GLI comp 1/'14

GLI comp 1/'14

Friday, August 8, 2014

It's Friday!

All Fridays really mean for me is a) everyone else seems to be excited about it and in a slightly better mood..and b) I get to have a couple long, non-rushed (sort of) days of training.. So.. Yay, Friday!
Yesterday I just went in to the gym for 1 mid morning workout, since Matt had to leave early for work.. Good news about that was that I think I finally got the quality, uninterrupted sleep that I've been needing! 9 straight hours, y'all. So I was feeling pretty good. Miles and I got Mason off to school and then we headed for the gym. Miles has become quite the pro at hanging in the playroom there..he knows just how he wants things set up..table here.. Chairs there.. Tent up..Computer on.. Snacks on the table.. And then he's pretty much good to go.
All I had planned to get in that day was a 5k row.. Ouch! Hurt a bit, but I feel pretty good about how it went.. My pace was around a 2:12/500 m avg for the whole row.. I held back a bit for the first 3k and then was able to pick it up in the last 2k. My overall time was 22:20. I don't remember what it was last time, but my goal for the next time I row 5k will be to have my avg pace at 2:10 or under.. Something to work for! After I got the feeling in my butt back, I decided to do some snatch complex work.. High hang (work on full extension), push press, snatch balance (work on bottom position), and OHS.. Good times! I did 3 sets of the complex at 85/95/105/115/125. Then I worked on the ol muscle ups..again. I know that, for me, the success of my sets of MU relies completely on my grip on the rings. I'm not sure why, because I watch other folks rep out several MU without seeming to have any concern on how they are holding the rings.. But maybe they DO consider how they hold the rings, but I just can't tell? Or maybe it's something that came more naturally for them, so they don't even know they do it? I don't know.. But, for's all about my grip.. So I'm working on how to put those rings in a better spot to be able to maintain a good grip throughout consecutive MU. I made some progress and did some good sets of 4. I will continue to get back on the plan of working on these things about 4 times a week.. I WILL figure this out!
So that was Thursday..
Today I was excited, but a little unsure of how it would all go, as far as the workout and strength stuff went.. I always think it will all go great, but it doesn't always necessarily workout that way.. So today was:

5 sets of 2 front squats at 90%, so 185#. These went well, so it gave me some positive energy moving into the rest of the work
1 clean EMOTM x 10 min: 3 at 155, 4 at 165, and 3 at 175. This also went well, so starting to get excited about the dy..
3 sets of 5 clean extensions at 100%(190#)/3 sets of 10 GH raises w 15#
And the workout..:

5 clean and jerk at 145#
15 TTB's
4 clean and jerk at 155#
15 TTB's
3 clean and jerk at 165#
15 TTB's
2 clean and jerk at 175#
15 TTB's
1 clean and jerk at 185#
15 TTB's

This took me 19:32, but I got it done! Obviously, since I only reached a 185#+ clean and jerk last weekend, this was the first time doing it in a workout, so I wanted to be slightly cautious to be sure not to have any misses.. And I didn't miss any! The 185 clean may not have been beautiful, but I got it done and I was pretty psyched. I'm hoping to head back in later for some more of that MU work! But we will see.. If not, though..still a pretty solid day of work. For now, though.. Time for a little rest. Gotta get some energy stored up for the weekend!

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