GLI comp 1/'14

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Glutton for Punishment
What can I say.. I can't help myself. I do not learn from just 1 bad experience.. unless you count a refusal to give in.. a bull-headed determination to try the same 'failed' experience again, without really changing anything that might help to ensure a better outcome 'learning', then consider me brilliant, because I pretty much wrote the book on that one. Most, however, consider that to be the definition of insanity.. 6 of 1, 1/2 a dozen of the other.. whatever floats your boat. But sometimes it works out for me. A lot of times I find myself disappointed and wondering why I really thought anything would be different. But this time I tempted fate, looked that bad, mid-day, stroller pushing run right in the stink eye and I said, "you will be mine". It's a lovely day.. mid 50's, sunny, and for the 1st time in as long as I can remember, there's NO WIND!! It's been 10-20mph winds for months, it seems, so I was not going to let such a day pass me by.. But my only option for today was to try the ol' mid-day stroller run again.. the one that left me wondering what the hell I was doing out there yesterday? Yeah. But I saddled up, bundled up (Mason did not require the full body cover up this time.. much fewer 'judging eyes' this time around) and decided to take on not only the same time of day, but also the same route! Which includes a few more 'inclines' than I usually do when pushing Mason around. I know.. all kinds of caution to the wind today. But I'm happy to say that today's run went much better. I still wouldn't say I felt like I was floating on clouds or anything, but I felt like I was actually moving forward and much less like I was dying! Didn't feel like I was dying at all, in fact.. major success! I also swam this morning, so that could have hindered me a bit.. but I guess today was just my day. Yesterday..not so much. I shouldn't be so dramatic, I suppose. I had a decent run on monday and a great 'moonset' run on tuesday, but MAN can a suck-ass run really pull you down quick. Lucky for me, I get right back on the ol' horse. My legs are a lovely shade of SORE again today. Not sure my hamstrings ever actually recovered from last friday's crossfit workout, but today it's more the quad area that's screaming at me. But that's a-ok with me! And yes, for those keeping score and shaking your head in dismay at my lack of balance, that does mean I have run all 4 days in a row, thus far, this week.. but I plan to take tomorrow off of running, probably run a few on saturday, then probably take sunday off of running.. may or may not get a ride in somewhere.. we'll see. This weekend is all kinds of non-training related things, which I'm trying to remember that this is the time to embrace those kinds of things, since most of my summers are consumed with trainings and racing.. But I still have a longing to ditch some of my more relaxing, 'mom' type duties in leu of a nice ride or something.. BUT, I plan to lay low, relax some, enjoy Mason's first 'soccer' (I use that term very loosely.. it's more like 'running around, pushing kids, falling down, sometimes chasing the ball, but mostly running aimlessly and pushing kids.. then my mom yells at me not to push, so I don't for a minute, but go right back to it when I think she's not looking or maybe has forgotten that she doesn't want me to push'.. but I guess it's easier to call it soccer) of the season, go on a date night with Matt (not really any furniture to buy this time.. what ever will we do with ourselves?!), help out/coach/cheer at the first tri of the season.. and fit any riding or running in there that I can without cutting in to the other things going on.. Wish me luck!
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