GLI comp 1/'14

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I guess I like some Roller coasters..
I've never really been a fan of roller coasters.. not in my adult life, anyway.. Especially since my motion sickness seems to have kicked it up a notch since becoming a mom.. I never remember really getting car sick/motion sick before, but in the past few years.. definitely not good. Right now in pregnancy? Even worse, thank you very much! So I'm not really a fan of fast moving, wiggly, jiggly rides, such as roller coasters. What does this have to do with anything? I'm making a connection, here.. give me a minute.. I was talking with a friend of mine on a ride yesterday about his upcoming 1st Ironman and as I discussed the IM ride (because I'm SO all-knowing, having done ONE whole IM and all..), I found myself comparing it to a roller coaster.. of emotions, that is.. And in how your body feels.. Sometimes you feel like you're flying and doing awesome and totally conquering this thing.. and other times you feel like you're barely moving and never going to make it to the end of the ride.. Highs and Lows.. like a roller coaster! See? Getting to my point.. What else is like a roller coaster? Pregnancy. Extreme highs and lows. Going through months on end of feeling sick, wondering if you're doing the 'right' thing and everything's going to be OK.. then, at times, feeling awesome, like you're the best, coolest, strongest baby-grower ever.. and then feeling low again, like you're never going to make it through 10 whole months of this if you already feel this crappy all the time.. Again.. roller coaster. BUT. I guess this is where the comparison ends because I don't find the end of a roller coaster to be all that rewarding.. but the finale of both IM and pregnancy are beyond compare and make you quickly forget all the low points, all the doubts, the pains.. all worth it. Long story short? Pregnancy and IM are kinda similar!.. I'm sure the comparison has been made before, but I had that thought this morning on my lovely early morning run.. thought I'd share it with ya!
Yesterday was a rough one. Jury is still out on today. I woke up early because I was going to go swim.. but I kept going back and forth on whether or not I should go.. by the time I got out the door, I was going to be late, so I didn't feel like driving all the way up there to be late and then have to leave early.. Plus I was still having the lovely side effects (roller coaster) of feeling pukey and enjoying vomit-burps.. which also didn't sound appealing or conducive to a good swim.. SO I decided that an early run would be better.. afterall, it was 45 with NO wind.. you know I can't pass up the non windy days.. So that's what I did. I ran. Got 4 miles in and felt pretty good (I don't even consider nauseous runs to be 'bad' anymore.. just normal for me these days). Yesterday I started off the day with a crossfit workout.. and it was a good one, but by far the pukey-est I've felt yet. Usually I feel better once I get moving and probably forget to focus on how I'm feeling.. but not yesterday. No, sir. Through all, nearly 18 min of double unders, kettle bell swings and handstand pushups.. I was on the verge of a mess. Then spent the rest of the day not able to eat much because nothing sounded good, so I figured I should rest. Smart, right? Well..I'm not that good.. because I still kept to my plan to ride with my friends later that afternoon.. but I HAD rested ALL day.. and the way I see it, I can't exactly just lay down in the fetal position for the next 5 months.. So I just do the best I can with getting through the things I 'need' to do and things I 'want' to do and hope for the best. Well, after the great ride from last wed, I guess it's only fair that I follow it up with a crappy ride.. I had tried to quickly get some calories in before the ride because I knew I hadn't eaten well all day and didn't want to completely bonk.. so had what I thought would be 'tummy approved' items of a stinger waffle and some gatorade.. but I got to continue to enjoy those all through the ride. So at a turn point, I voiced my discomfort and, with the support of my understanding ride buddies, we opted to cut the ride a few miles short and do a short run after, instead. You see, the upright-ness of running seems to set better than the leaning over of riding. We got about 3 good miles in of running after our 16-17mi ride.. So not bad. But, again.. couldn't really eat much after, so that's never a good thing. I guess we'll find out at the next appt if this whole nausea thing is affecting my wt gain at all.. if so, I might need to figure something out, here.. Otherwise, I don't think there's much I can do. Don't work out you say? I don't really know that that would help any. Usually, when I'm running, especially, exercising is the only time I'm able to feel pretty good.. yesterday aside. That was the 1st time in a while that my pukey feeling didn't go away with activity.. which is why I dialed back my original plans a bit..cut back on the ride and run, cut out the swim today..until I can at least eat better.
Anyway. I guess that's all I've got for now..
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