GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
'twas a HBP kinda day
As in, 'high blood pressure', or at least, that's what it felt like.. Or to be even less scientific about it.. That's what I imagine it would feel like. Whatever. I didn't go to the doc for diagnoses or anything, but after my early, easy swim yesterday, I came home and just I was light headed and dizzy and extra out of breath.. I just figured I was hungry, though I shouldn't really have been because I think I had eaten adequately for the morning, but as I've learned with pregnancy, sometimes despite your best efforts, you just can't keep up with what the little nugget needs to consume.. So I ate..still off.. So I figured, probably a sign that I should ditch my original plans of a short run and heading to crossfit and, instead, took the day pretty easy. Which kind of reminded me that I hadn't really taken a rest day in a while, so perhaps this is my body's subtle way of telling me I need to make the rest day a part of my routine again.. Not sure what happened to those days of rest. Just seems like there's always something out there that I want to do, but I'm sure I can figure out how to chill a bit more.. Especially since all signs have been pointing to my biking days being very close to done..for a while.. My last ride was on Sunday and it was not pretty. We were just doing a 15mi loop.. Shorter cut off from our usual route, but I had stomach cramps from the start and had a rough time getting started.. I will say that I did seem to shake it out and find a decent ride..eventually.. We'll see how things go today, as I'm planning to head out for our usual Wednesday ride later today.. I'm hoping it goes well because I'm also set to coach this weekend's training for the TNT Steelhead crew. If I have to, I can just drive and SAG for them, but I'd really like to be able to hang with them for at least part of the action.. So we'll see.
Luckily, my 'off' feeling was short lived and I'm feeling better so far today. I got an early jog in, my favorite Wednesday, longer crossfit workout, and then an easy swim for some cool down. Man. I do not get why swimming is so tough for me these days. Everyone talks about how swimming is so great during pregnancy.. I don't remember having any major issues with it last time..though I do recall that my HR would be super high in the pool, so I took it really easy.. But I just feel like I'm swimming upstream all the time. All I really want to achieve in the water right now is to enjoy the pool (despite my crappy swimming, I still sure do love being out there.. Guess I'm weird like that) and maintain good form in my swim stroke, but it really takes a lot out of me.
Not much else going on with workouts.. Pretty much business as usual.
In other news, I can't believe how soon Mason's birthday is.. Turning 4 is exciting and all, but along with that date comes a lot of other changes, too.. Changes that seemed SO far off not that long ago.. Next week Mason is going to try out vacation bible school! Which I thought would be good for him to start the whole 'going to school' schedule thing.. He also really likes going to Sunday school (whenever we make it to church), so I thought he might have fun.. We'll see.. He insists that he wants to go, though in speaking with him this morning about it, I'm pretty sure he thinks it's a trip that he's going on..Understandable, given that 'vacation' is in the title.. So we'll see how that goes. He had his last day of Gymboree last Friday. After going there fairly regularly since he was 9mo old, that seems like a big step! He'll have his last day of Miss Debbie's daycare right before his birthday. I don't think I've mentioned his daycare much, but he's been going to Debbie's, which is an in-home daycare, since around his 1yr birthday. He's really enjoyed it, which is why we didn't pull him out of that routine, even when I got downgraded to PRN (as needed, or, as in my case, 'hardly ever in over a yr') at the eating disorder clinic.. Just seemed mean to take him away from his friends and the routine he knows when we could afford it, so he's continued that.. But it, too, is coming to an end..because he's going to start preschool the week after his birthday! Ah..things are changing around here, for sure. He's started moving in to his 'big boy' room, which he is so adorably psyched about.. It's just all coming so quick! So, it works out just fine that my decreased tolerance for my workouts and increased need for rest is coinciding with all of these schedule changes and exciting family things going on. I plan to take things day by day, adjust as I need to, and do my best to keep up with everything that needs to be done around here! Speaking of..I'm sure there's something else I should be doing right now..
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