Well, I've made it pretty far into my Ironman training without any major hiccups...so I suppose I was due for this. It's not all bad....I'm just kinda currently bummed about today's 'so far' attempt at my long run. So it all started on thursday morning as I was helping (guess I wasn't much help on this day!) my son get ready..he was set to head out to his daycare & I was set for a swim and a second part to my run (sounds strange that my son goes to his daycare while I train...I know that's not normal, but it's the situation we've found ourselves in after I was 'let go' from my work back in Feb... we didn't have the heart to take Mason out of his routine and away from his friends.. So now he goes there and I get to train long a couple days a week.. At least that's how it works for now, but I digress..), but that's when it all fell apart.. Mason was playing around on his bed..he has a giant bed & likes to take full advantage of that by keeping loads of 'stuff' in his bed. Well, the previous night, he was doing his mazes in his bed as he worked his way to sleep, so he had this 'mechanical crayon' (hard to explain...not sharp, but I guess has the edges of a plastic pen...this is relevant in a little bit..hang w/ me) in his bed.. He flopped himself down on his tummy on his bed..and next thing I know, he's inconsolably (is that a word? it is now..) crying and screaming and saying his eye hurts. I found the offending item (aforementioned crayon) & was understandably confused as to how this thing caused such a to-do. I have no doubt that he was in pain.. he cried & slept all day...all day, that is, until we got to the doc's! So that day, needless to say, as far as training, was a wash. I did get the rest of my run in that evening & it went fine. The swim was just something I was gonna do 'extra' b/c I like to swim..so no huge loss there.. So Mason's acting like his eye is fine.. I should be 'game on' for my 80mi ride & 6mi run the next day, which I plotted out a 20mi route to/from a group ride that I was going to do 40mi w/ them.. So I spent all morning getting myself and by bike ready..I had nutrition & hydration of all sorts strapped onto 'us' all sorts of ways..I'm clipping in on my bike..and 'ring ring'... My husband is calling me telling me our son won't open his eye.. So. Dutiful Mom that I am, I turn around and accept that this ride/plan isn't going to happen today. Mason pulled through & was fine.. but the brick was lost. BUT..no worries, I thought.. I have a group of friends doing their brick on sat am...but Matt has a work thing, so I need to figure out care for Mason.. I sent out an SOS to a couple friends of mine...and they are able to come through! I really must take a minute to say that I have amazing friends and family. Since we live away from all of our immediate family, I rely heavily on Matt...and then when he has work stuff, I call on my friends...and they come through.. So Heather, Beau & Liz, thanks a TON for this one.. My friends Lara and Todd have been there for me more times than I can count...I can't thank you all enough. SO. Where was I.. I have figured out my plan for my brick on sat..and that actually went really well! We did our ride in 2 loops & I felt great (aside from running out of fluid on the 2nd loop.. I found a great market, though, with drinks AND ice!!). Then I did the 6mi run w/ my tri-bud, Ashley, and we kept up great pace...felt good! So next up...after that long day w/ no time for my much-needed nap..I have planned to run my 20mi nap, starting at 4am on sunday morning b/c I want to go support my friends at a local triathlon. OK...so I eat an early dinner, go to bed early, eat a bagel/ pre-run meal at midnight, I'm up and ready and out the door for my run at 4am... LIGHTNING??!! Ugh. NO FAIR!! For some (OK..many..), this wouldn't have been a big deal, but I have a pretty large, pretty unreasonable, but real for me, none-the-less phobia of lightning. This storm not right over me, but it lit up the sky repeatedly...and I just couldn't do it. I got about 45min in...went inside..thought things would be clear, so went out for another 20 or so...had to go back in.. waited another 30min or so, finally things were clearing up & I thought things were a 'go'...I did another 30min, but I started to feel very strange.. My arms and legs felt numb, I was dizzy & lightheaded...just not right.. I tried a GU and some water and walked a bit, but I was still really dizzy...felt like my head wasn't attached to my body. SO. I thought to myself.. "you've come too far to hurt yourself or do something stupid now"..so I called it quits..probably around 10mi in (my Garmin ran out, but by this time, I'm pretty good at estimating how far I've gone), I decided to take it in for now & go cheer on my friends. So that's where I am now. I'm glad I went to the race VS sticking around to fight through whatever was going on w/ me..low blood sugar, I'd guess.. but to fix it was going to take a real meal & then waiting to digest, etc... Anyway, so I went to the race and had fun cheering folks on. I'm a terrible spectator..never know where to be or what to do...but I guess I figured it out & I think I saw everyone I needed to see. Now I'm home. My plan is to eat (check), nap (going) & then try my hand at running again...If I'm feeling good, game on and I'll finish 10 more miles. If I'm on the struggle bus, I'll call it a day and move on. Of all these weeks of training, aside from having to adjust things when I had knee surgery, all my workouts have been what I would call a success...so this 1 workout won't break me. It probably wouldn't hurt, either, to taper a touch for Steelhead, which is next sunday.. But I'll give it my best and see how things go
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