GLI comp 1/'14

GLI comp 1/'14

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weekend wrap up

As quickly as I can.. Because my time is limited.. I will review my weekend..mostly the contents of my workouts.. Yay!
So Saturday I only had time for the actual workout/strength work for the day.. Not my usual extra barbell work and team workout.. But. It was a good one, so I wasn't exactly feeling like 'gee.. I need to do some more stuff!' As I left the gym.. Which is good! I did:

5 single strict press at 95%, so 115#. These inexplicably got better each rep? Maybe I should do more than 2 warm up reps? Something to think about as we head in to max week.. I'm sure this is not news to most, but I have noticed that my reps often improve toward the end.. Like I needed the first ones to warm up.. Obviously I know warming up is important, but when it comes to lifting heavy, I seem to usually go for a 'get right to it before I'm tired' kind of gal.. But perhaps a few more warm up reps wouldn't be a bad idea? Especially as I get closer to that max weight.. Anyway. I'll try it this week and see how it goes, but that last rep at 115 felt great!
20 min e2motm strict deficit HSPU: I used paralettes for this, which had a 6-7" deficit. I managed 3 sets with 4 reps and the rest were sets of 3. These felt pretty good and are getting better!
4 sets of 10 good mornings @ 75# (ouch!)/ 4 ME L-sits on paralettes-:40x3/:30
Workout..moving odd heavy fave! I do like it, just not great at it.. But getting better?

20 min AMRAP
10 atlas stones (95)
20 TTB's
100' yoke carry (250#)
200m sandbag carry (60#)

I completed 3 rounds and then got through 11 TTB's into the 4th round. I started a bit slow.. Especially with the yoke carry.. It had been a long time since we had used that and it takes a minute to get back into it, but I picked it up a bit in the next rounds.. Overall, I'm happy with how this workout went. As I said, the heavy, odd object workouts aren't always my best, so I tried to make myself keep moving faster and not just 'get through it', like I may have done in the past.
The dy was a little rainy and gloomy, so Mason, Miles and I took our time before heading out to watch Matt do his sporting thing with his work folks. We made it out in time for the boys to do a little bounce-house-ing and then have lunch.. Matt's crew wasn't doing so hot in the different sports, so.. Not a whole lot of excitement! But it was good to get out to see him and let him introduce the boys around and all..

Today was a pretty productive day of working out for me.. I started out early, meeting our usual cleanup crew at the gym for the regular scrub down.. Then Nicci was meeting me for some fun. I had planned for some sprinting and some sled pushing.. Fun, right?.. I think so.. We warmed up with an easy 800m run, then started in on 8x100m sprints, which we did 'on the minute'. Each one took us about :15 to complete, so the rest was decent enough for us to stay consistent. After those sprints, we did 3 100' sled pushes (180#) each.. Oof. Know what doesn't help your sled pushes?.. Sprints.. So after the sled pushes, we rested a couple minutes and then started in on 4x200m sprints.. Each of these came in at about :35, so we went every 2:30 on this one, again, to maintain a good, consistent effort. So after those sprints, it was 2 more sled pushes each.. By this time, it had started to drizzle and it doesn't take much rain to make sled pushes go from rough to impossible.. We finished that round, though, and decided to finish up our plan for running, which was to do 2x400m runs.. Oh, man... I almost died on a 400m run today, guys! I had a plan for my pace and felt good in the first 200m, but I clearly took it too fast and seriously thought I was going to puke in that second half of the run! It took about 1:14, I think? We recovered a bit and decided we would be a little smarter on this last run. Our feet started slipping right from the take off, so we really didn't have a choice but to slow it down.. Fine by me! This one was more like 1:24.. We decided the slippery sled was done for the day, so finished off with 10 atlas stones instead. Good stuff!
Of coarse, I had more time on my hands, since I was staying to coach open gym.. I've learned to kind of play this by ear.. Sometimes folks show up and need different amounts of coaching.. And sometimes, like today, no one shows up at all! So rather than completely finish up, I plan to do some other things that I can either stop if someone shows up, or get back to later.. Whatever works.. But this time, I was clear the whole time.. I did some 1 1/4 front squats at 85-145#. Not heavy, just perfecting that positioning! Then I did high hang/hang snatch complex from 85-125#. These felt good! Again, nothing crazy, weight-wise, just working on good bar path/muscle memory..all that good stuff. I'm certainly no expert, but it would seem to make sense that practicing would make you better, no? I don't know..
Then after I puttered around a bit, waiting to see if anyone would show up.. getting some calories and fluid in me.. Next, I started in on my muscle up work. My plan was to do 5 MU EMOTM for 4 minutes. This started out with the most amazing set of 5 MU I have ever done.. They felt great! The next set wasn't as magical and I got 3/2 done before the minute was up. I gave myself a little time and then did another 3/2 to finish out 15 MU right at the 3 min mark, which was kind of a benchmark for me from the regional workout, so I was happy with that.. But I still wanted to finish the 20 I had planned on, so finished another 3/2 by about the 4:30 mark. Then.. I figured since I had already done 20..what's 10 more? 30 MU for time is kind of a benchmark workout that we test periodically, and I hadn't done it in a while.. I can't remember exactly, but I think my last milestone I achieved was finishing in the 14 min range, which had been a huge improvement for me at the time.. First time I did the 30 MU, I think it took close to 30 min, but I was just happy to do it. Next I worked my way down to 'sub 20 min', then 'sub 15'.. Well.. Today I finished those 30 MU in 7:10! I was pretty excited about that.. Maybe not the continuous sets of 5's that I wanted, but it will get there..
Finally, I did a row/box jump workout that I got from the NorCal website. I just did a part of it, since I was already pretty tired by this point.. I just did 5 box jumps (start seated on a bench with feet off the ground, then rock forward and right into a 24" box jump)/100m row, then 4 jumps/200m row, 3 jumps/300m row, 2 jumps/400m row, and then 1 jump/500m row. This was meant to start at 10 and work up to a 1k row, so I'll try the full thing some time when I haven't already done a bunch of running..
But that was it! Lots of stretching, hydrating and fueling to recover and get ready for some maxes and benchmark (I feel like I used that word a lot in this post.. Odd because it's not exactly something I say a lot? Oh, well..) workouts this week.. I'm excited!

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