Whew. I sit here.. wednesday.. after what feels like must have been my worst. run. ever. I know I had made the revelation that early am runs are the only way to go for me.. but with the reappearance of 30 degree mornings and the added bonus surprise of a missing daycare provider (I'm hoping we just forgot that she told us she'd be gone?? Very strange.. hoping it's just my memory that's missing, not their family!), my early morning run plan was foibled (is that a word? I wanted a better way to say 'messed up'). But, I figured.. oh, well.. we can still try to get a few miles in later either on the treadmill or with Mason in the jogger.. So off to crossfit, because wednesday workouts are my favorite.. usually a longer list of several different movements.. nice to have some variety and get every part of you into the action! This one made me more tired than usual.. I'm going to attribute that to my continued state of non-stop nausea and my growing mid-section that I'm sure makes jumping and what-not more difficult. I was probably only 10 or 20 calories (different way of measuring how far you have to row.. instead of counting the distance, it calculates how many calories you've supposedly burned through.. I feel that my metabolism must be slow because it takes me so darn long to get through those 'calorie rows'!) in to our 50 calorie row and I was already winded.. Great, since that was the 1st thing on the list for the workout! but I soldiered on.. wallballs, check.. box jumps.. starting to get harder, but check.. and so forth and so on and then finished off with 40 burpees and 50 double unders. All said, took me about 25 minutes, but I was sweaty and a bit winded at the end.. I'm sure none of that had anything to do with my piss poor run that followed the workout.. why would one have anything to do with the other? Anyway.. So my plan was to run a few with Mason in the stroller when we got home from the workout.. and when I make a plan.. I usually stubbornly stick to it. So we bundled up and head out. First, I might add that the temps had only risen to mid 40's, so I had Mason very bundled and had a blanket over most of him.. then with about a mile left to go, he said his "mouth was cold", so we pulled the blanket up to his little face and only his eyes were peeking out. He was laughing and was fine.. then he decided he'd pull the whole thing over the top of his head so that he could eat his snack under the warm comfort of the blanket. Again.. he was fine and enjoyed himself, but I'm sure I was quite the sight with my 'struggle bus' face trudging along into the cold wind with my completely bundled up child in the stroller.. If CPS isn't already on the way, I'm sure the GCS (Good Common Sense) Police should be here any minute. I swear, though.. he wanted to go on the run.. and he was fine.. Anyway, where was I. I guess I can wrap it up with saying that the run was the longest 30 minutes of my life. I know I was going super slow, but those 30 minutes felt like 30 miles, so I'll compromise and just count it for 3.. so far 12 miles for this week.. dang it, I wanted to be to 15 by today, but I might be able to do a decent run on saturday.. I'm sure it will all work out just fine..
Tonight, though again.. common sense would say to be done, already, with the workouts.. I have a ride planned and, depending on how things work out with my riding buddies and with Mason and Matt.. I'll stick to the plan. It's what I do, ya know..
Not much else to report.. except I suppose I would be remiss not to mention how, after the huge meltdowns of Easter, where Mason pulled these holy terror fits where I literally looked at him and said "who are you?" and he then proceded to hit his father like a punching bag, thus causing him to lose ALL of his Easter treats (?! I know.. way harsh.. but at least I kept Matt from throwing them out and talked him in to letting Mason try to earn them back).. well, so far this week? He's been an absolute angel. He's earned a few of his things back and is always very excited and surprised (he thinks the Easter Bunny, which he also thinks he's being clever to call him 'bunny', is bringing them back.. we might be playing along with that idea just because it's cute) to get something back and hasn't been really asking for them.. just happy to see them again when they appear.. it's been such a treat! I hope this can hold up..though I know I can't be that lucky.. but I'll enjoy it while I can! 3 yr olds.. so up and down.. tell me 4 is better??! Actually.. just keep it to yourself.. I know what's comin..
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