Bare with me, here.. I'm not too focused, so I can only imagine that will result in a less-than-to-the-point blog entry.. but we'll see what happens!
So we left off at monday.. let's see.. anything notable from there? Tuesdays started off with a swim.. LCM time at the Nat!! that's 'long coarse meters' to those not down with swimmer jargon. Well, usually I quite like the leisurely pace and 'just keep swimming'-ness of LCM.. and I hope to get back to that happy place by the time the beloved outdoor pool, which is 50m, as well, is open.. but as of this week? uh.. MAN 50m is a long way down there! Seems to take me forever, which when your current status requires extra rest and easy pace.. making those intervals is next to impossible for me. BUT. Lucky for me.. I don't really mind. I just am happy to get in, do my thing, sorta kinda pretend I'm following the coaches workout, then get out while the gettin' is good! But still.. WHEW! I'll get there.. I WILL enjoy the 50m outdoor pool this summer.. canNOT wait.
From there.. Crossfit, I reckon. I think it was a pretty successful week at the ol' JoCo. Monday's workout, as I mentioned, was run-heavy, which I really like. As much as I sometimes feel like my runs these days can look more like a death march, in the midst of a cf workout, it feels like my time to breathe a bit and I find myself enjoying the 'break'.. active recovery, perhaps? Tuesday was lift-y, but fine.. Lifting heavy stuff can make me a bit queasy lately, but I managed and stayed at a wt that was comfortable for me. Wednesday was another good one with a decent amount of running.. a mile, actually.. but while carrying a 14# medicine ball on my shoulder?! That never did quite get comfortable.. still trying to figure out the 'best' way to go about that one. I tried to pass along the advice to the fellas to carry the ball 'low'.. like when you're pregnant.. But that was quickly decided to be less than comfortable. Uh.. yeah.. I didn't say that would be the most comfortable and efficient way to carry it.. That's what you get when you ask the "pregnant lady" how to carry some extra weight around.. You're welcome! We also got to enjoy a few different methods of my favorite.. the pull up! strict pull ups (supposed to attach 20# to ya for that one, too.. but 'the boss' gave me a pass on that one.. I say I've got about 5-6 added lbs I carry around non-stop.. that's gotta count for something!) and then some chest-to-bars.. FUN. All of that, as I liked to say, was 'wrapped in a hug' with 25 burpees to start and end.. There were also some handstand push-ups in there.. I quite enjoyed it! Then.. in an effort to start cutting back a bit on cf workouts, as I typically have at least 1 day a week where I don't feel well at all.. I actually took the day 'off' on thurs. Of coarse.. I ran about 7 miles that day.. but that's 'all'! I promise! that and teach gymnastics, but nothing new there.. except I think the kids' brains were already on spring break, which made for a...ummm..interesting class day? Sheesh. Quick note about friday's cf and then I shall return to a note about thursdays run.. told ya this would be random.. Friday was a cardio workout with bear crawls, broad jumps and a splash of burpees.. fun, right! Again.. I maybe pushed too hard, but to me... why stop.. just breathe, get it done.. get to that finish line! Anyway
So thursday was fun. I did a few miles on my own pre-sunrise.. then Mason and I got loaded up (and bundled.. again.. I had to rely on my own (lack of) skills to dress us.. these in-between temps will always baffle me, I'm afraid) for a short run and then took our show on up to check out the Goddard School, which is right IN our neighborhood! It was fun. Mason seemed to really like it.. And I really like it for the convenience (and, of coarse, in the lovely spring haze that I'm in, I'm dreaming of always running up there for drop-offs and pick-ups, but I do realize that a majority of the year makes for less-than-ideal times to push your kid in a stroller.. too cold or too hot makes me feel like a jerk of a mom, but it IS a pretty short distance..), but we need to get this whole preschool thing figured out QUICK! Still working on it.. somebody give me a SIGN!
I also did a swim on wednesday, a bike ride outside on monday and inside on friday.. and we're planning to ride tomorrow, as long as we can work around the 'it could storm at any moment all day' forecast. I actually have surpassed my usual 20 running miles for the week this week. I'm not sure how this is happening, but getting those miles in seems to be getting easier somehow? I haven't really cut anything else out, that I can think of.. I think adding the stroller runs in has helped, even though those are usually short.. And being able to get outside to run early.. my strong desire to get those 'sunrise runs' in.. Because I'm not running 'long' at all, but somehow getting those miles in. I've even had some pretty good-feeling runs this week, which was nice. As 'race' season picks up, I'm already finding myself longing to enter a run.. a half? 10k? It's not an issue of if I could.. I know I 'could' and it would be fine.. It's more the fact that I can't ever predict how I'm going to feel these days.. I started feeling pretty sick last night (coming home from a concert! More on that in a bit) and woke up feeling the same. I tried to 'run it off' because a lot of times, the fresh air and activity actually does seem to help.. but no dice today. What if that was a race day? I can't just bail on race after race.. that seems silly.. So I think I'll stick to my plan of just volunteering and cheering/coaching at races.. at least until this nauseaus phase of my pregnancy passes.. it's going to pass.. right? Seriously.. it must.. But anyway, I hit my 20 miles on friday (after recounting over and over.. ), so my 3-ish this morning were 'bonus' and anything I get in tomorrow will be a 'bonus', too.. Maybe I should put them in the 'bank' for when I'm not feeling quite so spritely and up for running? like.. probably next week?
Oh, but what about this 'concert' I speak of, you ask? Ah, yes.. I heard on the radio this week, which is totally random because this artist would NEVER be played really on any radio station and definitely not on this 'top 40' type station.. but yet that's where I heard about it.. So Bela Fleck AND the Flecktones were on their way to play at Butler this friday! THE Bela Fleck!! AND his original crew! Most folks may not have heard of them, but if you've ever had, what I can only assume is the unbelievable, pinch-me-is this-real, chance-of-a-lifetime experience of living/rooming with me.. you have had the pleasure of enjoying this band. I'm not sure how many converts I've made, but I think Matt is officially a fan.. caught him listening to them on my ipod while he mowed today! Guess that's how I knew he was a keeper.. This is one of my 'core' fave bands that.. I just can't pass up the chance to see! Especially since they don't tour together very often. So we worked out the sitter situation and got our tickets.. and I'm happy to report that the Flecktones still got it! They are all such amazing musicians.. it's really kind of mind boggling to watch them do what they do.. So that part made me happy! What didn't make me happy was the long car ride to pick up Mason (don't worry, he was sleeping) and then drive back home after the concert.. I got super sick. Not cool. Guess you can't win 'em all.
So that's it. Here we are on saturday evening after a pretty easy day. 'Aunt 'Lis' (Matt's sister, Melissa) is here in town and we had a cookie/Easter extravaganza over here a bit earlier that wore me out. Now I sit with KU playing in the background.. kinda afraid to watch, but I sure hope they win! Here's hoping tomorrow is a good one.. 'til then!
GLI comp 1/'14

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
I swam in a Swim Meet??!!
So I guess the most 'out of the ordinary' thing I've done lately would have to be the swim meet I 'competed' in on sunday.. How's that for random! It was a free meet for Masters swimmers.. State Meet, to be exact.. and a friend of mine was interested in swimming in it and I was curious about the whole thing.. So I signed myself up for a few events and gave it the old college try! Indeed. I was mostly laughing at myself the whole time, but I had a good time. It was an experience.. I'm sure my starts were laughable, but I did stick with starting from the block.. had to at least look the part out there.. in my, apparantly un-meet worthy 'practice suit'.. so people buy special suits just for these meets? I've pondered this.. on and off.. for the past day.. it's really no more a silly concept than when I get all gussied up and head out in my tri suit for a triathlon, so I should be more understanding.. I guess because swimming isn't really my 'thing' and it's more a 'thing I try and try to get better at so that I can be more successful in the triathlon swim', I had a harder time taking the whole 'adult' competition seriously.. But honestly, what do I think I'm doing out there in tri's? Well... achieving my goals.. putting together my months of training.. having fun.. Same thing those swimming folks were out there doing last weekend.. So I think I get it now.. Still didn't make me take it any more seriously.. But, in fairness, I don't take myself all that seriously at tri's, either.. I'm always the one joking around until the gun goes off.. I'll smile and chat with folks along the way if it strikes my fancy.. some enjoy the banter.. others ignore me, so I move on.. It's all the same stuff. Some take it all WAY too seriously.. others, like me, are just happy to be out doing something they love, enjoying the day.. doing their thing! So that was that.. deep thoughts about what the heck I was doing at a swim meet.. I did OK, I suppose. I ranked myself pretty slow, so was in the 1st (slow) heat of most of my events.. only made the 2nd heat for my 50 free.. I think I came in respectably for all my events.. I did 100 breast in 1:38, which..after having it pointed out to me, is pretty close to my all out 100 free.. Which can only mean 1 thing.. My free is STILL SLOW!!! I have no idea what my 50 free was, but I felt like I gave it a good run. My 50 back was 44 seconds or something? Again.. hardly burning up the records, there, but it was 'good for me', so no complaints. I was surprised by how tired I was from just those short efforts. I hadn't been feeling very well (sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, baby.. Whatever you're doing in there.. what's that? growing? developing organs? ugh.. you make a good point, there, baby.. I suppose I can handle the nausea while you do that), so I'm sure that had something to do with it.. And I typically feel awful after any kind of 'speed' effort these days.. I wasn't completely exhausted or anything.. mostly hungry.. and nauseaus.. and hungry.. Either way, it meant I wasn't going to get my ride in, which we had planned for right after the meet. It was the right decision for me to bail.. the ride wouldn't have been pretty.. I think, though, if I just could have had lunch before, things would have been different.. But anyway, so just the meet on sunday.
Saturday was a pretty good workout for me.. got in a 3mi run before the TNT practice, which for that we did just over a mile warm-up, then a mile marker set (which I didn't get to 'mark' this time.. pretty sure it would have been pushing it to come in 1st this time, so I needed to take on 'coach' duties and do the timing and distance marking and such.. but I did get the mile in, if that matters at all.. probably not), another short bit cool-down, then a 30 minute lovely spin on the ol bike-a-roo.. then.. another short bit on the run! My total for the day was 6 running miles, which was what I 'needed' to get my 20 in for the week. Though I bailed on sunday's ride, I did ride 3 times last week, so not too much slacking there. Also did my swim's, though I think I already mentioned that those were quite.. yucky.. We'll go with that.. Just kind of a yucky swim week. Felt tired a lot. Any effort left me queasy.. I'll learn.. some day.
I do believe that I can announce that our little crossfit team made it to regionals! There still may be some late entries, but if the results stand.. we're in! they take top 30 teams from each region.. Too bad I can't join 'em to compete! Oh, well.. I got to have my fun in the 'open' part.. now it's time to let everyone else have their fun with all of it...and my turn to sit back with my growing belly and know that I did my best to do my part, all while being safe and honoring the little nugget growing inside of me.. So go JoCo! I hope to be able to go along to cheer and check out all the excitement, but we'll see. Not sure I'll be able to talk my guys in to that trip.
So far today.. only to monday of this week, but I got 6 running miles in today and a crossfit workout, which included a mile and a half of those miles.. I actually do count distance run in the crossfit workouts if it's long enough.. I'm not going to add a 200 or 400 in to my total, but when it's a mile or more, I count it.. Anyway, so 6 miles, a workout, then rest.. a lovely 20mi ride.. and that's my monday! I will add that I think I officially am liking this whole running with ipod thing.. at least for now. I got myself some quality 'yurbuds' that actually stay in my ear.. much more enjoyable then having to shove the ear thing in over and over.. and over again while you run.. switching hands with the water bottle.. oh, my. So it was much better today. But I also am officially clueless as to how to dress myself since I started using that 'what should I wear' tool on the runners world website.. So, 50 degrees, sunny and a lil windy? sounds like long sleeves, a vest, gloves, ear warmer.. that oughtta do it! little warm.. but I got the bottoms right, I think, with the knee length tights.. upper half of me was a tad hot, but I did alright, I guess. Anyway.. I think that's all I have to say about that!
Saturday was a pretty good workout for me.. got in a 3mi run before the TNT practice, which for that we did just over a mile warm-up, then a mile marker set (which I didn't get to 'mark' this time.. pretty sure it would have been pushing it to come in 1st this time, so I needed to take on 'coach' duties and do the timing and distance marking and such.. but I did get the mile in, if that matters at all.. probably not), another short bit cool-down, then a 30 minute lovely spin on the ol bike-a-roo.. then.. another short bit on the run! My total for the day was 6 running miles, which was what I 'needed' to get my 20 in for the week. Though I bailed on sunday's ride, I did ride 3 times last week, so not too much slacking there. Also did my swim's, though I think I already mentioned that those were quite.. yucky.. We'll go with that.. Just kind of a yucky swim week. Felt tired a lot. Any effort left me queasy.. I'll learn.. some day.
I do believe that I can announce that our little crossfit team made it to regionals! There still may be some late entries, but if the results stand.. we're in! they take top 30 teams from each region.. Too bad I can't join 'em to compete! Oh, well.. I got to have my fun in the 'open' part.. now it's time to let everyone else have their fun with all of it...and my turn to sit back with my growing belly and know that I did my best to do my part, all while being safe and honoring the little nugget growing inside of me.. So go JoCo! I hope to be able to go along to cheer and check out all the excitement, but we'll see. Not sure I'll be able to talk my guys in to that trip.
So far today.. only to monday of this week, but I got 6 running miles in today and a crossfit workout, which included a mile and a half of those miles.. I actually do count distance run in the crossfit workouts if it's long enough.. I'm not going to add a 200 or 400 in to my total, but when it's a mile or more, I count it.. Anyway, so 6 miles, a workout, then rest.. a lovely 20mi ride.. and that's my monday! I will add that I think I officially am liking this whole running with ipod thing.. at least for now. I got myself some quality 'yurbuds' that actually stay in my ear.. much more enjoyable then having to shove the ear thing in over and over.. and over again while you run.. switching hands with the water bottle.. oh, my. So it was much better today. But I also am officially clueless as to how to dress myself since I started using that 'what should I wear' tool on the runners world website.. So, 50 degrees, sunny and a lil windy? sounds like long sleeves, a vest, gloves, ear warmer.. that oughtta do it! little warm.. but I got the bottoms right, I think, with the knee length tights.. upper half of me was a tad hot, but I did alright, I guess. Anyway.. I think that's all I have to say about that!
Friday, March 23, 2012
still basking in the Sunrise Run
This week has gone pretty well, despite the fact that my tummy does not seem to like to swim? Say what?? That's the thing everyone is always saying is so soothing during pregnancy.. and I remember being able to swim basically up 'til D-day last time.. So what gives? I'm not sure if it's that I'm swimming with Masters this time where, even though I swear I've backed down on 'intensity' and take extra breaks, maybe just being around others that are pushing and swimming normally, maybe I'm not backing off enough? I don't know. I'm not ready to take my show solo, though, because, though it's hit the 80's a few times this week, I believe pools will stick to their usual schedule and not open for several more weeks.. I refuse to attempt to swim in the 85 degree Y pool which I find tough to swim in under normal circumstances, let alone when my body already seems to be overloaded just from lap swimming.. I guess I could maybe just pay to lap swim at the Nat and not with the team until the outdoor pool opens.. OR. More likely, I'll continue to go to Masters workouts and try my best, get discouraged some days, feel good other days.. some days think about quitting.. yeah.. That sounds like my most likely plan of attack. So proactive, huh. That's me! So that's that.. I swam 3 times this week, but not sure I'd call any of those attempts very impressive. But I'm 'tapering' (hilarious to think I could taper my swim more than I already was?) in preparation for my very 1st adult, Masters swim Meet this weekend! What? I know.. Very silly of me and it will be a sight, but I figured it's free and will (hopefully) be fun, so we'll give it a go!
I'm hoping to get some good riding in this weekend too. We got out to ride a short one on wednesday, but I was quite beat up by the winds for some reason that night. Hopefully the next one will be better? One can only hope.. Weather calls for some rain, but it's one of those 'maybe, maybe not' all weekend type of forecasts, so I'll go for the 'maybe not' and assume it'll be a lovely weekend for riding and some running (that always works out well.. assuming? sorry, but pretty sure I just jinxed us!).
This week, after realizing that early running simply suits me better, I've decided I'm tired of trying to fight it! So I've been able to work in some extra sunrise runs this week.. sometimes with my little guy (they really need a 'what should they wear' option so I can know how to dress him for the stroller! Who coulda guessed that as I was trying to find less and less for myself to wear, he'd get down the street and tell me he was cold? Duh.. nice going, Mom), sometimes solo. I'm really ready for the sun to come out earlier, so I can make those runs a part of my regular routine.. Soon enough! I think I need to be done with the treadmill.. Having my pace stare back at me.. taunting me.. teasing.. it's just too much for me to take. Good thing I've got some new, fancy headphones and my ipod.. we're gonna stick to the streets in the lovely sunrise where I'm blissfully unaware of how slow I'm going! (until I get passed by a walker or something.. that will be a sad day for sure.. )
Crossfit is still up and down for me. I've noticed some extra 'pains'.. deadlifts officially hurt the belly.. I think I mentioned that before.. But then other workouts still go fine.. I was able to finish the Games workouts this week and did alright. Wish I could have been faster, but I gotta honor the wee one and keep breathing for him or her! I'm just glad I lasted all 5 weeks and could see the whole thing through. So that's that!
Mason and I are heading out.. he's going to start back up in the 'School Skills' class at Gymboree.. Mama's freaking out a bit about his 'readiness', or lack there-of, for school starting this August. I'm sure he'll be fine.. But a little extra prep won't hurt! (or will it, as he's sitting here throwing fit #1037 as we speak).. wish us luck!
I'm hoping to get some good riding in this weekend too. We got out to ride a short one on wednesday, but I was quite beat up by the winds for some reason that night. Hopefully the next one will be better? One can only hope.. Weather calls for some rain, but it's one of those 'maybe, maybe not' all weekend type of forecasts, so I'll go for the 'maybe not' and assume it'll be a lovely weekend for riding and some running (that always works out well.. assuming? sorry, but pretty sure I just jinxed us!).
This week, after realizing that early running simply suits me better, I've decided I'm tired of trying to fight it! So I've been able to work in some extra sunrise runs this week.. sometimes with my little guy (they really need a 'what should they wear' option so I can know how to dress him for the stroller! Who coulda guessed that as I was trying to find less and less for myself to wear, he'd get down the street and tell me he was cold? Duh.. nice going, Mom), sometimes solo. I'm really ready for the sun to come out earlier, so I can make those runs a part of my regular routine.. Soon enough! I think I need to be done with the treadmill.. Having my pace stare back at me.. taunting me.. teasing.. it's just too much for me to take. Good thing I've got some new, fancy headphones and my ipod.. we're gonna stick to the streets in the lovely sunrise where I'm blissfully unaware of how slow I'm going! (until I get passed by a walker or something.. that will be a sad day for sure.. )
Crossfit is still up and down for me. I've noticed some extra 'pains'.. deadlifts officially hurt the belly.. I think I mentioned that before.. But then other workouts still go fine.. I was able to finish the Games workouts this week and did alright. Wish I could have been faster, but I gotta honor the wee one and keep breathing for him or her! I'm just glad I lasted all 5 weeks and could see the whole thing through. So that's that!
Mason and I are heading out.. he's going to start back up in the 'School Skills' class at Gymboree.. Mama's freaking out a bit about his 'readiness', or lack there-of, for school starting this August. I'm sure he'll be fine.. But a little extra prep won't hurt! (or will it, as he's sitting here throwing fit #1037 as we speak).. wish us luck!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Reunited and it feels so good
So I have a lot to say today.. I'll try to keep it to the cliff's notes version, but our internet has been 'on the fritz' lately.. meaning it cuts in and out all the time.. meaning everytime I think "oh, I should blog about that".. internet is out.. Coincidence? Hmm.. perhaps the 'man' is trying to save the world wide interweb from my musings.. Well, here goes..
I guess we left off from last friday, so a quick note about the previous saturday's run workout.. it was a good one! Some shuttle runs, some hills, some 'choose your own adventure' fartleks.. good stuff! Then, as is the trend for me right now, the darn weather was TOO nice for me to take the day off, so I just HAD to run a couple the next morning.. I mean, when it's in the 70's and sunny.. who can rest at a time like this? Things will turn soon enough and I'll be banished to super early workouts or in the AC, so I'm soaking it all up while I can here.. clock is ticking, too, on this growing belly of mine. So that rounded out last week. I think I was a little over my 20 mile goal for running that week, but not by much. I continued last weeks trend of being super sore from the crossfit games workout on in to this week.. just because it's so fun to have to walk funny for days! This weeks little treasure of a workout included 150 wallballs, which I was surprised by how badly that knocked my legs out of commission for a few days.. then some 'double unders' (aka: jumping rope.. I've gotten a little better at it, but this particular day was not a great one for me.. but I got it done), then we were to do 'muscle ups', which I had abandoned trying after learning of being pregnant because it seemed like a bit of a silly undertaking to try to learn a skill that I KNOW I won't be able to work on for several months.. BUT, since it was in the workout, I gave it the old pregnant college try.. I got close! But no dice.. So after wobbling around on crazy sore legs for a few.. no swim or run seemed to loosen those puppies up! But the weekend rolled around and I was up for coaching another TNT workout.. our 1st ride! Weather looked awesome and I was psyched to get out on my bike again. I realized that I hadn't gotten to enjoy one of my favorite things for a while.. sunrise runs! there's nothing better than starting a run in the dark and watching things brighten up to a lovely day.. Ah.. So I planned to hit the park early to get a few miles in before our ride.. and that's just what I did! I was even able to run at a fairly decent pace, which felt nice.. I had the extreme pleasure of getting to squeeze in to my tri and bike clothes with a growing mid-section. OH, don't I feel good now!! Needless to say, I went out yesterday to buy some 'big girl' bike clothes.. mostly I wanted to get some with the wider, more comfortable waist bands.. not that elastic that isn't going to be my friend for a while.. Big success at the store, by the way.. Turns out Louis Garneau women's line knows just what I needed and had quite the selection.. for sale!! So even though it wasn't a long one on saturday.. just a 2 mile run and a 1hr ride (just under.. I got hungry! Gotta plan to eat for 2 while training for 2.. so much to think about this year), but it was a good start-up for some riding. Then sunday.. yes, my 'rest day'.. Again.. I'm powerless against a 70 degree, sunny day! So I got in another short, maybe 3 mile or so, sunrise run (it's all fun and games 'til you nearly bust an ankle trying to enjoy that sunrise!) and then met up with some friends for a 20 mile ride. Again.. felt great! Both the early run and the ride had me feeling like my usual self. Now, I've mentioned before that sometimes I'm a little slow to pick up on signs that most would find obvious much sooner.. but call me crazy.. After 2 good early am/sunrise runs when most of my mid-day/later pm runs feel like a death march.. perhaps it's time to switch back to the early run? Hmm?? I don't know.. Probably give it another week of trials.. Anyway. Good to know I still have a good time of the day for some decent running. Again, I think I was just a touch over my 20 mile goal for the week..
Let's see.. what else about last week.. Swimming was pretty good. Made 3 IAM swims and most felt pretty good. I got to try my dives off the block.. think I got the whole pool in my goggles, but other than that, it went well.. Still wavering on signing up for the meet.. I just worry about doing things 'right'.. as in for real swimming.. back stroke start?? Pretty sure that would look like a joke.. the dive.. Anyway. I think I'll do it and it'll be fun, but it makes me a little nervous to pull the trigger on that one. Crossfit was good.. most of the time.. Mondays seem to be my 'feel sick' days for those workouts. Not really sure why, but today was the start of deadlifts hurting my tummy some.. I only had 135# to pick up, but it still hurt some.. Then handstand pushups were WAY more difficult than they should have been. I even got a little sick after the workout, though it was from pushing myself in the workout.. just that this pregnancy is taking a little more of a toll on me this time around. I know I'm working out more than last time, but this is my 'normal'.. and the way I worked out last time around was my 'normal' for that time in my life.. So anyway, I guess I just have to keep listening to what my body wants me to do, though I think it's trying to tell me to back off more at crossfit and I'm not sure I'm ready to listen.. I will, I will.. just bums me out a bit. It was a good run of quality pregnancy workouts, but I think I have to start scaling it back a bit more.. But the rest of the week was fine.. nothing super notable that I can think of. Mason has gotten to spend lots of time with us outside.. getting ready for soccer again! Oh, my.. I just have to keep him from pushing the other kids. That's all I care about. My kid will NOT be the dirty player on the field!! No, sir. He can be the flower picker.. the hopelessly clueless.. as long as he's having fun.. but he will NOT play dirty. Where do they get that from, anyway. He's still pretty darn sure that he's having a sister and has even specified that she will be a quiet baby, like a girl at his daycare named Alaina.. not loud, like another little girl there.. She will be quiet. Good luck with that! But all in all, things are good here. Race season is gearing up, so I'll have to get used to the spectating/cheering/volunteering role for this season.. I know I could still do some shorter races, but I think I'll refrain and just stick to my slow workouts.. Speaking of.. One more thing I wanted to mention.. I've started running with music again lately. I haven't run with an ipod for years.. probably at least 3 years or so? Ever since I started running with other people and in groups.. and then even when I trained by myself, it just seemed like there was always enough other things going on.. splits to watch, miles to tick off, intervals to think about.. But without all of that, I felt it might be time to turn the tunes back on.. So far so good, though if I run in the dark, I'm not sure I'll want music in my ears.. maybe just 1 ear, so I can be more aware of my surroundings.. But sometimes it really has helped to dictate a better run.. pick up when the song picks up, recover during the slower songs.. So that's new, I guess, as far as how I'm training. I wish I could find people to ride bikes with during the day.. I'll work on that. Well. Lots of random stuff.. hopefully my internet will work better, so I can do shorter, more focused posts this week.. I suppose I should call to have them come out or fix it remotely or whatever they do.. but that stuff just makes my head hurt.. So I'll just take the internet not working as a 'sign' that I should do something else. I look for 'signs' in lots of things.. most of the time, but I've noticed it more lately. Like last night when I decided I couldn't watch the KU game because whenever I watched, they couldn't hit a basket for anything, then I'd flip to another channel and when I'd come back, they'd be caught up again?! So then I went to bed and woke up to find out that they DID pull out the win! Wish I could have watched it.. Maybe next time!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Here we are on a lovely, but slightly chilly friday.. I wish it was just a few degrees warmer.. I hate to complain about a pretty day, but I'd love to take Mason out for another spin-a-roo in the jogger, but something tells me 40 is just a tad chilly to push a kid around for sport? So.. another slightly lighter workout day for me, but I have a good run set for tomorrow morning with the TNTers, so all should be well and good with my 20 miles of running for the week.. barring some kind of pregnancy related exhaustion or something.. But I think we should be good. I'm looking forward to the run, so I hope we get a good crowd out to join us! We WERE going to get to start on the bike this week, but 30 degrees is NOT how we want to start things out.. AND, not to mention, a 30 degree bike ride requires a lot of extra gear that we don't want to have to force everyone to run out to get because.. honestly, how many of us really CHOOSE to ride in temps like that, thus requiring all the cold gear that, yes... I must admit.. I have.. But don't use all that often. But I'm OK with that! Anyway.. So instead we're going to stick with running, but are planning to have some good old fashioned group running fun with it this week.. so I hope we have that group! I'm no expert coach.. or runner.. or anything, really! But I think it's important to take advantage of having a group to run with.. other than the obvious advantages of using the group for motivation, distraction, compainonship, etc.. But also to maybe pull out a workout that you wouldn't otherwise do by yourself.. SO. That's what's on tap for tomorrow. I'm super sore at the moment.. I hope that doesn't hinder me at all.. Not thinking it will, but MAN.. I haven't been this sore for a bit! Guess that's what happens when you push a little harder in a workout after a few weeks of being 'tenative'. Tenative for a good reason, of coarse (I hope I spelled that right.. if you use a word twice, ya better spell it right.. 1st time it's like, 'oh, she hit the wrong key or just wasn't thinking'.. but 2 times? yes, sir.. that, there, is a mistake!), but even though I've had some good workouts, I'm not sure I've really pushed to the point of being sore for a while.. But after the crossfit games workout yesterday morning.. I. Am. Sore.... and I love it. No worries.. I wasn't foolish or careless to the life inside me. At no point in the workout did I feel like I was being dangerous. My breathing was pretty well maintained, I'm just good, old fashioned muscle fatigued from the repetition of the movements.. did I mention that I like feeling this sore? I'm talking, sore to the touch, sore. My arms are so sore that on my way to swim this morning (stroke day.. fly.. I'm afraid I may never conquer you.. But I'm not giving up.. And yes, I know I look a fool out there. Just look away, if it hurts too bad to watch) I actually had a thought of "is this going to work?". It did.. I swam just fine. Not sure if it did anything to relieve or worsen the soreness.. I think it was a wash. But I am happy to report that I did get in my 3 swims this week AND my 3 trainer rides. I think getting to have that bonus evening swim on monday nights when I go to coach for TNT really helps me to fit it all in.. So that leaves me with my run. Here's hoping tomorrow goes well.. Chilly, but well.. And I can have that sunday rest-day that I seem to be needing right now. OH. But as for the games workout this week.. Much better for me than last weeks bummer, so that was nice. I know I did my best and pushed as hard as I could and should right now. As much as the competetive side of me wants to do like so many others do and 're-do' the workout with everyone, I know that wouldn't be a good idea for me right now.. But at least I'm getting a taste of what actually competing will be like next time! But the workout was 18 fun-filled minutes of box jumps (15), push press at 75# (12.. these are what have my arms screaming for help right now), and toes to bar (9).. as many rounds/reps of that as you can. I told myself I was shooting for 10 rounds, which I knew was a lofty goal, but that's easier for me to wrap my head around than to just say.. "go for 18 minutes.. as many as you can..".. that kind of non-descript idea of a workout just doesn't work well for me. It's like a race without a finish line.. just doesn't register with my brain.. So I set out to do 10 and did my darndest.. Alas, I only made it through 8 whole rounds and then got to the toes to bar on the 9th round.. So not quite, but I know I gave it my best shot.. So that's it for the games for this week! I did forget to mention that I got to give my nutrition talk to the TNT tri team last saturday after our short run.. I thought it went well, but, of coarse, I thought of things afterward that I didn't 'hit home' enough.. But luckily this time I'll be spending the whole season with the team, so lots of time to make my points! perhaps during our fun run tomorrow?? I sure know how to have a good time, huh. I know.. they just line up to run with me!..slow, out of breath, growing belly AND talks nutrition? Quite the running partner catch, yes, indeed. But I'm pretty much always game for a run, so I have that going for me.. which is nice.. And I'm out!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
REST day!
Ah..look at me go.. this must be 3 weeks in a row with a day of rest involved.. Wish it resulted in a less exhausted me. Not quite. But I'm sure it's helping. So this week I was only able to get 2 trainer rides and 2 swims in.. and yes, I thought about doing a spin and a swim today (sunday), but I figured since I'm not training for anything, but instead, am growing a life.. rest is probably the smarter choice. You know what else was smart of me this week? and took a lot of restraint on my part?.. Not trying to do a max power snatch (olympic lifting move. basically picking the wt up off the ground and throwing it over your head as fast as you can.. and with good form, of coarse) at crossfit as a part of the games workout this week! I had, afterall, just heard the young'uns heartbeat.. something about going straight from the docs to the gym and lifting much, much heavier wt than anybody would recommend for a gal in my state.. just didn't seem right. So as much as I wanted to try it to help the team score, I refrained. The games workout this week was kind of a bummer for me. It's almost as if they designed the workout without a bit of consideration to those that might be attempting this while pregnant?! Totally rude, right? I thought so.. But the workout involved snatches, which I'm pretty sure 75# or 85# was my previous max wt... BUT.. that was from a while back and I'm sure I've improved my technique as well as ability to lift heavier wts.. BUT, then again.. we have the baby to consider. So when I saw that the workout was 30 at 45#, 30 at 75#, 30 at 100# and then as many as you can finish in the 10 minute time limit at 120# (?! what??!!), I knew I was going to be stuck at 60, powerless to even attempt the 100#. IF I wasn't pregnant, I'm sure this workout would have been completely different for me.. which I actually can't say for a lot of the workouts. That's the funny thing about this stage of pregnancy and how crossfit works.. Some I can still do just fine with maybe only a slightly slower pace to allow for more breathing.. But some.. like this one.. just aren't meant for pregnancy (duh.. I know..). But it was a bummer to have to stop simply because attempting the next weight wouldn't be safe for me.. OH I wanted to try it so bad.. But OH that would have been so dumb. SO. Another 'smart move' for me! I'm learning.. So I just got 60, then did some at 85# to take the rest of the time.. But my score was only 60 and didn't really help the team this week.. Well, maybe next time! Otherwise, the week was good. My running still seems fine, if not quite a bit slower.. Effort to output is not quite matching up there.. But we've had some nice days, so it's felt really good to get out there. I even got to take Mason for a quick spin in the old jogger this week.. at his request. It's so strange what he'll remember or think of at times, but he saw the jogger in the garage and pointed it out and said "remember when you would push me in that? Can we do that again?".. so I told him if we had a nice day, I'd take him for a jog. So friday afternoon, we had a sunny, 60 degree break in the crazy storms, so we saddled up and went! "WHEEeeeee!!!", was what he said as we started. He seemed to enjoy it, and it helped me to get a few more miles in, leaving just 3 short miles for saturday to complete my 20 for the week.. so that 20 mile per week of running miles is still holding strong! Swimming was OK, too. Friday was an IM day and MAN do those wear me out. Even on a good day the IM is exhausting to me.. but I do enjoy trying! I was also able to take a couple minutes off of the 'Painstorm' workout at Crossfit. I also got to do my 1st 'Angie', which is 100 each of pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and squats.. Take note 'games' people.. those are the ones I can do! Not much else going on here. Mason is hobbling around saying he hurt his leg at some point in his sleep friday night.. He's really keeping this limp thing going, which is kind of strange.. maybe growing pains? We'll definitely have to see how this ends up. We had a visit from my good friend, Erin this week.. AND I get to see her again today at her baby shower! Good times, though how dare they schedule a party during my nap time?? Again.. nobody asked the pregnant lady what SHE needed. Oh, wait.. perhaps I'm not the 'pregnant lady' they needed to consider for this one.. Fair enough. Last night Matt and I got some time out as it was our turn in the babysitting 'club'.. so we did the most romantic thing we could think of.. furniture shopping and grab some dinner. It was good, though. A success.. Now just wait a month for the goods to arrive! And.. that's all I have to say about that! Here's to a relaxing day and then back at it next week!
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