GLI comp 1/'14

Friday, October 29, 2010
Long Awaited (I'm sure) Update
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
An Honor just to be Nominated??
not quite done yet...
Friday, August 6, 2010
NOW what??!!
We met with the group at 4am (yes....4am! I actually woke up before my alarm at about 3-ish) and then took off for the race. We arrived in the pitch dark (obviously)...but I was a little surprised to find really NO lighting in the area?? I managed to squint my way through setting my gear up...juuuuust in feel the 1st rain drops. So I grabbed my trash bags and covered what I could cover (most importantly my shoes! soaked shoes and socks are a big bummer!) and took off for some cover with my team. Finally, just as the rain was letting up a bit, it was time to make the trek down to the swim start.. a 1.2mi walk in the sand. I totally knew about this walk and didn't feel as though it was anything to be bent out of shape about...and it was fine.. But it definitely took longer than I thought it would. But it was actually a nice time to chat with some buds (Joe and Shawn... Ashley was marching off ahead with her 'game face' already firmly in place!) and take in a bit of the scenery. I got to the start probably 10 or 15min before time to take off, so got situated in my wetsuit and got my pre-race dip in...lined up with the rest of the 30-34yr old a few quick song & dances in! (ask Ashley...I think I even broke her 'game face' for a bit when I broke out my moves!). Not til we were finally called in and standing by the water waiting for the start call did I finally don my game face. I was ready..plotted my route and placement in the water (not sure why I's always immediately irrelevant and just turns in to 'just keep swimming, look where you're going')...and we're off! Let me just say (as I cut this dramatic story down a bit), the swim. was. amazing!! Best swim EVER (so far)! The current was delightful. The temp was perfect. Course was marked with perfectly spaced bouey's (that looked like sail boats!..actually..they were just triangles, but looked like sail boats to me!). I was actually passing people!! not usually something I experience in this leg of the race... So by the time I exited the water (about 35min later), I was elated!! I was all smiles. And then I started my looooong 'bay-watch-eat-your-heart-out' trot up the beach til I FINALLY reached solid ground!
1st Transition (T1 to those 'in the know') was fine.. nothing special.. As usual, I was chatting to the gals around me.. Mostly about how great the swim was, have a good day..that kind of stuff. I think my T1 time was around 3:30. Not fast, but not too slow.. Nothing I would change, really.
Now off on the bike. Here we go! I feel like the bike is really the 'meat' of this tri sandwich.. We're out there for the longest time & I think it has the most opportunity for things to go awry... So here we go... Well. I felt great!! I was cruising along on my purple piece of high tech equipment (I love my bike...but I have a feeling it gets a little jealous of those around it while it hangs out in transition.. Chin up, Buddy! We do just fine out there, you and me... We pass those fancy schmancy tri bikes with NO problem!) feeling like I could go LEAST 56 miles (isn't that lucky??). Honestly, I thought the coarse was really easy. It actually felt like there were more down hills than up, though I know that's not actually the case.. But any hill that was out there was a long, gradual thing...never a sharp "we're going up THAT??!" kind of thing. No head wind that I had heard all about... All in all, delightful! The rain that had worried us all before the race and then sparked up a tiny bit in the swim was long gone now. I had a bit of cloud cover for most of the ride, so it was great! My goal time for the bike was 3hrs and I came in just under that..somewhere around 2:55 or something?? So pretty good! If there was any place that I was going to be tentative during the race, it was the bike.. I wanted to make sure I had some good legs left in me for the run, so I never felt really winded or like my legs were burning during the ride...and that's how I planned it! So good for Steelhead and I!!
T2, again..nothing special. In and out in around 3:30....and we're off for the run!
My plan for the run was to start the 1st few miles at around a 10min mile pace.. Well, the 1st mile included the main uphill of the race...and I still came in closer to an 8:30 mile?! But..I felt good, so didn't sweat it. The next few miles were around that pace as well (estimated...I wasn't wearing my Garmin, but just used my trusty ol' Pink Polar watch that I just use to keep my total race splits or anything special like that. I try not to get caught up in all that mess) & I was still feeling I quit worrying about pace and quit looking at the watch...and just did some good old fashioned running! The volunteers at the aid stations were awesome & definitely helped us through. After that 1st hill and mile-ish out, we start in on our 2 loops out through a neighborhood and then through the whirlpool campus. The campus, I thought, was delightful! There was part of the run on a trail through some woods, which offered some nice shade.. There was 1 more hill, which we met up with 2 times in the loops, that we got to take on. Lots of folks were walking...but I just charged on (don't get me wrong...I'm sure it was closer to a shuffle...but I wasn't gonna walk it!). Loop #2 still felt pretty good! I actually like having the 13 miles broken up into the out/back and the 2 loops...helped to mentally check through the miles and be ready for the next thing ahead. I chatted with a friendly Canadian for a bit...and then another gal as we entered our final mile of the race.. I couldn't believe it was almost over! Couldn't believe what I had taken on...and what had seemed like such a crazy idea way back in was almost over!! And I was still feeling good. That's crazy! Now...don't misunderstand...I was tired and my legs were a little sore... But all things considered...I was feeling GOOD! So I trucked on for what seemed like a long time...everyone saying I was "almost there" and it's "just around the corner"...finally...I round said corner and there it is...the big finish!! I still can't believe it. It felt so great. I was scanning the crowd looking for my team Blunck. I saw lots of TNT supporters and friends that had come up to watch..I smiled and high fived... Big finish... where's my guys??!! Well. I guess this is my fault. I had said for months, basically since I started training for this thing.. My goal finish time was 6hrs. Could I do it? I'd be OK with just over 6hrs...but maybe I'll be just under 6hrs.. So this is what Matt was planning on.. So when I cross the line at 5:35...he was with Mason on the swings??!! OH, NO!! No big deal...they came right up and it was great to see them. Matt was amazing keeping Mason entertained through that whole race... Mason was loving the beach and the water and the playground...he was loving all the action! He was excited to see his Mommy..and I was thrilled to see them...
Wow. Like I said... I STILL (even as I write this almost a week later) cannot believe it's over.. But it is! And it was a great success...from start to finish. From joining TNT, to the fundraising and having a great cause to inspire the friends I've made...and to the amazing feeling of meeting and surpassing all of those goals that I set for myself. I would also like to say thank you SO MUCH to everyone for your support. I could NOT have done it without you. A HUGE thanks to my husband...thanks to my parents, aunts and uncles, in-laws, friends...your words of support gave me such a boost! I will cherish those notes forever.
So now what?? Well... I keep trucking along, of coarse. I have a sprint tri in 2 weeks here in town. Then the next weekend I head up to Chicago for an olympic distance race. Then...well...that's still up for debate.. But whatever it is that I do, I'll be doing it with my 'team Blunck' by my side!!! For those still craving more info about my racing and training and family stuff...I'll continue on with my fear not!! Thanks for listening... Oh, and I'll post some pics... our computer is working super slow right now & I just don't have the patience.. But I'll get 'em up soon!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
the Taper begins!
On the 'honored heros' front... Lauryn got her chemo port taken out last week! Her mom, who's also our asst. coach, Dea, brought it (sterilized, of coarse) to swim practice for us to was quite heavy, actually, and crazy to think it was in that little 6yr old's chest for so long. Luke, our other tri team hero who's also 6 yrs old, has also finished his last round of chemo and should be getting his port out soon, too! So things are looking good there. Their families are very relieved to be done with treatments, but also nervous about possibilities....but they can only be positive! And they are... They really are. It's amazing to see the strength of these moms and kids and families... I can't even imagine what they've been through and for them to come through it all with smiles and determination is really something to see. I'd also like to thank all of my supporters, family and friends again for helping me to surpass my fundraising goals and for staying tuned to all of my trainings and racing. I really appreciate you ALL and could not have done this without you. It's not quite over yet, but I'm feeling a little like this 1st chapter with Team in Training is coming to a close and it has been truly amazing. If anyone out there is contemplating joining TNT for a race...please let me know if you have any questions or anything I can help you with. I HIGHLY recommend joining in the fun for yourself because it is SO rewarding. There are all kinds of events they are involved in, so there's something for everyone! And they really can take all levels of athletes through the steps and get them to where they need to be for their event... So please...if you have any desire at all, you should check it out and give it a try! (or 'tri'...ha ha) I promise you won't regret it. SO. I'll continue to update as we near event day... Thanks, again, for your support and for checking in!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
week in review...and finally some pics!
Here's my special boy sporting his major award after his 1st 'fun run'! They had a kids run during the Terre Haute tri that I did in May and they let Mason run it! It was hilarious...last one to finish after a few distractions, but he did it!
Don't I look fast?? Me at the 'big finish' at Terre Haute...3rd place!
Ah...doesn't he look refreshed?? Mason got to run through the fountains at Crown Center in KC while I ran the Hospital Hill 1/2 Marathon...which one of us do you think was having more fun??
Well, it might be a close one, but I think Mason wins this one for having more fun in his run... I enjoy my runs, but the freedom of running like a 2yr old?? I don't think anything beats that
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wow, what a Wednesday!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I Was Running
Saturday, June 19, 2010
First loser?? I think not...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The training and racing continues!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Race Weekend!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Fundraising update!!
So keep on keepin on! (I feel like I should have a 'catch phrase' or a 'signature sign off' do ya like that one.. No?? Too much?? ah..I'll keep working on it..)
Ready. Set. GO!
Here's Mason and I before the start at IU Mini in Bloomington, IN
blowing kisses to my little man! (this was before the tears started...Mason's, not mine..)
Here's my guys! 'Team Blunck'..FULLY decked out in O's gear..
Monday, March 29, 2010
Much needed update..
My training is still in full swing, too, of coarse. My race season officially kicks off this saturday with the IU half's get this thing started! I'm trying to taper a bit this week to have my legs nice and fresh for the run...but training still goes on. Last weekend, on saturday, our team met up for a lovely brick workout at Eagle Creek. I was only able to stick around for part of it because we had Mason's 1st egg hunt to get to! But I did get in about 10k run, 15k bike, and then a few minutes of hill repeat runs (just for good measure) before I hit the road and raced over to the church for some good family fun!...which was great, by the way... Mason got 3 whole eggs in his robot basket (he picked it out...nice one, Dad!)... He was a bit unsure of the whole things and kept putting the eggs that I was encouraging him to pick up...back into the grass, like "what do I want with that thing??". But then...he opened one to find a mini candy bar...and THEN they were worth holding on to! He did get to take a bite of his 'treat' and he was more than pleased with the mornings events! So that was my saturday morning..then off to my Gymboree event... And that's a day in the life of a fundraising triathlete!! It really is fun, though... I promise!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I'm FREE!!!
Pretty nice, huh... See, now I don't seem so crazy for wanting to get out to enjoy this scenery, right?? Anyway, it was a great time, but I did miss my little guy, Mason, whom we left at home with his Grandma Bucher. Aside from all the great training I got in this week, I must add that Mason had quite the accomplishment, too!... he's now a proud, official member of the 'no cavity club'! He made it, quite successfully, through his 1st dentist appointment
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
25 miles by 8am!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Snow, snow, snow...
The latest on the fundraising front... Donations have slowed down a bit, but there's still time to get in there and join me in my fight against blood cancer. My first deadline for meeting my goal is in April, so the more donations I can get in by then, the better. I am hosting a Tastefully Simple party where the more orders I receive, the more the company will donate to LLS... So if you haven't already gotten my emails on this, you can visit to browse their products; then when you make your purchases and proceed to check out, there's a spot to 'search your host' look for my name there and add me as the host so any purchases you make go toward my total and will increase the amount that Tastefully Simple will donate. Or, if you prefer to just donate straight to me, the link is still at the top of the blog page and you can add your donation there. I still have a few ideas rolling around, but I'm really hoping to kick start the fundraising again. I greatly appreciate those that have already contributed and I appreciate all the support and well-wishes as my training has started to take off! Here's hoping I can continue to train hard through these darn winter snows...
Friday, February 5, 2010
What's a 1/2 Ironman??
Thursday, February 4, 2010
another week of TNT!
As I sit here thinking about all the training that lies ahead of me, I can't help but think of where I was this time last year...just deciding to take on the Mini marathon. Starting pretty much from scratch again with running after having Mason. I remember those 1st runs on the treadmill when I could barely do 2 or 3 miles at a 5 mile/hr pace... But I did that half marathon, then got the crazy idea to do 2 tris and a full marathon that season! And here I am... I just think it's so amazing what a person can do when they put their minds to it (I hope I can still say this in a few months!)... So here we go! And the new 'season' officially begins... Here are some pics of last years races:
Mason and I 'pre race at Eagle Creek Tri