GLI comp 1/'14

GLI comp 1/'14

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Chest Day!

Yesterday afternoon, after a very successful rest time for the whole crew here, I made a last minute decision to hit the gym for a quick second workout before going to teach tumbling. I'm glad we went! It was a successful sweat-fest and it felt good.. I got right to work on a set of 10 MU for time, which I worked on a LOT building up to the release of the regional workouts for this year. Mike had set a goal for me to be able to do 10 MU in 2 min, which I laughed at the idea that I could make that.. And with my first attempts taking more like 4 or 5 minutes, it was looking pretty dismal. I think the fastest I got at that time was around 2:45 or so.. But yesterday I competed a set of 4/4/2 in just 1:30! I was excited.. No one was there to care, so I just silently celebrated..and then moved on.. I decided to do the gym's workout for the day, which was:

STO (95#)

It went well and I finished in 3:32.

So since I had about 15 min left before I needed to get ready to go coach, I thought it would be fun to do the workout from yesterday, too! I had the pleasure of watching people push through that workout all afternoon while I worked, so I just wanted to give it a try. It fit my plan for wanting some squats, cardio, double-unders, and some core.. It was

5 rounds
10 burpees
20 wallballs
30 ab mats
40 double unders

Again, not too bad and I finished in about 15:30.

Since I had added that second workout, I should have known my motivation for the pool would decline.. I was suited up and went out to swim after I was done teaching, but the only 2 swim lanes had about 6 people each and it just didn't look like fun. I'm sure I could have battled it out and maybe some would have finished and opened up the lanes a bit more, but I just didn't have the patience for that.. Never fear, though.. I have 2 other thoughts on when I can do some swimming.. Either early tomorrow, since Matt has to get to work early, making a JoCo trip impossible, but I could squeeze in a quick swim.. OR, I could run tomorrow and try to hit the pool some time on Friday.. So a swim is still in the plans.. Here's hoping I can get it done.

Today was bench max day.. Hence the title 'chest day'.. Plus we did tabata strict dips and I consider those to be 'chesty'.. I maxed my bench at 175#. I don't have much of a reference for that, other than in January when we were prepping for GLI (Great Lakes Invitational..a pretty big, local comp), I think I maxed at 160? Then we did those tabata strict dips and they went a little something like 5 for the first sets, then held on to 4's for the rest. Knocked out some Romanian Deadlifts at 200#, then 5 sets of 10 strict toes to bar.. And now let's workout!

20 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
5 push jerk (135#)
10 pistols
15 ctb's (chest to bar pull-ups)
20 box jumps (24")

It was ok.. I finished 5 rounds + 7 ctb's. I had set an arbitrary goal of finishing 5 rounds, so I guess I did that. I was happy with how the movements all went. That was the first time I had been able to jerk 135# in unbroken/no pause sets like that.. I feel like I could have pushed my pace a little more..there was a lot of 'hands on the knees', which I try not to let myself do.. But it felt like I was going hard? I just know myself and when the hands go on the knees, I'm not pushing as hard as I could.. But that was that. Very exciting stuff, I know.. On a side note, I did try to get to bed earlier.. I shut everything down around 9:30, left baseball on the TV (sure to lull anyone to sleep, yes?).. But I had a bit of a hard time falling asleep.. At least it's a start, right? On another side note, I'm an idiot and planned a trip to visit my family in KC in the end of July and planned to return..on Mason's first day of first grade? Oops. Looks like we need to change that flight! I'm so nailing this whole responsible mom thing

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