GLI comp 1/'14

GLI comp 1/'14

Friday, August 22, 2014

A week with the 'girls'

Of coarse I'm referring to the CrossFit workouts given girls names, which are used periodically in training programs to assess your progress, and are referred to as 'the girls'. There are several, and I didn't tackle them all this week, but we took on a few.. First was Amanda, which I already mentioned.. But I'll go through what the rest of the week has looked like.
Tuesday was a Deadlift PR at 305#. It wasn't beautiful, but it was far from some of the atrocious Deadlifts at max efforts that I have seen.. I was safe and stopped when I felt the pull in my back, so I walked away with a 10# pr for the day. After that we did some tabata strict pull-ups, which it started with 6, but maintained sets of 4 for the last 2 minutes.. We also built up to a max push press, where I got stuck at 160#. I think 165 is close..just a bit more connection with the legs and push.. Next time.. After some weighted back extensions, it was time for Diane!
Diane is:
Handstand push-ups

After the heavy Deadlifts to a PR, this felt pretty good! It moved well and I was able to get through all of the workout unbroken. I moved as quickly as I could and finished up in 3:17. After teaching that evening, I did a short swim, but that was it for the day.
Monday was bench press time, but I was only able to match my previous pr of 175#. I tried for 180, since 175 felt fine..but it was a no go.. We also had some tabata strict dips, some RDLs and strict TTB's..and then time to take on Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is:
Squat cleans(95#)
Ring dips

This was a rough one, as far as 'the girls' are concerned, but I knew it would be tough. Regardless of the weight on the bar, that many front squats adds up and that is definitely where I lost some time. I think I broke the sets of cleans in 1 larger set and then another small set or 2 until the round was done. Dips I did in 2 sets. I messed up and put my rings a little low, so wasn't able to figure out a good 'kip' to help me out, but I finished in 7:09 and that was that! I stopped in to the gym again later just for some practice for the Granite Games workout that has been released. It includes 155# cleans and muscle ups, and I was planning to run through the workout the next morning, so I just wanted to get things ready to go. I also worked on some 1 1/4 squats and split jerks.. Just because.
Which brings me to Thursday.. I started off with some 'from the ground' overhead squats to see where my max is there. All was going well up through 155#. I cleaned and put the 165# bar behind my neck, but I forgot that I would do best with a split jerk at that weight, so just didn't get under the bar enough to even try the squat. Again, I think it's there, but I didn't have time to mess around, so I just moved on. Next I was going to try that Granite Games workout:
Muscle ups

Huh. This one is going to be pretty tough. Those cleans, though I'm able to power clean them well, the quantity of them wears me down quite a bit before heading to the rings. I was able to start with a strong set of 4 on the rings, but wasn't able to duplicate that set and ended up missing one. I think I will try the 12 cleans/12 MU combo a couple more times to really dial in on what my sets should be on the rings in order to move through them quickly, but not miss any. The time cap is 9 min and I only got to 1 clean in the round of 6 by then. I decided to finish, just to feel how the whole workout would go.. I think I finished in the 11 min range? More work to do, for sure, but I know I can improve on that.
Finally, for Thursday, the actual work set for the day was a row, which was 8x250m w a 1:00 rest between each set. I worked on my form and continued to try to make my row as efficient as I can.. I held about a 1:56/500m avg pace, which felt good and sustainable.
And now it's Friday.. Fran-tastic Friday! First, though, was building to a heavy front squat. I went for just a 5# pr at 210# and called it good. My legs were already feeling tired, so I just moved on.. To cleans.. These felt good, but I hit a wall at 185#. It just felt heavy today and I wasn't feeling all.. So, again.. I know when it's not gonna happen, so I just moved on.. I always want to PR, or try for PRs, but sometimes it's just not there, and I have to be smart about when to stop trying. I had some clean Deadlifts and some GH raises to do..and then..time for Fran! Fran is a big one, as far as 'the girls' go..
Fran is:

I haven't done this workout in a loooong time! It was actually my first workout back when I returned to the gym after having Miles.. Nice way to get back in to it! But my time that day was in the 8 minute range.. Today I finished in 3:06. I didn't stop/rest/break the sets/get chalk..nothing.. I do think I could have moved through my thrusters a bit quicker, though I also think that a steady, even pace on those is better than trying to go like a bat out of hell and burn out.. Mainly, though, I think I need to speed up my pull-ups. I usually rely on a steady, consistent, efficient butterfly pull-up and am able to do well in workouts with those because I can do big sets and not break or change pace at all.. But in such a quick workout where there isn't much room for error or making up time.. I think I need to find a way to cycle them quicker. My goal..loosely..was to be under 3 min, which I was close to.. I really did try to push and go fast, but I just didn't quite make it. Oh, well. It's where I am right now and, as always, gives me more things to work on or think about in a workout like that. If it ever came down to a final workout in a competition and I was rep for rep with someone on pull-ups.. I need to be able to find another speed and get through those faster! So. That's been it for this week, so far. I may go back this evening to do some running/sandbag carry stuff, which is always good for me to do. I'll be taking an actual DAY OFF this Sunday, since we are going to Chicago to visit some friends.. So might as well work hard before then, right?! We have one more 'named workout' to do tomorrow, and it's a good one.. Hope it goes well!

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