Not literally making lemonade, of coarse, but I was feeling a little tired and worn out and like maybe a second workout wouldn't be a great thing for me today, but it turned out to be quite productive! My first workout was pretty good, too, but it felt like it took forever and really wore me down a bit.. It was:
Cleans from power position:2(3@95#),2(3@115#),2(3@125),2(2@135)
Front squats:4@135,4@155,3(4@175)
Jerks from rack:4@145,4@155,4@165,4@175
Clean high pulls:4(4@165)
10 min EMOTM 2 touch n Go cleans @145-155#
Whew! Just that part took quite a while! It didn't help that Miles was feeling extra needy today..especially any time I was setting up or in the middle of something! And then having to go later in the morning, when folks, including myself, are more chatty.. But it was also just a combination of a lot of things that take time and energy.. But never-the-less, it's time for the workout!
10 front squats (145#)
20 burpees over the bar
30 strict HSPU
40 Deadlifts (145#)
This took me 8:34 to complete and it went mostly well, though the HSPU felt quite a bit harder than usual. I thought doing 3 sets of 10 would be a conservative approach, but I could tell right away that this was not going to happen.. I managed sets of 8/8/6/4/4. Deadlifts went in sets of 20/15/5.. And that's it! Not too bad, but definitely feeling the burn. We went home to get some food and some rest.. And pick up another boy! The 3 of us loaded up later in the afternoon and went back for more.. I wanted to get in another go at the clean/MU workout for my comp in a couple weeks, and this seemed like the best chance to get that in.. So despite feeling a bit weary, I went for it.. And turns out, it was a good idea! I felt much better during this attempt. Much more 'in control' vs feeling constantly behind or like the workout is beating me.. I managed to come just shy of the full work in the 9 minute time cap, which was much improved from last week! I also feel good about continuing to improve on that because I know I had to spend some time at/on the rings trying to get folks out of the way enough so I wouldn't kick anyone.. So I'm feeling good! Or much better, anyway.. Biggest improvement was that my cleans felt good all the way through and I didn't have any misses on the rings. I'm sure I'll have at it at least one more time before I head out to Minnesota.. Just might conquer the thing by the time of the big show!.. Maybe? I also wanted to work on my sprint a bit, so I asked a former runner what he suggested and he threw out the idea of doing mt climbers into a sprint?.. So of coarse I said 'sold!' I did 8 rounds of 15s mt climbers and 100m sprint EMOTM.. And it was a good one! I think I'll try to do that maybe once a week over the next couple weeks? We will see.. Or at least maybe something along those lines.. So all in all, definitely a good day of working out.. Which is my symbolic lemonade, you see.. So there we go!
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