GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
IM State of Mind
So I had a nice little wednesday of workouts here.. I'm tired and a little muscle-sore (as opposed to any pregnancy related soreness.. everyone always seems to jump to that conclusion, dare I say I feel anything other than 'great'.. it's always assumed something is going on with pregnancy related stuff.. And, in fairness, it's been a lot of crappy feeling stuff that IS related to pregnancy.. but this pain? this pain has nothing to do with the little nugget in my tummy.. just wanted to clarify! Start off a blog post with parenthesis? Indeed, I will) from it all, but overall, I felt great! It feels good to still be able to get in all the fun things that I WANT to do right now.. for some reason, I feel pretty sure that my days are numbered for when I'm able to head out and do all of this fun stuff.. so I'm compelled to get out there NOW, not pass anything up.. because the time's a coming where I won't have as much free time.. I mean, this can't last forever, can it? (seriously.. can it? Please, Matt??) SO. It's not out of the ordinary for me to do a run, then crossfit early in the day, and then a bike ride later. None of that seems unusual to me and I'm always more than OK to complete everything that I want to do. Today, though, with some evening child-duty related things looming.. and a storm a-brewin.. I decided to cram all of that in to the morning hrs (I actually didn't finish my ride until after noon, though.. but you get what I mean). I get sideways looks ALL the time when I talk about any plans I have for activity..sometimes when the person doesn't even know I'm pregnant! I know it's a lot.. but I think something happens to a person after going through IM training.. something that can't be reversed, or, if it can, it would take years of being out of the 'IM routine' of things to really, truly change. After all those long hrs of training..then over 12 hrs in 1 day of racing.. stacking back to back to back activities seems like no big deal at all. You learn in IM training about the importance of proper fueling and recovery and such.. so I'm always very good about packing ample snacks and fluids for whatever it is I'm planning to do. Obviously neither IM training, nor during pregnancy, is any of this about wt loss.. it's purely because a) I can, and b) I really enjoy it. Again.. I know at some point this will change.. either by choice or by lack of time to do it all, but for right now.. I just seem to keep on keeping on with my 'IM State of Mind'. I haven't quite gotten out of it yet.. and I think I'll be kind of bummed if and when I ever do. It's fun to be able to think 'sure, I can do that', and not doubt it.. only give pause to consider what I'll need to pack for clothes, food, water, etc.. but I know that my body can handle it. So. todays's workouts? Started with a nice 6mi run around the neighborhood. It was a lovely sunrise run. It's starting to rise earlier now, so I actually get to see it come up and get fully bright.. which afforded me some time to listen to some ipod while I ran the 2nd half of my run (I won't run with headphones in the dark). My ipod was just on 'shuffle'.. as in, shuffling my entire music collection! That can be pretty scary, since I have 80's hair bands to jam bands and everything in between.. Usually I use one of my pre-made 'mixes' (see.. mix tapes are still cool.. even better now without the radio dj lead ins..), but I learned that sometimes, maybe your ipod knows better than you about what you 'need' to listen to right now. I got reconnected with an awesome song that took me back to my college days.. it's called 'Jellyfish' by String Cheese Incident and it's a gem.. funny, got a nice rhythm.. good for a run! I was actually smiling.. and maybe dancing a bit as I ran along to this song. Then what do I need next, ipod? 'When I See you Smile'?! Thank you very much, yes I do! Anyway. It was a nice run. After a quick cool down/clean up, I took off for some crossfit fun.. it's wednesday, which is my favorite!! Today did not disappoint.. and it wasn't all that long, either.. It was called '300'.. as in, there were 300 reps of stuff.. between pull-ups, push-ups, deadlifts, box jumps, 'window wipers'.. or 'floor wipers', maybe? can't remember what they're called.. in gymnastics we called them windshield wipers, I think, because your legs kind of go back and forth like windshield's an ab thing, but didn't hurt, so I was able to do it.. single hand clean and jerks.. I think that about covers it. Took me about 18 minutes and felt pretty good. Now.. of coarse that wasn't quite enough fun for me.. so I got changed, ate another bar (bar # 2 of the day.. Luna bar and choc coconut water on the way to crossfit, now Lara Bar and water on the way to ride.. also ate something before I ran for those keeping track), and took off to meet up with a friendly group that I have ridden with before.. They are generally 'older', but very nice and it's a good way to get out and enjoy a nice day.. and get 30+ miles of riding in. So I met up with them and got just what I expected.. 35 miles of flat, slow, easy riding. It was a great day for it.. most of the way out was a bit of a head wind (like..maybe 15-20mph..nothing like the 30-40mph winds of monday's ride), so the way back was even MORE enjoyable with a healthy push (finally!) from ol' mother nature. So that was that. I'm not saying that a workout line up like that is for everyone.. or that I'll plan to do it every week, but with an easier day looming tomorrow and a day of feeling pretty good.. I'll take it. I had another Luna bar on the ride, lots of gatorade (actually.. it was IM Perform because it was on sale when I bought a big tub of mix), some stinger chews (those things are delicious!).. Then a nice lunch when I got home.. pork fajita things that I made on sunday in the slow cooker.. some chocolate milk.. I'll stop with my food recall.. My point is that I fueled throughout and am now in recovery mode.. will probably spend some time on my foam roller and such this evening. Tomorrow I have an early swim and a short stroller jog on tap.. and that's how I roll!
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