GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Biggest Losers?..Biggest Tantrums
So I don't think I've ever written about a TV show before.. or popular culture.. I don't remain loyal to many shows, but I think I've watched most of every season of Biggest Loser.. even when it annoys me, or frustrates me with the way they view nutrition and a healthy, balanced lifestyle.. which I think is something they have improved on lately, but still I don't see much talk about how these folks are going to take this extreme situation and make it work in a balanced way, day to day, for the rest of their lives. I'd say pretty much everyone, when they do a "where are they now", gains wt from their finale wt.. because they acted like unhealthy psychopaths to get to that weight.. So it's a good thing that they gained a bit. What I don't like is how we celebrate those up there with the crazy eyes, clearly wound up from lack of nutrition and are just over compensating up there.. But anyway, that's not the point of what I wanted to talk about.. I just HAD to vent about this weeks episode.. Anyone watch? I'll give a short cliff's notes version, here.. basically, the 5 remaining contestants heard that the show was going to allow ALL participants, including those that had been previously eliminated, to take part in a final challenge and the winner of that challenge would automatically be in the finale.. Meaning that one of those actually left on the show, if they lost, they might be booted out of the finale and someone that had been home for a bit might be on. OK.. So that might be a twist in the 'game' that some might not have loved.. But at this point, at the end of the day, it's a GAME. Hopefully these folks went on the show to change their lives for the better.. they put in the time and took the chance that they may be away from their families for a while.. to better their lives and the lives of their families. As Alison (on the show) said, the trade off is that they put in the time, effort, blood/sweat/tears, etc.. but they are also there to motivate those that DIDN'T have the privilege and opportunity to go on the show, be trained by the BEST trainers, have time to do NOTHING but lose weight, go on vacations (Hawaii), visit the White House and meet the 1st Lady, have food and dietitians available to them.. all these great things that they have had access to all season.. And now, now that there is a twist in the game that they don't 'like'.. they want to just throw it all away and quit. All 5 of them originally said they were going to leave. The show had legal come talk to them.. I don't know if it was to talk sense into them or to cover the show's butt or what, but as they bitched and moaned about how it 'wasn't fair' and they didn't like this twist in the game and they didn't know this would happen, etc, etc.. me, me, me.. the lawyer showed them that it actually, specifically spelled out that this WOULD happen this season.. It explained it exactly as it was happening.. and they signed the contract. So now what? Well, 2 of the guys still stuck to their 'it's not fair' point of view and they packed their shit and went home. I have this to say.. you know who says "that's not fair" and stomps off to pout?? My 3 yr old son.. Toddlers. Toddlers act like that. Not grown adults who were given this awesome opportunity on a platter, but the minute things didn't go their way? Took their shit and went home. 1 guy really doesn't have much more wt to lose, so though he was still being a baby about the whole thing, I think this was just a scapegoat to give him an excuse to bow out and go home.. though he still could have benefitted more from being there and playing it out as he should.. especially since he had previously convinced folks to allow him to stay and to vote someone else to go home when he was in danger of elimination.. Now you just want to go home? He should be ashamed.. And the other guy I think just a) misses his family.. he DID have a newborn son at home.. but he had to know his son would be born while he was there when he signed up, right? Not sure how far in advance these things are signed, but I bet he had a chance to back out prior to the show starting, if he thought he would get so home sick. and b) I also think he just followed what his buddy was doing. But this fella still has quite a bit of wt left to lose.. AND.. could have had a chance to win the whole thing?! Uh.. I know this is about changing your life, but wouldn't that grand prize $$ also help to change your life? If I was either of their wives, I'd be PISSED when I saw what went down because.. they went that far. Took that much time off from the family and work and all other obligations, just to QUIT when something happened that they didn't like?! Oooooh. It just burns me. Maybe no one else feels this way or cares about any of this, but I didn't have anyone else to vent to, so there ya go! Maybe I'll go check out a chat group or something to further share my point of view on all of this.. because it's so important and all.. How can I tie this in to real life? Well, just like on the show, if you start any challenge.. see it through?!! Don't let any outside influence bring you down or cut you short of your goals. Kinda like how I hate it when folks get all worked up about the weather on a race day? It's out of your control, but you're going to let a little race day rain/wind/heat/whatever get in the way of the goal you've spent all this time, effort, hours, family time, etc to get there?'s not 'fair'? You're right.. it would be awesome if everything worked out perfectly and went just 'our' way every time.. or would it.. It's called character building. Injuries 'aren't fair', but you have a decision to make when they come your way.. do you pout and cower and get all "WWWWHHHHYYYY???!!", or do you look the challenge in the face, figure out how you can work with it, around it, whatever.. and continue on to reach your goal? That's what I choose. To those fellas on the show that buggered off when the going got 'unfair', I'll say to you what I say to my 3 yr old (since that's clearly the level we're working with, here).. Life isn't always fair!! We do what we need to do to move forward and get on with it. So put the fruit snacks back (OK, maybe that last part wouldn't apply to them).
I suppose that's all I have to say about that.. I'm sure I have much more to say, but I'll stop with that.
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