GLI comp 1/'14

GLI comp 1/'14

Friday, July 11, 2014

King Kong...lite

Like, if King Kong had an annoying, pesky side kick? Does King Kong have a Robin? 'Cause if so, that would be my workout from today. Today was front squat and clean max time, and I was really hoping to get some new numbers there.. I started with front squat and was able to get a new max of 205#, which is up 10#.. And it wasn't too ugly! It wasn't perfect, like when I watch some people front squat huge amounts and they bounce right up with chests high and just a hint of struggle.. Not quite like that, but I've done uglier front squats, so I was feeling pretty good!.. Key word, 'was'.. Cleans were just not moving right today and I'm kind of bummed about it. I know that we aren't in a weightlifting focused cycle right now, so haven't been doing the volume of cleans and snatches that we have done in the past, but I've been feeling so strong lately and just thought it would translate.. No luck. Even my current max, 175#, didn't exactly feel easy.. Well, looks like I need to work on the clean more..along with continuing to get stronger.. It will hopefully, one day, all come together. But that day was not today, friends..
I was low on time, so no time for sulking.. Today's workout was set to be rough. I knew looking at it, that I would have to scale it a bit, but I may have toned it down too much because it took me under 10 minutes.. As written, the workout, named 'King kong', was supposed to include Deadlifts at 345# and cleans at 185#. Neither of those things are possible for me right now, so I picked a weight that would be challenging, but obviously something I could pick up.. I did..

King Kong lite

3 rounds
1 Deadlift (265)
2 muscle ups
3 cleans (160)
4 handstand push-ups

Like I said..maybe cut the weights a tick too much.. It wasn't super easy, or anything..but not a struggle worthy of the title 'King kong'. So. That was that. I plan to do a second little something in a bit here before Mason does his crossfit kids class. Poor fella has been complaining of random pains in his legs and arms, which I assume is an effect of growing about 3 or 4 inches in the past few weeks.. But, the show must go on! He doesn't complain all the time, and seems mostly ok.. But finds times, usually when he doesn't want to do something, to remember that he hurts.. Kids..
Speaking of, I wanted to list a few things that my boys do right now that are cute, so I can look back and go..oh, yeah.. I remember when they were sweet! So I'm going to call it my 'favorite things'..and here goes..
Miles right now does a lot of silly's my faves..
He says 'got it!' Very enthusiastically any time he does something or reaches something.. An example, putting on a shirt..head through the hole..'got it!'..arm in the hole..'got it!'..and so on. It's fun.
He also does a 'sing song-y' 'tang too' (thank you) when you help him with something or get him something he wanted.
He's insanely sweet and gives great hugs. He also loves to rub my arm or pat my back when he hugs me.
He gets a wonderful, crazy, cheesy grin over the smallest things.
If there is a snack he really wants, he makes sure to ask extra sweetly and gets really high at the end..'a cookiiiiiiieeeee!'

And some of Mason's sweet things at the age of 6..
He uses 'either ways' in place of 'anyways' and, I'm not sure why, but I find it hilarious. I tried to explain the difference, but didn't get anywhere.
He also uses 'for' where most folks would use 'so'? Like, 'we need to go to the store, for we can get some snacks'.. It's not necessarily wrong? But it's different and cute.
He knows WAY too much about baseball. And nascar. And monster jam. Things I always swore my boys wouldn't be interested in, but there ya go! You can't really control those things, I guess!
He always knows how to say something sweet and smile and make all the arguments and fits and everything else just fade away. He's a smart, sweet kid..just trying to figure out what is right and wrong and what he can get away with.. We will figure it out together, my man. I just know we will..

 And now for a list of my least favorite things:.. Just kidding! Not that I don't have that list, but it would be kind of awful of me to put it out there! Nobody wants to remember those things. Let's focus on the good, shall we?!

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