Just an update on this weeks training.. It's my understanding that this marks the last 'long' week & we'll start to slowly taper down next week..we'll see how that goes! It's been a good week. As usual this yr, since I've been sticking to my 'comfy' plan at the 1/2 IM's, I don't really need any recovery time after a race.. So I hit the lake w/ the Personal Best crew on monday to swim 2mi..felt good! Especially since the water has cooled down a bit w/ the little rain & cooler weather we've had.. I actually tried to get out to swim in Lake MI, where we were supposed to swim for Steelhead, on monday..but the riptide risk was still 'high' & the recommendation was to stay out of the water. I was actually ready to ignore that suggestion, but Matt wasn't having it.. I tried to explain that the way out of a riptide, as I've read.., is to swim parallel to the shore.. which is what I was going to be doing anyway.. so I should be fine! Nope..not having it.. Oh, well.. Tuesday I guess I was itchin to try to run a little faster, so I did a fairly quick 5mi run (avg 8min miles?? like I said...it's a 'relatively' fast pace for me in this yr of the 'comfy' pace..) early on tuesday & then hit the pool. I usually like to get an extra swim or 2 in to work on form & such.. I did a new fave workout of mine, which is doing 3x 400/300/200/100 alternating swim, pull, kick & stroke..doing a different distance of each one each set (does that make sense??..anyway, it's a good workout w/ nice variety).. Then I even got to join the Y Tri group for a swim workout focused on form that evening.. Like I said.. I like to work on that swim technique! It's been such a focus for me b/c I really feel like it helps my race out when I'm not spending extra energy in the water using an inefficient stroke.. SO..that was tuesday. Wed I think was a pretty uneventful trainer ride.. Forgot to mention that I also lifted wts on tuesday..which left me sore for most of the rest of the week.. which is why wed was a pretty 'light' day.. Thursday was another swim & then a fun, fast group ride w/ a CIBA (Central IN Bike Assoc) group.. they rode in a 'pace line', which I was hesitant about b/c riding that close to folks you don't know.. let's just say I've seen/ heard of a lot of wrecks as a result of this.. But I kept what felt like a safe distance & we kept up an almost 22mph avg for the 24mi ride.. I even got to pull the guys for the last few miles (the group was all fellas.. I would have taken over lead earlier, but I didn't know the route & didn't want to get lost!) & then I dropped some (b/c I was fueled by the sight of lightning.. wanna see me go fast?? send me out there in a storm & see me MOVE it!!) toward the end! They were impressed.. 1 guy even asked if I was a pro?? Uh...no.. just a regular ol triathlete..but thanks! Anyway, so that was fun. Now today, friday, was my long day.. Matt has to work tomorrow, so instead of finding a sitter, I did my long brick today & will rest tomorrow (& go watch some friends in a local sprint race w/ my son! I'm excited.. and so is he.. we have our cowbell & we're ready to cheer!). Today I woke up early to be ready to head out (in the dark.. I had lots of lights, though!) at 6a w/ a fellow IM-in-training, Brian.. He's heading to IM L'ville next week! He's gonna do great.. Anyway, so since he's tapering (rightfully so!), he just wanted to do a 40mi ride/ 3mi run (brick)..which was great..but I had an 80mi ride & 13mi run in my plan. SO, did the 1st 40mi loop and 3mi run w/ Brian & then set out solo to do another 40mi on the bike.. and then 10 more miles looping round & round (like a crazy person) my 'hood. I can get a good 7/8 miles in w/o too much overlap..but after that.. I start to look like I'm just lost.. But fear not, good neighbors, I'm doing fine.. just training to be an Iron Woman!! Overall I think this (last?) long workout went well.. the ride was steady.. legs a little sore from last nights ride (& maybe still from lifting??)..but it went well.. as did the run.. No issues at all during the run & I think I've settled in to my 'all day' pace (AKA IM pace..probably a little slower for the actual race.. but we'll see) of about 9:30/9:40 min miles..so I'm feeling good! (after some food, lots of fluids, a cold shower, ice bath & compression hose..and a rest..) So now I have the rest of the weekend to take 'er pretty easy.. going to do an ez run & swim on sunday..but the rest is just playing! Next weekend I'm looking forward to 1 last long open water swim..it's supposed to be a really nice lake, so will keep you posted on that one. I'm also hoping to get some folks to go down to watch IM Lou next sunday.. I think it would be great for us to get in the 'mood' for our race by watching some others..so we'll see! I've been getting pretty emotional about the race, lately.. I guess all this training & build up messes w/ your emotions a little, but I'm pretty excited. Really looking forward to the whole thing..including having my family & friends there.. so let's bring on this taper! (I don't really love to taper..it's hard to do after being in motion for so long, but I know it's important, so I'll be good..)
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