So today was a big day for someone around here..not me.. I was feeling pretty tired and a little worn down, so I tried to heed that warning sign and take it a little easier today. But Mason started his first day as a first grader! It started off with tears at the bus stop because the bus was the wrong number?! Ohhhhhh boy.. I'm assuming things got better from there.. He said it was good, though between all of his post-school exhausted ridiculousness, we haven't gotten to talk much about his day. His dismount from the bus was rather hilarious..he was carrying all his shit..folders, papers, sweatshirt, AND his backpack and he comes out and says "I'm a mess carrying all this doesn't fit in my backpack!". He tried out a more 'mature' look with a backpack his grandma gave him a while back.. It's a messenger bag-type thing from Matt's college/where grandma teaches, UMBC.. But I guess he couldn't fit his folders in it? I don't know, but it was cute. He really was a mess this evening.. I hope that gets better soon! Here we go!
It was also a big day for Miles because he finally got up close to that bus again! He's missed that all summer, but no worries, he's making up for lost time by pointing out every single glimpse of a bus passing all day long! He's so cute.. Mason was super in to busses back in the day, too. I must be missing something because I don't get nearly as excited as Miles does when I see a bus.. But to him.. They are the coolest. He has also become obsessed with tongue clicking, standards are fairly low around here..
I've stalled enough.. Obviously not much going on with me today, so let's just talk about working out! Today was:
4 sets of 3 Deadlifts at 265
EMOTM x 15- 2 strict weighted pull-ups. I started these with 26# hanging off of me (kettle bell hanging from a belt thing with a chain), but was quickly told that was too light, so increased to 35#. I maybe should have gone up to 44 because it was still pretty do-able.. Hard, but not near failure, by any means.. Next time!
4x4 push press (125/135/145/tried 155, but failed the 3rd rep, so went back to 145)/back extensions
The workout was:
12 min AMRAP
120' handstand walk
10 push press(95)
10 lunges(95)
10 bar facing burpees
This was kind of a sneaky workout in that I didn't think the 95# barbell was going to be as tough to work with as it was. I don't know if it was the handstand walk, or the strength stuff before..but it caught up with me, for sure. I made the handstand walk unbroken (down, back, down the gym), so started in on the AMRAP part around 2 min. The first round I rocked the push press right in to the lunges, but after such luck. I finished 4 rounds just as the 12 min expired..
That was all she wrote for the day! I had loosely planned some skill things to go back in to work on, but decided that, as tired as I was feeling, I should just take it easy. I do have a competition this weekend.. I'm not tapering for it, but I also don't want to go into it feeling extra tired and worn out, so I'm trying to keep the extra stuff to a minimum this week. So that was that! Another fine Tuesday in the books.
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