GLI comp 1/'14

Sunday, March 4, 2012
REST day!
Ah..look at me go.. this must be 3 weeks in a row with a day of rest involved.. Wish it resulted in a less exhausted me. Not quite. But I'm sure it's helping. So this week I was only able to get 2 trainer rides and 2 swims in.. and yes, I thought about doing a spin and a swim today (sunday), but I figured since I'm not training for anything, but instead, am growing a life.. rest is probably the smarter choice. You know what else was smart of me this week? and took a lot of restraint on my part?.. Not trying to do a max power snatch (olympic lifting move. basically picking the wt up off the ground and throwing it over your head as fast as you can.. and with good form, of coarse) at crossfit as a part of the games workout this week! I had, afterall, just heard the young'uns heartbeat.. something about going straight from the docs to the gym and lifting much, much heavier wt than anybody would recommend for a gal in my state.. just didn't seem right. So as much as I wanted to try it to help the team score, I refrained. The games workout this week was kind of a bummer for me. It's almost as if they designed the workout without a bit of consideration to those that might be attempting this while pregnant?! Totally rude, right? I thought so.. But the workout involved snatches, which I'm pretty sure 75# or 85# was my previous max wt... BUT.. that was from a while back and I'm sure I've improved my technique as well as ability to lift heavier wts.. BUT, then again.. we have the baby to consider. So when I saw that the workout was 30 at 45#, 30 at 75#, 30 at 100# and then as many as you can finish in the 10 minute time limit at 120# (?! what??!!), I knew I was going to be stuck at 60, powerless to even attempt the 100#. IF I wasn't pregnant, I'm sure this workout would have been completely different for me.. which I actually can't say for a lot of the workouts. That's the funny thing about this stage of pregnancy and how crossfit works.. Some I can still do just fine with maybe only a slightly slower pace to allow for more breathing.. But some.. like this one.. just aren't meant for pregnancy (duh.. I know..). But it was a bummer to have to stop simply because attempting the next weight wouldn't be safe for me.. OH I wanted to try it so bad.. But OH that would have been so dumb. SO. Another 'smart move' for me! I'm learning.. So I just got 60, then did some at 85# to take the rest of the time.. But my score was only 60 and didn't really help the team this week.. Well, maybe next time! Otherwise, the week was good. My running still seems fine, if not quite a bit slower.. Effort to output is not quite matching up there.. But we've had some nice days, so it's felt really good to get out there. I even got to take Mason for a quick spin in the old jogger this week.. at his request. It's so strange what he'll remember or think of at times, but he saw the jogger in the garage and pointed it out and said "remember when you would push me in that? Can we do that again?".. so I told him if we had a nice day, I'd take him for a jog. So friday afternoon, we had a sunny, 60 degree break in the crazy storms, so we saddled up and went! "WHEEeeeee!!!", was what he said as we started. He seemed to enjoy it, and it helped me to get a few more miles in, leaving just 3 short miles for saturday to complete my 20 for the week.. so that 20 mile per week of running miles is still holding strong! Swimming was OK, too. Friday was an IM day and MAN do those wear me out. Even on a good day the IM is exhausting to me.. but I do enjoy trying! I was also able to take a couple minutes off of the 'Painstorm' workout at Crossfit. I also got to do my 1st 'Angie', which is 100 each of pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and squats.. Take note 'games' people.. those are the ones I can do! Not much else going on here. Mason is hobbling around saying he hurt his leg at some point in his sleep friday night.. He's really keeping this limp thing going, which is kind of strange.. maybe growing pains? We'll definitely have to see how this ends up. We had a visit from my good friend, Erin this week.. AND I get to see her again today at her baby shower! Good times, though how dare they schedule a party during my nap time?? Again.. nobody asked the pregnant lady what SHE needed. Oh, wait.. perhaps I'm not the 'pregnant lady' they needed to consider for this one.. Fair enough. Last night Matt and I got some time out as it was our turn in the babysitting 'club'.. so we did the most romantic thing we could think of.. furniture shopping and grab some dinner. It was good, though. A success.. Now just wait a month for the goods to arrive! And.. that's all I have to say about that! Here's to a relaxing day and then back at it next week!
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