seconds for taking my time getting shoes, socks, etc (and chatting a bit w/ folks around me)" But...from looking at the makes a difference. SO. I don't know... I guess I'll start thinking about it more. But at least I know my actual events (the swim, bike and run) are going well.. I did a 7 min mile average on the run! I think that may be a PR even when I have fresh legs! So that's kinda cool. I like to see improvement! So that was that. 1st tri of the season down... Next up is either an olympic distance in Bloomington (back to those hills!) in early June, or maybe a mid-range distance (just short of olympic) in Terre Haute at the end of May. As usual...I'm itchin' for that next race, so I'll more than likely go for the earlier date. But, again... I'd say this season is off to a good start! My wonderful husband and Mason were there, of coarse, to witness it all... And Matt took some stunning video that I'll try to edit and add something from it.. either pics or video.. so stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fundraising update!!

On the fundraising front...I MUST update you all that I have (since my previous post not even a month ago) reached 100% of my minimum fundraising goal!!! YAY!! That's really exciting...and again, I have all of you to thank for that.. So, THANK YOU ALL!! This is my first foray into the world of fundraising and it has been a great experience. All the money I have raised so far has been from individual donations (and the couple events that I did...but those were still individuals participating and donating..), so it's truly been a 'power of one' situation and it's inspiring to see, to say the least. I also must add, however, that this doesn't mean I'm done collecting donations for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society... the $4200 personal goal that I had set was my minimum requirement for the event that I chose (Steelhead, in case ya forgot), but now that I've reached that, ALL donations/money raised above that goal will continue go to LLS and their efforts to cure blood cancers and improve the quality of life for patients and their families... So please don't hesitate to continue to add your donation, if you haven't already. ALL of your support means the world to me and I'm honored to be able to do my part to help raise money for all those that are so greatly in need. Please remember that with these tough economic times, we all struggle, but charities and medical research continue to need our help!... So please just keep that in mind. As always, I thank you for checking in with me and I thank you for your support.
So keep on keepin on! (I feel like I should have a 'catch phrase' or a 'signature sign off' do ya like that one.. No?? Too much?? ah..I'll keep working on it..)

Ready. Set. GO!

Hello! Well...race season is now in FULL SWING, so 'ready, set, go' is something heard a lot around here these days (actually, we hear it mostly from Mason who has taken a liking to 'racing' himself just about anywhere..any time... dr's offices, through the house, any ol' place will do! I'm pretty sure he always wins, too, which is good for the self esteem..). My 1st race o' the season was the IU Mini (or 1/2, to most) Marathon, which was a HILLY half, to say the least, and was on a rainy day (luckily I didn't start in the rain.. That's always a bummer... I just got caught at about mile 8 and then it didn't really get pouring until I was less than a minute from the big finish, which was therefore dramatic, for sure!) the 1st weekend of April.. I'd say it went well. Other than the weather, everything else was smooth as butter! I felt pretty good the whole race, except for my legs getting a lil tired by the end due to those hills! But for not really following a training plan, I fared purty darn well. In fact, I ran this one faster than the 'oh, so flat' Indy Mini Marathon just a little less than a yr ago! (my time at IU this yr was a 1:52 and I think, if memory serves me, the Indy mini was about a 1:56) And the hills, I must elaborate a bit to give you folks that are going 'hills in Indiana??' me.. These folks were serious about giving us midwest runners a hilly challenge. It was pretty comical, actually (at least I thought it was). Most of it would be long, gradual climbs and then you turn a corner and BAM! a short steep son-of-a-hampster right there waiting for ya! And in the last mile of the race... TWO more hills packed in there! And if there was a downhill...I don't remember it. But anyway, it was fun. Matt and Mason were there with their new (courtesy of my fabulous husband) 'Team Blunck' shirts on to cheer me on. It's always so amazing to see them...and Mason's really starting to recognize me more as I come running by! The down side of that... he started calling 'up' when I came by the 2nd time and then started crying when I passed?! Oh, dear...we'll have to work on that one... Any way. So racing has started and is going well. Training is still fun and going well... I was even able to get some good runs and trainings in while we were out in Baltimore visiting family and watching the O's home opener (don't ask... for those that are fans, they were a bit bitter about the finish..), which was fabulous fun. We (being Mason and I..Matt has to work) have the Komen Race for the Cure 5k this saturday.. Mason will be riding in style in his stroller, which I will push while I run the 5k (even though they'd prefer we stick w/ the mile family walk...but if I'm going to get everything together and get out there by myself on a saturday morning... I'm running 3 miles darn it... So LOOK OUT! Here comes Team Blunck!). Then this sunday I have my 1st tri of the season! It's a sprint...the swim will be in an indoor pool, but the ride and run are outdoors... I'm looking forward to it! I'll let ya know how all of that goes... Here's some pics of the IU Mini and our trip out to Baltimore..

Here's Mason and I before the start at IU Mini in Bloomington, IN

blowing kisses to my little man! (this was before the tears started...Mason's, not mine..)

Here's my guys! 'Team Blunck'..FULLY decked out in O's gear..

Monday, March 29, 2010

Much needed update..

It's been a while! I almost don't even know where to start... I guess, 1st..let's talk fundraising. So I've made it to 70% of my goal...which is awesome... but I must say, I had my goals set high and I'm a bit bummed that I'm not just a wee bit closer to my minimun by now. Well, let me rewind a bit... I'm 100% greatful to all of my friends and family who have already donated and lent their support to both my fundraising goals and my means so much to me and I thank you all so much! I have also seen a lot of great things that companies in the community have been willing to do to help support the cause as well, which is very cool. For example, if you've never been to Chick Fil-A (which I never had before this..), they. are. amazing. First, they have awesome customer service in their restaurants (what other fast food joint has people walking around the dining room asking if you need any more napkins, sauces or a refill??)..which it seems lots of people already knew about that. But they were also SO supportive of my fundraising efforts and they donated a BUNCH of chicken nuggets for my Gymboree event last weekend...all with really no questions asked...just 'when do you need them?'... I just think that's awesome... They have a fan for life in me, for sure! So with all of this fundraising, it's definitely been a learning experience... I've learned that there is a lot of good out there and a lot of willingness to support a great cause. I've also learned that sometimes, even with the best laid event can be a bit of a flop. Again, I've had a lot of amazing supporters, but it's hard to not be a tad disappointed when you spend an entire afternoon at an event that you organized...only to have ONE person show up. Ah... Live and learn, I suppose.. (in fairness...I had the Gymboree event on both friday and saturday, and friday was pretty darn successful.. And I should also add that Gymboree has been amazing in that they offered their facilities and supplies and such ALL for the event and ALL for nothing in that was awesome, too!) So anyway, that's how fundraising is going. I don't have any other events planned at the moment... But I'm still happily collecting any and all donataions at the website/link at the top of this blog! Again...I cannot thank all of you enough for donating and supporting me, my goals for training and fundraising, and the cause. I guess my husband, Matt, helps to keep things in perspective and reminds me that I have raised over $3,000 for LLS in just a couple short months, which is GREAT! ...but when I'm training along side the moms of our teams 2 honored heroes and hearing them talk about their 1st time hearing that their child has cancer...about the long years and struggles and ups and downs of treatments... about how they started in with Team in Training not quite knowing what event they could do...but just that they needed to be a part of something to do whatever they could to try to cure their babies... I just want to do more. I want to do my very best to get them and their families the treatment and care and CURE that they so need and deserve...
My training is still in full swing, too, of coarse. My race season officially kicks off this saturday with the IU half's get this thing started! I'm trying to taper a bit this week to have my legs nice and fresh for the run...but training still goes on. Last weekend, on saturday, our team met up for a lovely brick workout at Eagle Creek. I was only able to stick around for part of it because we had Mason's 1st egg hunt to get to! But I did get in about 10k run, 15k bike, and then a few minutes of hill repeat runs (just for good measure) before I hit the road and raced over to the church for some good family fun!...which was great, by the way... Mason got 3 whole eggs in his robot basket (he picked it out...nice one, Dad!)... He was a bit unsure of the whole things and kept putting the eggs that I was encouraging him to pick up...back into the grass, like "what do I want with that thing??". But then...he opened one to find a mini candy bar...and THEN they were worth holding on to! He did get to take a bite of his 'treat' and he was more than pleased with the mornings events! So that was my saturday morning..then off to my Gymboree event... And that's a day in the life of a fundraising triathlete!! It really is fun, though... I promise!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm FREE!!!

Woo Hoo!! We got outside on our bikes today for the 1st time this season...and though it was only about 30 degrees when we started, it felt GREAT! It's been a long, cold winter of indoor cycling, and there's just not much (that I can think of at the moment) better than getting back on the road. Our trusty tri team met up at 8am today and the group I rode with made it 9 miles on the bike in about 30 minutes (not super fast, but OK for our 1st time out in a while), and then my teammate, Ashley, and I ran a lovely, leisurely 9 miles after! I must say... I love tri training! I do. I really do. And having a team to get out there with (and to help justify riding your bike in 30 degree weather!) helps so much. So that's been my day here so far.

We got back after our long weekend in Playa Del Carmen, MX late on monday, so I kind of crammed a lot of training in to those shorter weeks. I did train while I was away (I know...most call that crazy, but it really was enjoyable), but not quite the same as I do when I'm home. I did get some great runs in on the beach, which is always a welcome change of pace. In fact, here's a little snapshot of what my morning runs looked like last week!

Pretty nice, huh... See, now I don't seem so crazy for wanting to get out to enjoy this scenery, right?? Anyway, it was a great time, but I did miss my little guy, Mason, whom we left at home with his Grandma Bucher. Aside from all the great training I got in this week, I must add that Mason had quite the accomplishment, too!... he's now a proud, official member of the 'no cavity club'! He made it, quite successfully, through his 1st dentist appointment

So that's been our week! All in all, I think it's going well. Fundraising is still going; it's stalled a little bit, but there's still time to donate, so never fear! The link is still at the top of the blog (aptly titled 'my fundraising page') if you want to add your donation. I still have my Tastefully Simple fundraiser going on...feel free to order on-line and add me as your host and your purchase will go towards the fundraiser. Also, if you're in the Indianapolis area and have little ones that like to run and climb and have lots of fun, we're having a Gymboree Playgym for LLS coming up on friday, 3/26 from 4-7:30pm and saturday, 3/27 from 2:30-6pm where donations will be collected, there will be items up for silent auction, food, games, fun, come join! So that's what's coming up with fundraising. I thank all of you so much for the support you have offered. I continue to think of my honored heroes and all of those suffering through treatments and rough times as I head out for my trainings, and it keeps me focused... My eyes are on the prize and every little bit that we all can do to raise money to help these folks helps so much, so thank you for joining me in this great cause!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

25 miles by 8am!

Well, I'm heading off on a little vacation this weekend...a trip to Mexico to see 2 of my great friends get married, which is exciting... But that also means a little extra training in the early part of the week to get ready for some lighter days while I'm out and about.. So I did a little impromptu backwards tri this morning...20 miles on an indoor bike, straight to 4 quick miles on the treadmill, then on to a mile in the pool. Good times! And to think, all of that and only moving 25 meters! Really makes me look forward to getting outdoors and getting to the 'real' training and racing. But for now, it'll have to do. The ol' bike is in the shop getting it's spring cleaning and hopefully this snow will clear out soon and let some sun and warmer stuff in. Last weekend we had a lovely, chilly, snowy run followed by a team breakfast where our honored heroes were able to join us! I must say, they were a bit overwhelmed by the 30+ of us that were there, but they smiled and nodded as they tried to learn our names... So great to have the chance to get to know them a bit more, as I'm sure there will be plenty more chances to get to know these 2 great kids as we go on with our training this season. After what is starting to feel like a long winter of bundling up to get out for runs, I'm definitely looking forward to the spring... Here we go March!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow, snow, snow...

Well, it's snowing again, here in Indy. The snow and cold actually haven't held me back too much with my training so far... I've still gotten my runs in every weekend (NOT on the treadmill... Something about doing more than 40 minutes or so on the 'mill just isn't appealing to me anymore..). But the one thing that does bum me out is when the roads are too bad for me to safely get out for my practices or trainings. I went out early this morning to my 5am spin class without even thinking about the roads because all they had called for (last I had looked) was an inch of flurries over night... Well, about half way there I started thinking that it was a really bad idea for me to have gone that morning. Now, mind you, I still did make it to my class and I made it home safely...but it made me ponder a bit about my common sense. But anyway. All is well. I had a decent weekend of training... If anything, I'm having the strange issue of having too many training opportunities and not enough time to get them all in! I met up with my usual running group early on saturday to get 6 miles in... and then went back out to meet up with the tri team to run another 4! Then sunday I had a good swim workout and did my own indoor bike training. So that was that! We had a great valentines day weekend... Just made dinner and dessert (which Mason was a big fan of!) at home. It's low-key, but that's the way we roll these days!
The latest on the fundraising front... Donations have slowed down a bit, but there's still time to get in there and join me in my fight against blood cancer. My first deadline for meeting my goal is in April, so the more donations I can get in by then, the better. I am hosting a Tastefully Simple party where the more orders I receive, the more the company will donate to LLS... So if you haven't already gotten my emails on this, you can visit to browse their products; then when you make your purchases and proceed to check out, there's a spot to 'search your host' look for my name there and add me as the host so any purchases you make go toward my total and will increase the amount that Tastefully Simple will donate. Or, if you prefer to just donate straight to me, the link is still at the top of the blog page and you can add your donation there. I still have a few ideas rolling around, but I'm really hoping to kick start the fundraising again. I greatly appreciate those that have already contributed and I appreciate all the support and well-wishes as my training has started to take off! Here's hoping I can continue to train hard through these darn winter snows...

Friday, February 5, 2010

What's a 1/2 Ironman??

It was brought to my attention that perhaps some folks don't know much about this race that I'm taking on... So maybe I'll share a little about it! Honestly... I don't know too much about the race just yet... Here's what I know for sure about what's going to go down on race day, July 31st... I'll be swimming in Lake Michigan ( she-devil of a lake, you... You won't get me this time!) for 1.2 miles, then heading out on what's sure to be a lovely, scenic and relaxing 56 mile bike ride, and then...because I have juuuust a bit left in the tank (I'm hoping), I'll take off on a 13.1 mile 'sprint' to the finish... Sounds good, right?? I'm sure there's still spots available, if you'd like to join me! If you want to check out the race info, the website is: Luckily, I'll be trekking all these miles as a WELL prepared, well oiled, cancer fighting machine. The extra motivation of raising money for cancer patients and survivors, along with the push from my team and all my wonderful supporters will be just the thing I need to keep me going... Go Team!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

another week of TNT!

So 3 TNT meetings down this week and NO tears this time!! A new TNT record for me... Probably because we were all 'business' this week, but I'm getting excited for our 1st official group training this saturday. And I'm very certain that I am in very capable hands.. We met our coach tonight and he talked for over 2 hrs on various race things...from fitting your bike, to planning your potty breaks on race day... And it took all of about 20 minutes for me to be singled out as the group nutrition expert.. I even already had a team member say she was going to email me for advise! Drummin up some business in the darndest of places.. It looks like it's going to be a long season, but I'm ready for it! To update on the fundraising... I've made my 1st grand, which is exciting. I also have some exciting plans that I hope come through... I'll be sure to keep you all posted on that! I'd like to take a moment to thank those that have already visited my site and been able to offer some support; Kathy G., Kathy P, Andrea, Beth L., Melissa (Aunt Lis!), Kain and Erin, the Fischers, Dan, Kim, April D., Amie, and Mom and Dad. I thank you all! And no worries, there's still time left to offer your support! My 1st deadline for fundraising is April, 7.

As I sit here thinking about all the training that lies ahead of me, I can't help but think of where I was this time last year...just deciding to take on the Mini marathon. Starting pretty much from scratch again with running after having Mason. I remember those 1st runs on the treadmill when I could barely do 2 or 3 miles at a 5 mile/hr pace... But I did that half marathon, then got the crazy idea to do 2 tris and a full marathon that season! And here I am... I just think it's so amazing what a person can do when they put their minds to it (I hope I can still say this in a few months!)... So here we go! And the new 'season' officially begins... Here are some pics of last years races:

Mason and I 'pre race at Eagle Creek Tri

heading off for the bike!
Chicago Tri...heading to my 'big finish'!
And this is me heading toward the finish line (it was around the corner..which means I couldn't see it yet, but I knew it was near..) at the marathon. It was 60 some degrees in November and was my warmest race ALL season!.. Go figure.. Just goes to show, you NEVER know what to expect on race day.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hello! I've started this blog to track my progress through training for my 1st half ironman!! I'll be competing in the Steelhead Half Ironman in Benton Harbor, MI this summer. Not only did I take on the physical challenge, but I'm training with Team in Training and raising money for the Leukemia, Lymphoma Society. As daunting as this is, I'm really excited about all of it! For years now, I've always seen the TNT group and their purple shirts at races that I've done and I've wondered what it was all about... And then my friend, Kathy, has trained with the group for a few years in a row now, which helped increase my awareness of what, exactly, those purple shirts really ARE all about (plus, they always seem to be enjoying themselves, no matter how many miles they've just completed!). So I decided to check out a meeting and learn more... From that meeting on, I've yet to leave a TNT meeting without fighting tears at some point during the evening. I think, deep down, I've always had a bit of a sore spot when it came to cancer after having my grandpa taken quite suddenly (at least as I remembered it... I'm sure it was a longer process then I was aware of, but to day he was skiing with us and making us laugh, and the next I knew...he was gone) when I was in 10th grade. I don't think I ever fully processed that and I've always sort of been looking for a way to do something about that 'helpless' feeling that I had inside me. So with that inspiration, and then after learning about and hearing from the many people, young and older alike, that are fighting cancer and leukemia in their lives, I just feel driven to help. I do. I really, really do. My team's honored heroes are Luke and Lauryn and they are both 6 yrs old; I haven't gotten to speak with them personally yet, but Lauryn's mom is one of my coaches for this season, so I'm sure we'll get to spend some time together! But from what I've seen of these 2, they are adorable, fun, sweet kids and I can't help but put myself in their parents' incredibly difficult position of needing to hear that their beautiful, perfect child is sick. It breaks my heart every time I think about it... So, again, with the thought of my grandpa and with these honored heroes, I'm honored to be able to do my part to raise money and awareness that they so desparately need and deserve.

So now that I've explained my cause a bit... I guess I'll let ya know what I'm up to as far as this whole training thing goes... This weekend I upped my usual 'long run', which I've been doing with a group of runners that meet up at 6am to run in the freezing cold, to 8 miles on saturday; then today I did a tough swim workout of a little over a mile and then hit the indoor bikes for a little interval training. All in all, I'd say I'm on track... Keeping in mind that my 1st race of the season is a half marathon in early April... so I need to be ready for that one! Ah, and to add mention of my other heroes who keep me going through all of this... my amazing husband, Matt and my wonderful son, Mason. Aren't they cute?? Here they are cheering me on at yet another of my races this past season... I couldn't do it without 'em!