GLI comp 1/'14

Friday, June 29, 2012
1+1=.. Not so fast..
It was starting to seem that the answer to my most recent 'high blood pressure days' was an obvious one and signaled yet another of my regulat habits biting the dust for the next few weeks.. But after a chat with the doc today, now there's a couple possible answers. You see, after too many times of swimming early, coming home, and then having the rest of the day ruined by feeling ridiculously tired, wiped out, woozy, dizzy, nauseated, etc.. I figured I should put the pieces together and resolve to discontinue my early am swims for now.. And by 'early am swim', I mean I wake up around 4:30-ish to be at the pool by 5am.. That comes pretty quick when you refuse to get to sleep earlier than about 10 or 11pm. And I hear that sleep is an important thing to get while growing a human in your belly. I don't think it's just the swimming that is the problem because when I swim a little 7 or 8, things seem to go much better. So that was my plan, no more 5am workouts for the duration of pregnancy and hopefully that would be the end of this wasted 'hbp feeling days'. But. Enter doc appt today.. I explained what I was feeling and what my plan was for fixing it.. He agreed that it would certainly help to sleep more, but he also asked if I showered after my swim and if I started to feel sick after a shower? I was a bit confused by this question, but yes, I do shower after I swim.. He mentioned vaso-dilation being something that could cause those woozy feelings and maybe I'm getting too hot? Ding, ding!! I think we have a winner. I still think it would be best for me to take better care to get my sleep in, but after I thought about it, the hot water shower does seem to fit as the most likely culprit. That water does get pretty darn hot AND it's usually in stark contrast to the chilly walks I had to make from the outdoor pool in the still 50-some degree weather and then straight into that steamy shower. Man is my face red over here.. Can't believe I didn't think of that. So that's that! Guess that's why we pay him the big bucks. I really like my doc. He's a no frills, kinda big, burly guy (less burly now since shaving his mt man beard).. Doesn't chat a whole bunch, but listens well and seems to genuinely care..and best of all, you just have the sense that he knows his stuff, which is what I look for in a doc. And he gives gems of wisdom like "don't hop in a super hot shower after a swim..ya dummy".. I added the dummy part, but I wouldn't have blamed him if he had said it.
Speaking of my doc appt know what makes for a sucky day when you're pregnant? Fasting. Add to that the slow draining of your blood supply, and I'm feeling pretty rough today. I don't mind the actual drink they give you (we're talking glucose test, in case I lost you), but it's all the other stuff.. No eating? I'm never good with that. My appt was 8:20, but I didn't get out of there until almost 11 and then we had to go straight to Mason's new preschool to get oriented! So I didn't get to eat until noon-ish. So I'm starving, but yet, the food I choose makes me pukey? Not cool. Very cruel catch 22, this pregnancy has been.. Feel hungry, but queasy, finally decide to eat, no matter what you choose, you spend the next few hrs trying not to puke it up and in varying levels of stomach cramping.. And repeat! I'm not complaining.. I'm really not. Everything else has gone really well with my pregnancy and if my guy is healthy, I'm all for it.. But MAN! I'm getting tired of this pukey stuff. It's been really bad when teaching gymnastics classes these past few weeks. Seems like every class time I'm fighting to not lose whatever food I ate all over the floor, I get super out of breath and then, to cap it off, the stomach cramps start. I'm sure the parents are all worried I'm going to keel over while spotting their young-un on the beam or something.. Just lovely.
But in other news.. Mason starts his school on Monday! We stopped in to sign some papers and get everyone ready today. Mason got to hang in the classroom for a bit and he was more than ready to dive in. I can't believe it's already time for him to start preschool, but I'm so excited for him to have new experiences and friends. And while we're talking about how awesome and big Mason is.. He had a great time at his big birthday surprise! He was thrilled to get to go to a hotel..and have his dad stay home with him..and the water slides, too, though I'm pretty sure any hotel with a pool would have sufficed. But I was really surprised at how brave he got on his second day of the water park! The first day, he just wanted to spray all the water hoses, buckets, etc, which are everywhere around that place..splash around a bit, and finally did a couple of the smallest, slowest slides offered in the park. But I guess he slept on it and decided to go for it, because pretty much right from the start the next morning, he went for bigger and bigger slides..and loved it! I was shocked. I waited at the bottom (no slides for the pregnant gals), ready to 'mama bear' it up when my scared little guy came out the shoot..but no, sir. That's not what I got! He was grinning and eagerly asking his daddy to go down more and more was really fun to see, but a bummer I couldn't enjoy it with him.. But I knew it would be that way, so I'm just excited that he had such a great time there. And now he's four! Our baby is 4. Wow.
That's about all I've got for now. After taking today totally off of working out and a pretty easy week, I hope to get some good workouts in this weekend.. Planning on a run/swim/crossfit tomorrow.. Probably just a run on Sunday, as much as I'd like to get a ride in.. But thing is for sure. No more hot showers!! So silly..
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