GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
what.. this ol' thing??
So I guess it has happened.. At 7mo pregnant, I officially look pregnant enough for strangers to assume there is a baby in my belly and ask me about it.. Usually in the form of "when are you due?" and "do you know what you're having?", so nothing too personal or pressing, but I don't know.. I'm happy to 'look' pregnant.. you know.. It's nice to finally look like you legitimately have a human growing and not just a beer belly, but I still think I believe in the 'NEVER ask a stranger if she's pregnant' plan.. you just don't know.. Maybe I drink a lot of beer. Or maybe I've just let myself go..and happen to enjoy accentuating my buddha belly with form fitting maternity shirts? Just kidding.. I do think it's pretty safe to ask me at this point, but I'm not always super easy on 'em.. Sometimes I make you squirm.. especially strangers! Like.. our paster? gave him a 'pass', especially since I was literally standing there with my hand on my belly.. pretty much a give away.. But the chatty check out lady at Macy's?? I'm gonna make you squirm a bit for ass-uming.. Gave her the blank stared "excuse me?" as she stumbled over trying to get the question out and she immediately regretted asking.. I didn't leave her hanging long.. don't worry.. after looking confused for a bit about what, exactly, she was getting at.. I eventually smiled and said 'september'.. boy was she relieved! Not that I'm anti-social, but I just feel like it's never really safe to assume.. and sometimes I like to remind folks of that! So anyway, I guess that's what's new with me! All the moms of the gymnastics kids that I teach have started asking and, of coarse, then comment on how 'tough' I am for teaching gymnastics this long.. and it is starting to get 'tough'.. touching those toes and all. I had to tell one group that was imitating my pathetic attempt at reaching for my toes while trying not to vomit as my stomach pushed up into my throat and I said "I have a baby in my way.. you guys can reach further!". So we'll see how much longer I last for teaching with this growing little fella on board. I definitely will finish out the 5 weeks left in this session, but not sure how much, if any, I can do of the next sessions after that.. we'll see.
After a rough ride last wednesday that had me wondering if my bike ridin' days were over, I had a successful ride on saturday that felt really good! So that was nice. I stopped, as planned, at the 15mi mark of a 30-ish mi loop (Matt and Mason picked me up and we 'SAGged' for the rest of the group.. I didn't just bail and hitch hike or anything). I think I could have gone on, but didn't want to push and end up regretting it.. and by 'regretting it', I mean curled up in the fetal position for the rest of the day/weekend.. so I think it was a winner! I was coaching for the TNT Steelhead group and had a nice plan of that 30mi ride and then a 6mi run with some rolling hill mile repeats.. sounds like great fun, yes? Well, I knew better than to try to run that late in the day (probably around 10 or so.. I think they finished after 10:30), so I just led them around in my AC car (nice of me.. I gave them water and words of encouragement!), as I chose to do my 30 min run before the ride.. So not a bad day of activity AND I felt just fine during and after. Like I've said before.. I try to learn as we go, here, and learn from my mistakes and such. Then I actually took one of those 'rest days' that I mentioned realizing I hadn't had in a while.. It was father's day, afterall, so thought it might be nice for me to stick around and just praise Matt and treat him to meals and gifts and such.. so it was good!
I actually realized that I needed a rest day after those 'high blood pressure-feeling days' that happened a couple times last week. Be still my little multi-sport loving heart, but I think I have to choose just 1 activity to do at a time.. trying to stack things back to back without much/any recovery time just seems to leave me.. well, woozy, dizzy, sick feeling.. probably not a good thing, and even I can acknowledge that heading out for a run or off to crossfit when you feel like that would be foolish.. So, at least for now, it seems like.. short run, little break with some food and water, and then crossfit.. fine.. Short swim, try to run and then crossfit?..not so fine. I'm not sure what it is about that darn pool.. I enjoy it so.. but it wears me out something fierce! I did manage to have a swim this week where I felt like, though it was slow, I was moving well and without too much of a strain.. but I did have to stop at every 50m lap..just for a moment, but still.. that little break must have helped. So duly noted, little fella.. breathers every darned 50m in the pool and we can have a happier swim? got it.. will try that out again tomorrow.
This weekend is Mason's birthday party weekend and my parents are coming to town, which I'm very much looking forward to. I haven't seen them since.. I guess our ski trip back in Feb?? Which means Mason hasn't seen them in that long, either, and he's super ready to hang out with them! Should be a good weekend!
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