GLI comp 1/'14

Monday, June 25, 2012
Big changes are a-comin!
Not so much training to report on.. I'm still constantly adjusting my expectations for what I can physically do at this point. I think I've learned that my 'claim to fame', which has always been my ability to recover from one workout quickly and be ready to take on another with little to no consequences.. Well, that's almost non-existent right now.. Good bye, old friend! I hope it's not good-bye forever.. But as of this moment, it seems like crossfit 3 days a week..aka every other day, seems to be my limit. Pretty much anything after swimming isn't going to happen. Seems like those trips back and forth in the pool really zap my energy, so I won't plan any back to back things with swimming, unless the swim can come last. My running is actually going quite well, I must say. I feel pretty good out there and don't need my belly/back brace right now. I'm sticking with the 30 minute limit despite feeling better because I don't want to wind up back where I was before with the back issue. Biking..that's sadly taking a back seat right now. Not so much because I can't ride anymore, but more because I'm not able to ride like I normally would.. I can't keep up with my usual crew and can't talk anyone else into rides within my recent limits..and as much as I think everything would be fine if I rode makes me nervous. I don't love riding solo much when I'm not riding for two, and with all the random issues I've had through this pregnancy, it makes me nervous to get too far out there all alone with no one around if any of those issues should come up.. So anyway, I've tinkered with the idea of just riding around and around in my neighborhood, but haven't been that excited about making that happen. I rode my trainer a bit and rode a stationary bike a bit today, but that still hurts more than just riding my tri bike outside, odd as that may seem. So anyway, that's where I am with biking and everything else. Seems strange to think that running and crossfit are the things that feel the best this time. Even the elliptical seems to make me feel more 'off' than those two activities. Go figure..
So that's that.
In other news, though.. Mason had his birthday party and that was fun. He had a great time, especially having his grandma and grandpa Bucher in town for the visit. He also did his first go of vacation bible school last week.. I'll call it a success, even if he did almost balk at returning half way through the week.. We talked it through and he came around and enjoyed the rest of his time there. It was too funny watching him learn all of those songs and dances, he really had fun with it and even asked me today "why did it have to be over", so I'll take that to mean that he had fun. Now this week, Wednesday, is his birthday and we have quite the fun day planned, which includes most of his favorite things..daddy staying home from work, baseball, a hotel, and water slides/pool.. Only way we could have made it better would have been to fly there, but Cincy isnt that far away, so he'll just have to settle for the car ride. Also something I'm excited about? Our nursery has been transformed and is pretty much ready for our second bundle of joy to take over! We got the crib, a new glider/chair, decided to use an old dresser, painted and put up some pics.. Looking pretty ready to go! So that's a good feeling. So what are those 'big changes'? Well, the end of Mason going to his daycare, the start of his preschool days..and the eventual arrival of a baby brother. I guess it's all feeling like those changes are coming quick, so I'm bracing myself!
I guess that's all I have to say about that for now..
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